FITNESS •• FACT OR FICTION BfJ Do you know the l»t««t "(ltn«n ficti"? If you arc an avid ruder of those over the-counter fltnen magazines, you nay not be getting the beat Information. Here are aone of the latent nytha and facte about fltneea. Myth: Lifting weights mill help one to lose weighta. Fact: Lifting wclgbta caaaea an lncreaae In muacle mass, but that doea not mean that fat la loot elnultaneoualy. Becauae of thla Increase, one la likely to have an Initial weight gain. Additionally, the calorie ex penditure derived from weight training la not enough to promote rapid weight lose. Aerobic activities such swimming, running, and cycling are recommended to maximize caloric expenditure. Myth: By doing slt-ups, It la possible to lose fat In the abdomen. Fact: There la no proven evidence that spot reduction works. Sit-upe will tone the ab dominal muscles, but will not remove the fst covering them. The best way to lose weight In the abdomen Is through s general weight reduction plan combining diet and exercise. Sherryl Kubel Fitness Feer Health Advisor Affirmation While preparing for a apeaklng engagement, I found myself becoming nervous and anxious. I began to get Impatient with myself and thought, "Why can't I work through this problem of shy ness and Insecurity!" Fortunately for me, I thought of affirmations. Affirmations are self-chosen postlve state ments Intended to Increase one's sense of con fidence and Inner strength. These are the feel ings a person has when approaching a situation in which one has developed mastery. This sense of mastery can be achieved In anyone's problem areas. For me the problem was speaking In public. I chose affirmations which would help me turn the problem around. In quiet moments between classes, I repeated the phrases, "1 am confi dent." and "I am relaxed." I viauallred my self speaking comfortably and with assurance. Repeating these phrases really helped me feel positive and confident. You can form your own affirmations to help build mental confi dence! Hike Gleseler Stress Management Peer Health Advisor Do you btlltvt these? 1. An athlete needr to »ak« salt tablet* b«— cauae they event #o much. 2. For at roofs aaiarlra, an athlct* need* to •at lota of protein. 3. Hater during event* will cauae atoaaeh up aet. 4. Athlete* need lota of vitamin and mineral supplements. 3. Athiatea need apeclal eiectralyt* drink* after hard eaerclee. 6. Carbohydrate* make you fat. not strong. 7. Beer la good for carbohydrate loading. If you believed the statments above, you need to clean out then* Idea* bacauae they are aryth*. Theae are the facta. I. Salt tablet* can be very dangeroue. J. Races* protein la unnecessary and poten tially harmful for athletea. 3. If you do not drink enough during *n event, you can aarloualy Impair your performance and your health. A. If you eat properly, you should not need extra vltaalna and alnerala even If you are very active. 5. Electrolyte* can be replaced with normal food. Coanrarclal drink* should be diluted first. 6. Carbohydrate* ara the primary fuel for mua clea and should be the main ingredient In an athlata'e diet. 7. Baer has some carbohydrate*, but many of the calories come from the alcohol. lUdlnc Moore Nutrition faar Health Advlaoi Fitness Waraer weather la here! Thla means you can be outdoore aore and maybe start that runnlng-comblnatlon-welght loss program. Well, 11 you run and If weight loan is a motive, you ■ay want to rearrange your running and eatlnR times. Studies eay that moderate exercise such as faat walking, from 45 minutes to as much as 5 hours after eating, metabollxes aore calories than the same exercise before eating. Exer clae seems to activate whatever Is responsible for the excess calorie burn-up. However, exerclae auch as faat walking can cause undue stress on the gastrointestinal systea. So If you do eat a heavy meal, wait awhile before beginning any moderate exercise. Mgr Isa Quintanilla Fitness Peer Health Advisor