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Work Study Call Barb686 5728 71815 2 NEED A QREA1 SUMMER JOB? looking lor a bright anargiatlc Stu danl to run a Qatorad# last market sampling program Familiarity with Portland area and driver * license an must Contact Emmett Williams JLD. al 666 3214 lo set interview V 4 26 rrmiitwci m6ho~i ADVANCEMENT. Sea why thousands ol students considei this the best aummei |ob anywhere Mual have en tire summer tree *440 avg Write Summer Work PO Bon 3124 Eugene OR 97403 include name major yr In school tel no_ 4 30 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR Frosh/Soph science major 10 study and work in biophysical/nsuroscience lab Student mysl be bright and dedicated Call Md.k 666 4510 7008 MH NEED SO PEOPLE who want to loaa waiQht Call 344-5813 5-1 DOToir] ALWAYS GET THE WORM? Are you always ih* on* digging deeper working harder end following through with projects long after lh* of heir* hav* gone1 tl you at* and II you ere interested in working with olh*r Early Bird* than w* would Ilk* you to apply lor these openings The Oregon Dally Emerald Advertit mg Departm*nl currently ha* open mgs lot apprenticeship position* throughout Spring term The** post non* will turn into tale* position* neiii year alter intensive naming in sales marketing and general Oueirtese procedures, the position* re.gulre use Ot a car (MO MOPEDS/WCYClESl minimum one hour a day and oi course unlimited enthusiasm and energy' 'We have to be honest when w* tell all Ihos* interested in applying for I he** top* that the’ competition i* tough But we always need qualified salespeople and now more than ever, ■ jMpenenc* on the llh largest morn mg paper in Oregon will give you in-, .valuelb* evpenence Appi.celion»ar* avadatrle in. Boom, 300 £ MU S3 pm T,losing-dale Mey 2 HMt ODCn an Equal Opportunity Cmployei . y; . Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC' W# help you tihd'lhe RIGHT Roommate CgtK-jftNfifc:- -tlKlth $HARE,LAROE;LOVEl1V Oupler m S«V ' Eugene- Irbm Mav I- lota ol hying.aha'■ sloiege apace; on. 2. Odors', wilh deck 'pMK>. ,TttepMo* ' carpeting 'orchard deer raccoons' iwspfus-'v um t30 ■deposit Cell ISHane 343 04,10' - 4 28. For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING miirtied couple* erxj- sihgis. pjusnts.’possibility calm medie't •. ot'i. vi pane yorpl at V.-your »tl Ion. waiting 11*1 Westmoreland furnished apartment . "j ; bedtoom • * 144/mo .. 1 ' bedroom *-HVmb Lmvon'utilumithed 2 bedroom | IfWmo Fliture opermrtgs ••petted efl^arife*' Contact OOhous mg pept MS 4277 ! __ 4942 tfn NEWER . OUAOS Uh oil* owned block ittAn tampok**t59rmijutilities m eluded- 1866 c Harris inen*Q*i apl 4 • 147 4261 . „ , .. ; .5843 tin SUMMER RATES NOW ' AVAILABLE , WOODSIDE MANOR F umithiKt quad* with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered, parking arid-laundry'taqNHIM available' From *100 - : ; .• . Call lot more detent Manager 344 2667 Barmall Management Co 1143 Oak SI 4»S IWl ■. - •. 7062itn c.:'-i7*o alder ~ -y.: Furnished 2 bedtoom apu to Mock lo cam put Laundry covered parking In wall managed compiei Resident manager 6870664 6. 485 1707 iPM.Co. 1111 Paid '■ ' ' *8077 Hn 2 Bedroom $200 Vary latg#..unfurnished" apartment Laundry..parking No_pels, or.children Available Ontil'and'ol August only 7046 Willamette 345 7987 7105 Un FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY'LIVING IN THE LUXURY OF THE SOUTH EAST MILLS I0*minulai from UO 7 bedroom 1 vf tiaih 7 private. balconies Fully apphanced Sauna A’Pool Small pal a ok ay fanning bad WOO 8 *315 Adult comple» Forest Village Call now 887 1318 V. - ■ ; - 81314-30 OUIET COUNTRY LIVING in ine southwest bill* Beautilui 1 and 2 bedroom aptt with view lennlt. pool, rac room, laundry Close 10 .city bus Una Prospect Park Apts 1710 Nor tflview Blvd 484 8563 . ■ . 7.153Tfn QUAINT 1930 • 1 BEDROOM APT *170/mo Year around 343 3318 7158 tin Close