Demand grows for computer access By Randy MacDonald Of ttx> Emerald Students don't have to be computer science majors to gain access to com puters on campus. Computer time is available to all students at several campus and off-campus locations. Although a wide variety of microcom puters are available on campus for stu dent use, demand for the machines is in creasing, thus the amount of “open ac cess” time available to students is decreasing, said Curtis Lind, director of the Continuation Center's microcomputer department. Demand for the units is becoming a pro blem now that microcomputers are available to students for extra-curricular purposes, Lind said. The computers are primarily for instructional use, he said. For $25. students can spend 60 hours of time on the more than 100 microcom puters owned and operated by the Con tinuation Center and have access to a variety of programs including Wordstar (a word-processor program) and Lotus 1-2-3 {an accounting program). This year is the first year a fee has been charged. ■ • The center's goal is to become self supporting. Lind said. The microcom puters were initially made available free of charge to assess student interest in the program. Now that it is obvious students are interested, the fee is necessary to make the program economically feasible, he said. Lind said more than 900 students enroll in computer-use courses each term. The Continuation Center tries to assure they will have enough access to the computers for their homework by staying open nights and weekends. Lind said he is anxious for the EMU to open its microcomputer room because he hopes it will relieve some of the demand for the Continuation Center’s computers. The EMU's computer room will be run by the Recreation Center, said Roy Singer, a Recreation Center employee. The room is still under construction, and will pro bably be open this summer, he said. The new computer room will make at least 30 computers available to students, said Dexter Simmons, director of the Recreation Center. The Continuation Center has microcomputer labs in Condon School, Room 210 Lawrence Hall, and shares facilities with the College of Business Ad ministration fCBA) on the third floor of Gilbert hall. Both CBA students and Continuation Center students may use the Gilbert facilities, but the $25 fee is required unless a student is enrolled in a computer course, said Dave Fergus, personnel director at the Gilbert computer facility. The Gilbert facility has four labs: an Apple Macintosh lab. an IBM PC lab. an HP150 lab, and a “mainframe'' lab that has terminals connected to the DEC 1090 and IBM 4240 mainframe computers in the Computing Center;, Most of the CBA's computers were . donated by companies like Apple and Hewlett-Packard, Fergus said. The IBM PC’s in the Gilbert facility an; owned by the Continuation Center. ' Word processors like Wordstar unable students to write and adit essays and other work. Fergus said Programs like l.ntus 1-2-3 enable students to do a com pleto spreadsheet analysis very rapidly, he said. Fergus is also very proud of the high quality graphics equipment in the HP lab. He said many architecture and business students use the equipment, which can print in four colors and reproduce a number of charts and graphs. “It is becoming essential that a Univer sity have a good computer system." Fergus said. “A lot of students are re quired to possess strong computer skills when entering the job market. That skill may just be what pushes them over the edge in employer desirability." Access to the DEC 1090 and the IBM 4240 Mainframe computers of the Univer sity Computer Center is available to all students for a $75 deposit, said Paula Reed, director of accounting for the center. • Twenty computer terminals are open for student use in Room 202 in the Com puter Center except when classes are scheduled in the room. Terminals are also, located in the dorms and in the Amazon and Westmoreland housing complexes. Computers .are also •' available off campus. kinko's copies rents computer time on IBM PC's, for $5 an hour.'w-ith a $3 .minimum charge. It now has a* laser printer available that can be used with the machines, at 20 cents a page. . Bit by Bit. another pany. will rent microcomputers by the month. Apple Macintosh (512k) com puters rent for $285 a month, and IBM PC s (25iik) an; $17.5 a month The store will rent a Brother letter-quulity printer for $50 a month, and an Epson kX80 daisywheel printer for $30 a month. aL Continued from Page 11 May 13: Klnmuth Kails School District no. 1 and Union High School District no. 2 (educ/spec educ positions). May 13-14: Peace Corps recruiting office (volunteer): Kubensteins (sales mktg). May 14: Northwest Paper Fibers, Weyerhauser div. (plant manager). May 14-15: IJ.S. Navy recruiting district (officers pro g ra ma/nuclear power programs). May 15: Eagle Point School District no. 9 (lang arts/sci/math 9-12). . " Ma^ 18: (eld-Wen, Inc (production mgmt trainee). Sign-up space is still available for the following recruiters: May 8: Federal Deposit ln surance Corp (bank examiner trainee); group meeting: only.. '• .12-1:311 p.m„ Roota.-Ul EMU; '1;,. * Portland School District '-> .• - (blem/spec‘ bduc/seOondary '. v . all areas), group meeting Only.. 1-2 p.fn. in Kaont 108 EMU May 7: Economics. i-ab.(sales'; trainee).' May,*: State Farm insurance Company (claims ' rep/unjier writers trainee/mgmt trainee); - Tigard Schobi District (edut spetjal educ positions). •; group.meeting at 4 p.m. in Cen tury Kiaim A FMil • - CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For billing ar rangemenls Please call SM4343 or stop by the Emerald Classified office. 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word tor the first day and 14 cents per word for con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is *1,70 for the first insertion and *1.40 lor con secutive insertions 9-POINT (StAinei 12-POINT (*125(line| 18 POINT (SI SWIme) 24 POINT 1*1 75/lme) BOX BORDER *1.25ttay DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE; *5.40rtnch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 25* r DEADLINES LINE AOS: 12.noon the day . before’ publication OISPIAY CLASSIFIED AOS 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August) ERRORS The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible lor more than one day's Incorrect advertising insertion » The ODEs liability lor typographical er rors. 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Bus 14500 OBO 343-3768 S2 Buy a Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy*S*H«Trad* Musical instrument*, stereo, tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. < HFM 8184 Instruction MAY OPENINGS lor guitar bass or keyboard lessons All ages all styles Learn your tavprtl* songs theory Im promotion compose your own songs Call John Sharkey, 344-5630. 7187 5-5 SPEEDREAOING By ' lormer Evelyn wood Reading Dynamics Intructor On* 9Gmmule lesson will double your speed per manenlly Si» lessons will change how you think and learn MH5-22 Services CAREER INDECISION? . Naiai c.h«ii analysis of career direc Hons oplimun tailing ’ • strengths «#««»> special abilities Baaed on you. not norms 3430919 MMS-22 WRITERS KNOW MORE WORDS FOR ITf Profeeionai writing tor person Of butmatt naeda 343-0919 MMS 22 RESUMES Slat* of the art latuma Covar laltais by a professional wider and interviewer > 3430*18 MWH6-9 , . EDITOR Educational butmatt and partonai manuscripts Book diaflt and matat welcome Eli/abelM C Lyon MA 3430919 MWM5 22 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EDlfOR. 16 yaart erpenenc* 0/aduata tchool tip proved Near campus Robin 344 0749 , ' - 6209 Itn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theses/dlsserlelions. papa's adding graphics law papers ratumaa, 6 matt mailings Grad ScM approvad WcwdSlytat 6 TypaScriptt CINDY 464 4444 BRANDY 464 6044 ' - . ■ 4940 Itn WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 6 blockt to VO Gradual* approved JENNIFER 4833863 ___ 4962 MWH TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 6660739 - 4955 MUMF Wotd ProcaaalngTTypIng l6plu. Mra t»p*fisn«a . 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