Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1986, Page 7A, Image 7

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    Chicano and Hispanic education
the focus of MEChA conference
By I^Mlie Carlson
Of Ihf t mrrtfhl
A very small percentage of Chlcanoa ami
Hispanics in the United Slates attend colleges or
universities. To draw attention to this, the
Chicano Student Union. MEChA. is hosting a
conference focusing on Chicanos and Hispanics
in education.
The conference, which began Thursday night
and ends Saturday, is designed to “explore the
harriers that exist for Chicanos and Hispanics in
secondary and higher education.’’ says Petra
Constanta, co-assistant director of MFChA and
chairwoman of the conference.
“There is a high dropout rate of Chicano high
school students, and very few go on to higher
education.” Constanta says. In addition, she
stresses the lack of Hispanic faculty or a Chicano
Studies program as discouraging factors for
University students.
‘Our problem is part of a larger problem."
sill! says. "You have a system which works for a
specific kind of people — those of European des
cent — but not for those who are different."
She compares the problems of Chicano and
Hispanic students to those of the handicapped
because "someone who is handicapped has to
work against the system to do the things they
vvapt to do. But it doesn’t mean they can't do
those things."
Workshops will focus on high school issues
and the importance of a Chicano studies program
at the college level.
Other workshop topics include affirmative
action, the recruitment and retention of students,
preparing Chicano and Hispanic high school
students for college and parent and community
' i I'KiKo ^ Voun*
Musical sounds provided by members of u four-pidee.band wore purl of. the activities Thursday
night’ at the MHChA education conference in perl itiger libunge. The conference continues
through Saturday. ' • .
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Campus-area bicycle race
open to amateurs and pros
By Allan Lazo
IK I hr hmrrtlil
Seasoned racers and .nn.ili'iir
( yi hug enthusiasts .ilikf will
have the opportunity In race
around campus without In-inn
slopped by campus security
Sunday during the annual
University of Oregon Criterion!
bicycle race.
The race. sponsori-d b\ llu
Club Sports cycling team, will
be divided into three different
categories, including one for
anyone who.would like to race.
The race course will surround
the lower part of campus and
llu* dormitories. The stjiiare
i nurse w ill take riders along
lath Avenue. University Striiet.
1 ith Avenue and Agate Stn-et,
At til: l.r» a.in., the United
Slates Cycling Federation
licensed senior IV's. veterans,
and women will race 40 laps (24
miles) around the course,
followed by the Championship
( dtizen Race ill 11:20 a.in.
According to race organizers
Diane l-.asley and Meg()' Reilly,
anyone can ride in the citizen’s
race, and they especially en
courage students to come out
for llu- event
Registration begins at 0 a m
under the covered tennis courts,
and the races will go on as
scheduled regardless of the
weather. All riders must wear
Tho final race ot tint day will
Im’ a '*0 lap (1(1 mile) U..S.C.I/
senior N/1II race starting at 12
Kasley says tHt* University of
(irrgon Criterion! Inis lieen run
sinr.e the cycling team began .it
the Cnviersity sjx nr seven years
ago, hut has become a large
event only in the last two nr
three years.
Two years ago.; the race hit- its '*
highest attendance when it Was
part of the artiuial Tmir
Willamette, a four-day stage
rare that attracts racers from
along the West (a>ast
Ka.slev says she has had many
( alls from people interested in
ra> ing in the Championship
Citizen Race and thinks the
field will Im- quite large.
All registration will he handl
ed the dav of the race. The entry
lee for all races is $(>. and cash
and gift certificates from area
businesses will he given away
as prizes.
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