BIG SELECTION USED COLOR TV’S $49.00 and Up DEKA Electronics 390 W. 12th • 342-2488 High Quality COPIES All Day + Every Day Collating Binding Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 Et al. MEETINGS Mary McCauley Burrows lor Congress (University chapter) meets today at 12::t0 in Can tury Room A. All interested students, stall and (.u nity welcome to attend I .EC,TURKS/WOK KSHOPS The "inner journey" involved with an Everest ascent is the topic of an Karthweek presentation tonight at 7 p in. in Room 177 Ijiwrencn. Hill March. the 'K.'l Canadian Everest expedition leader, will present a multi-media slide show. Sponsored by the Outdoor Program. Survival Center and Mi.Ken/ie Outfitters "Ghanaian Storytelling” is the topic of an Karthweek lecture today from t:.'tlt to t p in. in tin? E\|| i Forum Room Oho Addv will talk ala ml the art ol West African, folk storytelling Please ailive on time. "High Tech and Toxics” is the tupii ol an Karthweek lecture today from t .tt) to r» p m in Room Iti7 EMU Rich Ryder, a loxii waste spei ialist from the Oregon Dept ul Enviiimmen lal (Quality, will |oiu two high It* h industry ol la lals in the illsi iissioil A slide-show presentation about the Hnpi/Navajo land dispute at Big Mountain. Ariz... will be held tonight at ' to at the t needs Meeting. 22nd and Ovnx streets Roll Proudhtnl. University education prolessor; Steve .Svvensoiy law student: and Guy Hurton (llergv'.'and Lutv Concerned memlier. will disi uss their recent trip to Hig Mountain MISCELLANEOUS The ad hoc committee on GTE poverty and the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation will hold an informational picket and demonstration on tax withholding on tuition waivers today front I2::«> to :*;:*•» p in. at Susan Campbell Hall. . The Foreign Student Organization invites all students and la« ultv to get "A Closer l ook at Malaysia" today tiom I .1(1 to li p m as part ol a i *illee hour in the International lounge T.Mt INTERVIEWS Submit bid* tor campus interviews on Mon day through Wodnesdav in Room 244 Hendricks I bill lor I ho following recruiters: Mav ti: Eederal Deposit Insurant eCurp ibank examiner trainee). group mooting unit 12-1: to p m,. Room til EMU; Portland School District jelemspi>t: erlur. secondary all arcus), group mooting oulv. 12 p in in Room I OH EMU, May 7: Ei ononni s bib (sales trainee) May H: Stub* Kami Insurance Compant |i (aims rop underwriters truinoo mgml trainee). Tigard Sr hool District (educ special educ post lions) group mooting at 4 p in In Century Room A KMU. May ft: Tigard St In ml District I sec above): Kiddle Si b< ml Ihsliiil No 70 Idem sot nothin imsitions); Ibiblii Sr hoots I’orsonuel Cn()p Olympia. Wash . (spec educ. all grade lovols), group meeting at H .tO a m in Knout 12 I lonrlrir ks I bill Sign up spin o is still atatlalilo lin tin- iniinu ing its rotter*.. April 28: Peace (mips seminar- loaibois Mooting the Needs of Developing Nations." t t to am Room HIM (Ml I’oai o (mrps seminal j, Tears nt Pome i nips is n Wnrkotg' ' m p in Kimm tot EMU Skvlmo Htisiness .Vt stems Is.ilos .ti,i I m pinjot l iugml software1 nnstiiii in.n industry) April 2ft; Porno Corps movie. "A bmk at Sierra bHine. Wont Africa." I lit p in EMI' I mum Room, lion Marche lexis trainee) Pru o S\ alorhimso K I a |at 11 intouisbip tut tt iftlei loi m fwr, at 111; i * a t 2i April 2ft-.ttl: First Investors < nrp |mgmt trainee) • April ;iO: Silvertnn Elementary . Si him) Itistriil (grades i n, i baptoi I load I l, rvsouri o 11hnn 17 ii| it III. t orn -\Z, Ifyou^Jneed * extra^s, do it ^ up college, locad classes. It’s convey It’s for y°u Police beat The followinx is a list of I > n i versity- a re a trimc* reported In Ike kuftene Police Department since April 17: (irafTiti was written in red paint on a newly remodeled wall in Douglas dormitory April, in Damage to the. wall was estimated at $H(l Nusara Savestanan. 23.. 750 Alder St . Apl I4A, was f iled ■*' and released tor shopliitinK . il ' llie University Hookslorif April ■' IH : - * *. *’ k!' Forty dollars cash was.stolen ! Be a lifesaver! DONATE PLASMA Receive $5.00 with your first donation when you bring in this ad. Return donors (who have not donated for two or more months) and new donors too, earn $90 mopthly plus bonuses and weekly cash drawings. Eugene Plasma Corp. 1071 Oliva St. 484-2241 hum .an offi*.e in Ksslirigei 11 •< 11 s.ilnnhix A backpack and contents valued at St87 wore stolen from thV Interhatinnal'Loiinge in the T'MIISaturday' Kathleen Lillian Laugenour. Zt. tffM Potter St.; was cited and released for shoplifting at the HookHore Tuesday. One hicyelr was re|Hirie