IFC allocates additional funds for child care service By Sian Nelson Of Ihr I nii’iali! Tin1 incidental Foe Committee released $8,000 in appropriated funds for child cart; subsidies at u hearing Thursday, Because thecommilte lacked a quorum, il suspend ed its voting rules in order to consider the measure. The three members present voted unanimously to approve the additional funding. The amount was initially appropriated at a (anuary I t IFF child care hearing hut was withheld pending a second vote spring term. The increase in students using the University child care facilities caused rapid depletion of the child care budget, said Jim Randall. IFC chairman. Without the additional increase, the child care center would have been forced to implement across-the-board cuts in stu dent subsidies or eliminate students with the lowest need level, he said. The child care services are more than adequate. Kandall said. However, he questioned why the services provided by the University cost more than child care services provied by the private sector. The Child Care Task Force, an AStK) and KMU Hoard joint project, was set up specifically to look into University child care costs. The task force will not begin to meet formally until after the IFC budget hear ings. Kandall said. "We need to look at the whole picture before allocating more funding. We need concrete answers to these problems." he said. The task force will convene in May. Randall said. Students receive a 30 percent average subsidy for child care. In general, cost for child care averages from $185-220 a month, he said. In other business, the student drama group Theater 4:30 received $701 in funding for the 19HH-87 school year. The allocation will pay for administrative, pro duction and royalty costs for the group’s productions. Theater 4:30 helps provide students acting and directing experience, supporters said. In an appeal hearing, the Repertory Dancers group was denied additional funding. It had requested $2,500 for guest professional artists and $535 for costumes. The dancers will receive $2,200 for artists and $255 for lost limes for the 1080*87 school year. All systems go. . .clear the launch pad! .Vo/ quite us dangerous as a high-lech spacecraft, this living machine uses animal power instead of fiery liquid fuel to achieve lift. Although liftoff might not he all that impressive in space-age terms, it may pmve to he a hit daintier. I his obviously mount-to-be indoor bird was found outside of the KMl' Thursday II it s i ours, contact the Emerald office. Photo by |aim*s Marks Elections (>,n,inued from FaRe 1 concerned about." . . . • Also (Kissed in the election was. a measure to extend the course add'drop deadline from to days after the .beginning of I he. term to 20 days. ‘: . The election results /evealed that students apparently do not mind the affiliation between the KOTC and the University... A measure asking lh.it the affilia tion lie terminated did not pass. Voters did respond favorably to (he Counseling (Center's re quest for additional funding, however. Continued from Page 1 will lx- awarded in IU8l>-87. This extra aid is available Because .University officials don't need to draw as much money from the awards to sup port administration for the program. "We still don't have stiffi cent funds to assist everyone Ihiit s eligible." Vignoul says "We just feel fortunate that Congress has minimized the losses for '8(>-H7." Projecting financial aid awards for the 1087 88 school year and lieyond is difficult at this point, he says. Although Cramm-Kudman calls for .1 $0 percent across-lhe Imard cut for 1087 88. Congress may prevent the cut from taking place hv meeting the deficit reduction target Also, the act m a v b e dei I a r e d unconstitutional. The Supreme Court is cur rently considering the case and is expected to announce its decision in |ulv. l-asl December. II.S. Rep. Mike Synar. l)-Okla.. filed a lawsuit against the act just hours after it was signed into Kd V ignoul law. Synar claims the law gives legislative power to the ex im ill i v e I) r a n ch of t h e government. “There really is a much more rational approach to balancing the federal deficit t h a n r a m m - K u d m a n - Holdings," Vignoul says. “The future of (his country really does lie in education and I hope Congress will continue to recognize that." I I I ■ o r; T3 O O ■o 0 z ■ 1 I I DON T MISS THIS WEEK S GREAT SPECIAL! 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