Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 8B, Image 19

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    EMU Pood Service and the Cultural Forum Present The
Beer Garden
Good Music 61 Cold Beer
4 - 7 pm
in the EMU Fountain Court
Food & Mon-Alcoholic Beverages Available
Get the latest news — Read the Emerald
All you have to do is march
yourself down to your campus
microcomputer center before May
15th and spend five fun-packed
minutes letting us demonstrate how
a Macintosh™ computer can make
life much more pleasant for you.
In return, well enter your name
into a drawing where one very
lucky’ person on campus will win the
grand prize of five hundred dollars.
That’s $500. Cash. American. To
spend on your education, or some
thing really worthwhile.
And, for those of you with the
average amount of luck, there are
tree Apple’ painters caps for every
"one who comes in and lean is how
a Macintosh can help
you work better, faster
and smarter.
It’s one demonstra
tion that could
change your life.
So [lurchiiM- ntrmnry la hn nme elinihle jnr jiri'es emh /nrtu ;/*(/// muslJill mi! Ilf entry firm /*>* ukt! ill [kU1n ifMilinji inn nn nm/nihr i rulers Vimn-n ueeil
mil he/mnii/ hi uin <fUh liffilth'll Ilf mnnbir njeiilriesnt emblnuttiwi nil [mu* milhe nn until IjH n/prize n vnim Jilnineilb\ muling fit nddnsstiJ
entrlijf to (nm M He\-nnUt Afrninla Ine /65.J5 H MutinmmlHorn/ Hrnnkjietl VI 5.WM '£ I'lHIi yifile Omi/mltr hu Atfile mu!the,4ftJe legy are
regisleml trademark! of Affile Om/iUtr hie Manning it n /rmimnrt ij \k IiiUuIi hihnrnlnn hit and u hung until nit) it ejirm ptnnivwm Mi in- Muil\
at mlahie a! \nur atm/iut nnenu nm/Hdfr i enter
Continued from I'ajje ftlt
Saturday Market Mth Aw and Oak Si
III a III 4 pin I nod. nails, and
Monday. 4-2H
New Oregon I rail" slide show am! lev
lure by William I Sullivan, about his I IN)
link solo hackpas king Irek traversing the
erests til lour mountain ranges ami eighteen
Wilderness areas in Oregon 107
I aw rente 7 Klptn l ies
"Across the Kavial Divide Black and
White Women in the Southern tobacco In
dusiry" talk hy Dolores Jamewcki from
Idaho Slate University l .am' County
Historical Museum 7 Hi p m M donation
suggested Call hh7 42'd lot lurther into
l uesdav. 4-2H
I alk on men. vtinutwiNeuthM. sensitivity
emotion and available role., .models by.
im'diaior Chris Page l am' .Community
‘College Board K<»nri 11 Id a m I p m. .
Wednesday, 4-J»
Brown Bag Foruhl Wiauen s Forum.on
Women ami Cn'uttvitV . I VIC Forum*.
k.»«n, 7 hi t to p niM-ree .
An ( veilingol Womens poetry.' I kih>p
"ami Musk read by Alhson Anthony.
Mar'garelg limlkki. Martha CialvheJI. Cl tot •
Knight, lean Murphy.' IVha Sander vm .
•ilynise W all* c.'aml. Anne Wjotic pivtrv
Catherine Porter larval ami Kelly Masek"
iKUonaml piam> IWISH by Kalhy (it'll I in
tieiimger l.mmge MOpnr'A! general
M lane 1 llerary (iuild members
IHllrsdas. 5-1
Writing m thv Norihu csi <i ssorkshop
with the authors :>• "WnUi s Northkesi
Handbook ' 215 Alien Mull 7: Mlp m {’*11
4N5 (Vtbll or bNh I7t? lot lunhcr info
Pedal Pushers. hike tommy lor all let els
Ounloor Pnlyram 4 p in . . ’ . ' •
< lalleryj 41 Works m sanistis media by
I aurk-lhiryl, Anric horn. I .mrvii Nauvayc
•iihl IVmv V'h/ Hreusei April 2k Vlay 7
D)VHIH|.‘ revepnOnMondus *f,7 pm
•Apeiiuie l*h,4.ijmjphs hv- I ii'hIj Jones
, aikf ( yifl'hia h.ipjn Ihrmipli May
UmVeryhy. Museum -ot Art Wiirks.by
ssulpfor PwSf Buckner .and puimer Ron- •
firufl Through May- 4 ' •; '
I’li..1,1^1.ipin ,n Oii-yon,, tiatlery''I'.aijh - ,
lonrui photographs- by 1 ijsul • l-isher
' .ihnkiyh May IN :'/•
' I |I(H' Counts . -UlsIoiKal Muh-uiii
Perttxi .m Her PW-v Women iit-Work ip
liklinln.il A inerts a"‘=a Siititlisomail ifasel
-. ing eshibn Tbfita|>h May 15 ■ • . . '
Opnv V Works by.' Austtian ceiamisi
f-ierhiid Isslijshlsi Thrnuj>h:Apr'll Ml
_ l ark ( iHtiiiiunn. {oljy-jiv Works h\
I h ums A txiuld., Ihrouph April' 24
Vulpture l.y Jell Adams jesselis by C arol
AlK-rii. seraiilhe b\ Carsn Dust'hhdsh
.April 2hMiy l< ‘“V - • 4
Ness /one t.alkrs "Travelogue Inner
loiifncy\ Jhi Chirer Places" ”nosed '.media
ssorks^ on paper, by.. Carol- lialcs iaoel
,(i Dnncrtv and. Tcm .Waifmiski '.April
2b Mas 72’ Ret'opfiori’Salufilas' al 7 p nt
Willamette- Nek-Ike and . TcetUkilogy
( enter Various balkls in e.ebibils plus
planetarium sh. n* s i in Saturday . ahd ’Sun
day Spring Skies at I p ni and'.‘Fire in
Ilk Sky" a iriulli rik'dia shoes in Mattes s
somel al 5 p in
I nisersils Museum nl Nalin.il History
Nalls. Norihssesl l*h.H.*gr apb- by llase
c intis Ihrouv’h link 14
(’um|>ilt’<l In Bull VNelili
686-INFO Tapt- 651
Editor s V<»/( lln Fridas
hiii urn is the Emerald's
sseekls entertainment su/i/de
nu in iHihlished eat li Fridas
eurfii tint nix; fiiuils serek and
i at alums
Editor Sheila Landry
Copy Editor Mike Sims
(’user Phi no Sieve (iihbons
Production Angela Muni/
PlKHii Te'i'h Ross Marlin
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