D R A M A ........ . ‘ ! ‘Lazarus’: Expressionist look at fearful society The stam* in shirk, with Imm the dead, and all are unable to curtail his Infections, lulls satisfied laughter l,u/urus laughs and everyone on stage (logins to twitch laugh, and grimace l or all the i harat tors exi ept hi/.inis' w ife Miriam and Marv mother ot production., the use of elec ironic laughter creates an almost parii psychological ef fect I aizarus' laughter might be ■ •wn as white magic. and the tablaaotented music Imtween M i'iii's heightens the nnslical flavor l-a/.ams is the animus of the society he inhabits, and of the |> I a v ■ / .'>l).e"a I It ' Death ! Vengeance'" i r\ the Romans and I If lire vy s l.a/,mis answ ers them In telling them for thVfirst of several tunes that All deal’ll, is our invention, so laugh!" „ * Perhaps I .a/.mis' most tmpor taut opponent is Caligula ll‘is° in answer to Caligula's nianu i.iuiings and ntpat urns niitni lion th.it l-a/ams gives us some of his most shining nuggets of philosophy Caligula asks Li/.arus, upon Ci/anis arrival in Koine. "Veil me why I love so to kill?" lal/aruV answer is dev.islating: because y ou tear so much to die." Thus. Caligula represents the psy i hit stale ot .ill tile i haraclers cm ept l.a/arus' In-loyed Miriam and Mary In I hi* second act. Caligula even says of la/anis. "VVe must save death from him'' After the iuleimission, we meet Tiberius ( aesai ( ailigllla's degenerate nut It*. 11101 the ohstai le I>etyyeen Caligula and the Imperial seat. Tiberius wishes to see l.a/.anis bet a use he has heard that Ci/arus might lie able to leslore Ills long lost y outli a lit I y igor ...The use of masks is the dramatic fulfill* ment of the Expressionist tendency to focas the eye on myriad disparate parts, which when viewed together comprise a unity.... lesus, lat/nnis' peaicnt minil is •i threat Kven li'iis jtiandtathcr l\1ar\ s l.illii i that is) i.ursrs lesus and l-a/arus and "the (treat hum kum \ 11 whic h l.iu«hs Inmi ht> mouth " I in niediatelx taped laughter lit'Kins ntlsl.iui' and tin* characters twist anti contort their bodies in their desperate < 11nvt■ ■ >Vs to death When "lat/arux I-amdied" opened at the Community Theater in Pasadena. Calif in 1M2K. 400 costumes. 400 masks, and over 125 people were used. There were no tape recorders in use at the time In this modern ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ j SHIPPING * ♦ » ♦ * * * * * * I PACKAGES? SAVE $$$ and Hassle ship with U.P.S. EUGENE } MAIL CENTER .nc * 1430 Willamette » 484-5889 * a/so Federal Express J and mailbox rentals. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ \\ <* iiImi moot Tiberius* manipulative mistress; she is .1 (it contple mi'iil lu (!.• 11xtiI