c A L E For the week of April 25-May 1 N D A R FILM Lrkiav. 4-25 "Que relic” 180 PLC 8 p m 52 ami SI Head' 180 PLC. Midnight. 52 ami $1 Saturday. 4-2* " Taxi Driver " 180 PLC 7 and 9 15 p in. 52 and 51 “Latino” 150 Geology 7 and 9 50 p m. 52 and 51 Cinema 7: "Yeai ot the Quiei Sun " Call 0874)755 for further info A Praine Home Companion” television ■special ()rcg<>n PttMk’ Broadcastings KCJAP I V. Cahle 7 9 p m The show will he- simulcast iu stereo on KI CC LM 89 7 Sundai. 4-27 * "Bring Me the Head of All redo Garcia" 180 PI.C 8 p.m 52 ami 51. "Lalino'-.tSec SaturdayV listing) . Cinema 7: (See Saturday's listing I Momtas. 4-28 . ’ Cinema 7: (Sec Saturday s listing) : * 'T uesda v. 4-29 travelogue- I tfrii: "'.Song of ;India ' ' Soreng Theatre. Hull Center* 7 Ml p in , 55.50 Call h87 5000 lor reservations and liirthcr Info. ■ •_ '* Ctnema'7:-IScc Saturday s’listing) ■ ; 55 ednesdav. 4-5# • Siooncr Video Ouldtaif. Program 12:50 pin Tree .Call h8<»4.505 liit liirthci into Cinema 7: (See Saturday % listing) Thursday, 5-1 "Lupene Dehs and the American Move • . met#" 107 Lawrence 8 p m. free . Cinema 7: (See Saturday's listing) ■ MUSIC Priday, 4-25 I-.Mills A ft tst Series I Ik Oregon Biass Oumtet (k ill Conceit Hall H p in tree li»r University students. 5' general. 51 lor • xher students anil senior citizens Taylor's The View 9 p in 52 (kudo s Top 40 music with KPNW disc lockcy Steve Hills 10 p m M Hilton The Jazz M s 5 to H p in 11 me Star Nermsas >> p m Cover Saturday. 4-26 Saturdas -Market Paste Park Slim Trio at .10 Ml a m Piddlin ' Sue. Unefc T. and Johnny at 12 W pm ('ran; Soreselh amt Pursy Pranklm at ' p ni Priv = Nu SNkiz loan Portland l ane ('•mins PuiFttrounds Petlormamc Hall I hairs open at 7 p i)i 54 advance.. >5.day ot shim Ad . sauce ticketsasailahle at PMli.Vlant IV;sk Pverybody's Records. P.artb River Records and Pave the Musis Call o.sr. s'uHor lunher inlo ? Moa- i tine, regjiae - WOW Hall. Com ..iiiunily Center lor the Pt-riorimn); Arts Klh Aye atvl Lincoln Si Ikinrs open at U p m •V' VI Call hX7 274fi lor lurther inlo ' Bluejtrass (iospel Shim The Sawtooth Mountain Boys trom Corvallis (hatd'n Country from P.ugene. and Old Frtemls from Hillsboro Post Christian Church. J Ihh Oak St 55 general SI sennit eiti/cfts anil Orepon Bltteprass Association umiiKis . children under -12 Iree Advance. IK kels available at Hall.ak.-er Musa ami all Ihx (hason stores ■•COUPON THIS WEEKEND ONLY •J i iru medium JL rtlLL drinks with food purchase over $5.00 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd. •Ml M Apr n %mApr m mm 9m Apr n. If» •i; ■COUPON! J I lia f u/gcrald Silva Hall. Hull Centci K p m S25 ami $22. VI C all 6*7 VXX) for reservations ami lurthcr into Ma\ \ I he Falcons V p m Cover i h.irpc lavlor'' (See f-rulay's listing) liuaio s: (Sv*e Friday's listingt I .one Star: (See Friday's listing! | Sunday. 4-27 Convert hv Portland pianist Mary Hall Kotfen Beall Concert Hall 4 p m Free lav lor s Walerihelon Slim's Hirthvl.i> Part) v p m Si Buflc Tavern Blues Jam v p m. VI veins' • " • . Morulas. 4-2* lav tors Blues Jam 1 pm Ml cents . I'uesdav. 4-2** Songw.rher.'* ShoweJse Stephen Cohen. Laura Ralhhuli. Fugle Park Slim, ami Mark Harris -The Beanery 7 -VI lll p in Free lav lores Mack .Swan andlhc tlukes *»' ' p m VI . ' ■ t " ’ * ■ Wednesday', 4-VI • l;MU Beer (iarden Real Hot Chili Pep . pers. soul fuftk -f.MU Dining Koom 4 7 pin $1° layhw's Niik l)avs Wonder If m SI Ihursdav. 5-1 . ■> (Kcpoii Blass (Juuuei Hull Center Loh hv 12 I5.pni Free lavhit's Ihe Vk;vv V p m. SI THEATER . I .ill. irip W nh Kohmson Theatre'. VillarJ Hall X p ill. April 2S and 2h Call h*64IVI lor reservations ami lunher into I j/aius Laughed h) lugync (I'Neill Arena theatre. Villard Hall April 25. 2h. Mav I. 2 ami V * p.m $250 Call imo 41VI lor reservations and lunher into love Matinee original comedy and . music. Cinema 7 • April 25-.at 7 JO pm 54 W \pi.i 26 at• 2 p m $5.99 fall 6*7-07.4.4 hir lurthcr mlo Starting Here. Starting Now" a iihisk rcviewhy Richard Mallhy Jr ami David Shire pcrlomicd hyMainslugc Caharei Seymour s Restaurant April.25.”26. May. 2’ and .1 al V p m ■ April 27 and May 4”al 7 40 pm' 15 advance . Vi day of show . $5 siu dviudisciwm oflered one hour” helurccach ^performance ..Tlclcli .availably ji Sc ymour's Restaurant/.' Hae k s.i a ge. Ilumcwcur. and. I’he Literary l ion ‘Call h*V4t6X lor reservalHins and’lurlher into With all the competition, a professional-looking resume could make the difference! Graphic Services, located on the 3rd floor of the EMU at the offices of the Oregon Daily Emerald, can produce a typeset resume that you can be proud of. We have 11 different typefaces and countless formats from which to choose so your resume can be custom tailored to look its very best. A short resume can even be stretched to fill one page. Just bring in your resume in a typed form and Graphic Services will take it from there. Put your best foot forward with an attractive professionaMooking resume from Graphic Services. Graphic Services Suite 300 EMU ODE Offices 686-4381 Page SB. Friday Edition Funk-soul trend The Red Hot Chili Peppoh wilt he hr inning their rich blend of sounds to the FMII fieernenien this Wedties djty ben dining at 4pm Admission is SI. \ ' • ’ , "The Taming the Shrew by Willutn Shakespeare Lane Communttv College Theatre April 25. 26. JO. May 12 and J K pm V> full 72h 22er* conducted hy Robert Hurwit/ al K pm Tuesday Ol Special Imcresl at b to p m New York Philharmonic al H p m Wednesday Special Interest An* at b JO p m Chicago Symphony al 8 p m Thurs day Of Special Imcresl al b JO p m CD Showcase al b 45 p m la>* Angeles Philharmonic’ al 8 p ill KLCC-FM 84 7 Weekday* Morning lull non (news) Irian 5 4 a m I'he Wireless (ja//| at 4 a m and 12 JO p m Blue Plan Special al noon One hour of All Thing* Considered al 4 p m Local New* al 5 p m Momioradm at 5 JO p m The complete All Thing* Considered al b p m Mondays: Triend* and Ncighhor* al 7 .JO p m Women * Music ai 4 JO pm New Dreamer* al 11 p m Turrday*: la// Inside Oui al 7:JO pm Night la// al 10 pm Wednesdays: Focus on Ja// al 7 JO p m Ih Rehtip and I hc' Masters ol Ja// al 8 JO p in Night Ja// at 10: JO p m Thursdays: Two Way Radio al 12 JO pm New Acoustic Musa al 7 JO p m Ja// Album Preview al 10 pm Night Ja// al 10:45 p m Fridays: Straight Street at 7 JO p m Blac k I* al 4 p m Air lamaica al 11 p in Saturdays: New Dimension* al 4 a m Saturday Cafe at 10 a in Inlmilc Ja// al m»«i Blue* Power al J p m A Prairie Home Companion al b pm I he Ihisile and Shamns'k al 8 p m Music IriMii llie Heart* of Space al 4 p in Pure Ja// al 10 p m Sundaes: Misl Covered Mountain al 4 4 ni Sunday Morning 41 11. a in Hip ilam! Ha-.h j< noon In the Iradii ton at I pm Sundae Allernoon Jo// al ' p m A Prulfk' Home Companion at 6 p m Ahor.i Si i| aim innk 1 41 H p in f nloquc NaohuI a! Ii> *4) pm Amahci Citecti World 41 II p m 5 KRVM FM. VI VWrehdovs Morning lit// Inmi 6 VIV 4 m Radio HOs trorn V 4 m 4 p m Fvcnrng Ja// Inmi 4 6 p m Htg Bands Plus Irom 6 III p in Radio ( lassks mill link* radio theatre i 4t III p m Radio Mk Hum HI VIp m midnight Saturdavs Dm Hotkias Stmw lnmi*X V am Him grass Hnui V It) a m IXIinilelv Dtsk'lromlO 11 4 m Radio Classne from II 4111 m• hi the Him .h Invasion Irtwn m«m’p m (join Bosk In mi 2*4 pm Alhuin Pnvkw Inmi 4 6 p m Radio Wh Inmi 6 p m niMlmphi Sundavs: Win Sun 1 lav Imm H II am (1 umn Inmi II 4 m 2 p m Modem Mimo Inmi 2 4pm Kailin Wk Inmi 4 p m midmphi MISCELLANEOUS Friday. 4-25. A Contcrencc no Hispanic s in Higher Fdue alum tealunnp an shows. dances, banquets, speakers workshops. and cultural presentations Call 6*6 ISO* Inr Itirthe*r min Ml Everett' mull 1 media slide presen latum by Bill March ihe IVH2 Canadian Everest Fcpedihon leader including a ilimuMiun uf Ihe inner journey involved with an Fverevi Accent 177 Lawrence 7 p in l-ree Showcase H6 Fashion Slum Ic.iluring University students modeling clothing Inmi Jav Jacobs. The Chisel F.ugcnc I lading Co . Track and Trail Ihe Wild Fair. Squire, and The University Bookstore Car son Hall Cafe K V) p m M Hip Mountain Witness A Kepon with Sikh's I 1 tend' Meeting Hall. 2272 Onys Si 7. HI pm Childcare available Call 4HVI7SS ior further mlo Readings by poets Kerry Paul May and Ingrkl Wendt Maude Kerns Art Center 7 V) p m $2 general. $1 lame Literary (iuild members Sufurdav. 4-26 A Conference on Hisp.mics in Higher tolucalion (See Friday’s listmgi Plant Dyeing Workshop with Harbara l.ilschut/ F.MU Craft Centei 10 VI a m 12: V) p m SI4 members SI6 non members Fell Feel Workshop with Sharon Jones I MU (rail Center 12 VM V) pm S|| members SI f mm members Continued on Page KK Friday, April 25, 1B8H