Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 4B and 5B, Image 16

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t — Bluep™^
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Dancers seek enrichment I
The Human Dancing Company is morn than
movement and more than dance, and its purpose
is to do more than entertain. With titles on the
program such as "Duel With The Ememy,.l'he
Voices Of Amima.” "When Marriage Becomes
Friendship” and “The Rebirth Of Icarus." one
might think they were in for more than just an
eve.ning of watching 11 dancers exhibit their
talents. They’d l>e right.
Andre Carpenter. HIX: artistic director,
wants his audince to leave a performance chang
ed: prehaps disturbed, perhaps elated and
somehow richer emotionally and spiritually.
"I would dare to say that I’m more of a
philosopher (than dancer-director), but I’m ex
pressing it in a theatrical form rather than an
academic one." Carpenter says. "It’s not just
another dance company." he adds.
Carpenter believes that anyone who has what
he calls an “inner life,” as well as anyone who
has questions about what it is to be human will be
challenged by an I liXI performance • ! ' . V
That’s not an empty -belief.. The "company
makes passive viewing passe. The audiehce can't
help but get involved arid gnivy with, the un ;
folding of ideas on stage — ideas presented
• through the dll-original works 'which combine
. dramatic' movement, mime.: archetypal ;tbemes. • •••'
mythology, social commentary and an eclectic.
*• uiix of music (from’Ba<:h to /amfir to l-aiirie
Anderson to Varigelis.) The result is a story that'
. says sbmethipg about the-hiiman' cbnditibn. \
The 1BX: Was created in Ashland in 1973 as a. ■
non-profit educational organization. Its first ma
jor.'creation was a show titled "Becoming Human
A Journey Of Consciousness." which took the
then six-plus members on tour and to various
- temporary residences up and down the West.
; Coast, where8audiences have .been: for the most
part, enormously receptive.
Carpenter says the HfXr* piirpdse i* to
• ’’inspire care.rfpr the as-yet unrealised poten
tial ites of the human being, to encourage the in
tegration of human consciousness, and to reveal
ourselves and the audience to the emirarrassing
lieauty of inner life, through the performing
arts." .' ' •• • . '• J
(Carpenter’s philosphical and artistic inten
tionality is ail integral Mpect.of the purpose of the
HIX). and "Initiations;”, the company's current
tour of performances, fits in with that purpose
Carppntor says that since childhood he has been
trying to “understand the disturbing state of things
in the world, and has been trying to find a solu
tion, This quest is what ‘‘Initiations" is about.
“It’s about being initiated to all the aspects of
ourselves that we don’t know.” Carpenter says.
"What we don't know in ourselves we will fear in
others. It's individuation —* the process of becom
ing a whole human being."
One of the dances in the program. "Greek
Pas-De-Deux.” is dedicated to the forgotten an
cient ideal of kalokagathoa |a fine mind in a fine
body.) Carpenter explains. It's lhe one-on-one. in
timate rapport of mentor and pupil as the medium
for truly inspired education
"It's leading out w|i«t is already inside,
while education is stuffing in rather than leading
out." he sAys.' -• .'
Anothiir dimension of the HEX' is its relation
to Western culture; Carpenter feejs that; in the
lemimst mn vetmmt . somehow inen have beep left
out and am confused about their roles In the
ilix-: limn am left in (He company has three
women, ami eight men, uncommon for a dance
„ company?,'S’; ■■ •-S S '■■■ X •"
• '■.■"IntiatmiiN?: Iiegins with • "Initiation To
• M a iih odd ;;.wh i c h j sd an red while a story about a
hunt is refeited The shpw'progresses to depict an
itV.t>lu|ii)iV..'with "lniti'atiqn To The Shadow." to
t he '. ‘Ahjroa-A nd; An i m us '"to the Mentor.” to
‘'.BrotherhiSod."and finally’to "Wholeness '' It
ends with a joyful "piece, " AI leluiu The (olbrs "
' I Wiicers of t tie it IX! i hi; I ode Douglas Zaliid
Mackie. ’ Airme/ Kgan. Julie McCullough. Sara
('•nstafson-Lomhardi. Cregorv I-ara and Hob Ollar.
all of whom dance with the Kugene Be)let Com
pany as well.Completing the tompaity'.are cp
producers Carpenter and Richard Rertz; along
with loe Anderson, Richard Gustafson and
Michael Wendt.
"Basically my show is to feed that inner life.
I sort of take them (the audience) by the hand
gently.'' Carpenter says. ‘Tin really not doing
ibis for my own ego trip I really feel like 'poor
world, you can do something to re:sensiti/.e
yourself.' " he adds,
: iilX I s "Initiations" will let performed next
Friday it 710 p m at the Sprang Theatre in the
Hult Center Reserved-seat In kets are $ti. $7 and
$M. and are available at the KMT! Main Desk and
all Hull Center ticket outlets
Story by Amy Moss
Pttohrs In Stine Cihhnns
f.I.eft I In lie M,
Ctillotirfh I front I
.1 n d' S .1 i a
Cl u s I h f s a n •
Lombardi dance
with tlw luiffene
Hiillrt ,ts well its
the HI)C. iHinldl
A n n e h ft a n
prap*res for
"Initiations." the
HDC.'s current
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