Limitations leave gaping holes in a ‘Legend’ Putting myth onto film is a difficult task at host, ami when this myth pits natural good vs evil incarnate.: _| the film's job becomes infinitely tougher After all. when the stakes are that high we expect nothing short, of an-epic v , ' : . - Ridley Siott's "l.egend," - misses the epic ..siy-eep need eel to giv'e tlir liattre liet ^ ■ vviaVri liglft atV(l;(irtrkiii'sKthe coRmjc. 'pn> |)(irti(ins S(:iitt irisists i:xist All nf the ai v • tiiiiv is tieil into a iHsiutifuJ Netherworld . " v,Ipresf. a won herself. and lives this ruin to the extreme When Imodiums invade her apartment, mb her and her mother, heal up her mother and nearly rape Emilia, shit says nothing about this to a n vuno — i n eluding Nor ma n. Norman is both tortured by and drawn to his own memories of humiliation in a Nazi concentration camp. When he discovers that Stella's boyfriend is tier man. Norman encourages the man to order him to raise his hands and turn around, in German. When Stella's beau complies with this seeming jest. Norman almost strangles him. Nevertheless. Nor man makes it clear to Emilia that he in tends to pursue a happy future with her track in the 'States. Emilia understands him perfectly, but disagrees. Her wish to remain in Poland, and find happiness in suffering in the same land where her dead huslsmd lies, is morbid and downright incomprehen sible to her fellow Poles. A priest who hears her confession urges Emilia to depart with Norman, rather than en courage her to remain true to her dead husband. Observations about the Polish historical experience art; tightly woven into the narrative, Zantissi doesn't caricature Americans in his film: in stead. he encourages comparisons bet ween Poland and the United States, l-'or example, in one of their rare moments of jov. Norman and Kmilia drive through a meadow and sing ‘‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm.” The cow. they see walking through the grass sets off a land mine. American nursery rhymes would 1 men me very macabre if rewritten in the light of Polish history. All in all. “A Year Of The Quiet Sun” offers an insightful view of a romance tainted by the very memories of tragedy on one country's soil. The understated performances pnivide a welcome relief front Hertford and Streep. Don’t miss it! “A Year Of The Quiet Sun” is playing at Cinema 7. in the Atrium building at West loth Avenue and Olive Street. B> Michael James Qr What's better than a shot in the dark? A: A Resume from ODE Graphic Services! Key duplication Make a spare. at your Bookstore Silver Screen VBDCC WE’VE GROWN NOW WE ARE 3 TIMES BIGGER TO SERVE YOU BETTER J MON & TUES I : ”Kzam j )AYS * * * **************** 2475 Hilyard Eugene Or. 345-1153 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Broader selection of VHS titles to choose from £ New and used Pre Recorded tapes for sale * Great Buys on blank tape and accessories £ * * * We have BETA — over 1000 titles * * Convenient, computerized check in/check out WED & THUR RENT 1 GET 1 FREE ^Silver * VIDEO Screen ★ OPEN 10 AM TO 1 0 PM EVERY DAY