Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 2B, Image 14

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    Nu Shooz to play benefit dance
Portland dance band Nu Shoo/, and
the- Sigma ('hi fraternity an- working
“in concert" to aid a Denver home for
mentally and emntionally-di.slurl*ed
i hildnm.
Nu Shoo/, will invade the bme
County Fairgrounds Performance Hall
for a Saturday night benefit concert
and dance. iieginuing at H:00 The
Atlantic recording artists are touring
in support of their hit single “I Can't
Wail.” from their forthcoming album
Sigma Chi is co-sponsoring the
lienclit as part ol its Derby Days
Philanthropy. According lo memlier
promoter |nhn Uppcndahl. the
University chapter hopes to raise
$2,000 for the Cleo Wallace Village
for Children through Derby Days. The
village is a home, school and
rehabilitation ( enter tor mentally and
enrol iona I ly -disturbed youngsters
l Hit ween ages live and IH. located just
outside of Denver.
Saturday night, concert goers will
enjoy moving to the Nu Shoo/, heat on
.1 22.DOO-square foot dance llooi As a
dance hand. Nu She mi/, is taking ad
vantage ol the situation b\ making
this one of its largest Northwest
Sigma Chi adopted Cfeo Wallace
Village as its international service
project iii t«Hi" In 1‘MMI. the fraternity
established the )ohn Wayne Kndim
ment Fund to rbcogniwi the efforts
that the late 'acini and Sigma Chi
alumnus made on b«hnlf ot tlu>
viII.ik'* Thu t it m I helps provide
i illago services to mHidv children
I ppendahl sals that last year. the in
temational fraternity donated mom
than SUM).(Mill to lh«* village.
KS\I) I'M is cn-sponsorinu tin*
lienelil with Sigma Chi Athante
In knis lor the Nu Shoo/ concert ami
dam « ciMl S-4 and an- available al the
KMU Main Desk. Face the Music..
Karth River Records and Kvarybody's
Kechrds Day-of-shmv tickets cost $5
and am available al all outlets as well
fis fl«> lairgrinmils' I’oitnriuani e I jail
I mix''office.. . ■ ... ' '
Slor> by Mike Sims
484-2799 • 1809 Franklin Blvd.
SNi mmtf Hi Apr 2ft. tM Apr H art tmm Apr 17. .TtH
■■i mb a||M # Am raaMM flat a*4af
$1 00
Peace Corps
are here.
Monday & Tuesday, April 28 & 29 ; • Y..
EMU LOBBY • 9:00 - 3:00
Monday, April 28 • EMU Room
108 • 11:30-12:30
'Teachers Meeting the Needs of Developing
Monday, April 28 • EMU Room
101 • 7:30 - 9:00pm
"25 years of Peace Corps - is it working?"
Tuesday, April 29 • EMU Forum
Room • 3:30 - 5:00pm
"A Look at Sierra Leone, West Africa"
Wednesday, April 30 • EMU Room
108-9 • 10:30 - 11:30am
"Peace Corps Potential in Coordination with the
International Fair"
‘First Lady of Songf returns
.Kll|fs coming tuck!. •• . ;
Th«. “I'jrsl liady-df .Song'."'^
‘. -..will- jm *iu
■ nielli for'-mu •
H im i niu itI.v'im lii.C ffiill.' .
‘(-NmiNt's >kMv<*. f :«tI "I l.ilf ' ..
. Sou ni!arii»g _ 7». •.KilzRorald".
si ill aniu/i-s. a lid dolighK au'
dii-nii-s u it It Imi famous,, in.
■ ; irti-dihli- von i>' inrtgi-"and "spoil'
. i'.iiii^is m al si iik * UK" Sim-*
.iljils individiiiilil'v lorvi-rv sonii- '
shi-':siiigs', ^Spilin' of- lr«rr .morn
limnii-miblt- liliwsiniliidt- "I low '
■ »High Tim Myoii. ■■ "Timm Tfwtnt
Iai-s " '/.That ()ld lilai k'Magir"
and Imi liilh .CramimCAw aid
viinimr, "Tim IfoKf Is S ol .To
Coiiw •• : . '
'■•s'. *- j •
Honors and awards to
inimi-rons; to list snhsluiitialr
JTlzgi-rajd's nm\ tjrsal inilori-ili
anil ‘|H>|>iilarih TlM-ros hardlv
ncnmilrv in llmworld uhi-rir
Klla isn't known, nor a i.onti
imnl oil. irarlh n Imn- slm hasn't
I lm i in ii ril will h-ailin' III
/gi-iald s II lo i ,oni|ios<-it ol I’anl
Sinilli on |dano Kis-li-i Ih-lls on
Iiass and (Iri-gg I n-Id on drums
Mi-mlmrs ol llm Kngirim Svm
phom w ill join in llm Inn with a
sliowi.asi- ol "Big li.ind " jazz.
tlni i l<-d hv ltill Kamsav Kam
say. a vtderan arrangirrand com
posor. tournd with th« Count
Hasii- I>and mount ly I hr has
louri-d with Sarah Vaughn and
liioiiim Warwick. and k|muiI
lour viMr s with Hi- n n \
Thr Hull (Utnlftr mul nulla slut inn k I'(.TV plav linsl In HI In Hit
?Hrrulil Sulunhiv nifthl ul H:IHI in thr Silva (.mu mi Hull
Kugtino's evening with Klin
lil/g<Till(t is KpOIIMiriNi i)V
Tickirts ,ir<* S2'> ,iml
S22 riU Mild .irr <tv<lilttltli' <tl the
l%Mt • M.iin Hitsk I In* Hull
(irnlftf lxi\ of Jim* anil .ill Hull
Outer lii.kel nuflHs.
l ot mom Infillnirtllon or lo
oiifi‘r In ki'N < .til 1*117 'ilMHI
Sinn In Mike Sinn
. you a?e
" 's ** „ ,0 ,«ce'v®
^ kS
m ’ rlvij
i" German
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