Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1986, Page 8, Image 8

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Oregon golfer George Daves has high hopes
Photo by M»< hael WIHtelm
Oregon senior golfer George Daves has a chance for
All-American honors this season after capturing the,
runner-up spot in the Pat:- W last year.
I. "" 1
By Craig Harris
Of the Kmrralri
With only three tournament.'?loft in his college golf
career, Ceorgc Daves is looking to finish with a hang
If Daves can win one of those tournament crowns,
he has a legitimate chance of being on an All-American
team, and it would almost assure the Ducks an NCAA
tournament invitation. After finishing second in the
Pac-10 tourney in 1!i85. don’t think this self-confident
senior hasn’t given that a thought.
"These next two tournaments are very important
for both me and the team to do well,” Davos says. "As a
team we can lock up a bid, and I can lock myself into an
All-American team.”
Daves is still a bit leary. After he qualified for the
national tourney two of the last three years, and played
exceptionally well his junior year, the NCAA commit
tee gave him the cold shoulder.
“Last year I thought I played well enough, went to
the NCAAs and (the committee) blew me off.” Daves
says. “Last year without a doubt I should have made it.
but I guess you really don’t know. I guess I’ll just have
to play good in the next three tournaments and set? what
Another thing that puzzles Daves is his play.
Although he is playing his best golf in his tenure as a
Duck, he still is frustrated.
"My stroke average is better, and basically my ex
pectations have given me a good year," Daves says.
"But even with the low stroke average. I haven’t had as
many high finishes. This is misleading though. This
year we played three to four tourneys in the Northwest
that had much tougher courses. The fields were better,
and this may be why 1 didn't get as good of a finish.”
Oregon coach Scott Krieger feels the same about
his number-one man.
“George has played much more consistent this spr
ing, but he hasn’t had the spectacular finishes that were
there a year ago,” Krieger says. “To be an All
American he needs to win a big tournament and can
tlnue to play well He has a good record, and with a
tournament win that should do it."
Hut before the next three tourneys come around.
Daves thinks that he must work on parts of his game
"I need to get much better in my mental approach
My concentration has not been good all year." Haves
says. "I need to figure out in my mind what it will take
to win. believe in myself, and go out and do it."
"He needs to las more aggressive, and once this
happens a lot more lower scores will come What he
does well is his ball striking. He hits the hall very
strong and almost always makes it on the green,"
krieger says. "If he continues to do this, he will stay
out of trouble."
Besides his own personal goals. Haves thinks the
Duck squad may tat able to pull out an upset and bring a
national crown Iwck to Eugene.
"I think our top five is as good as anybody's top
five when we put it all together." Haves says. "Even
though that doesn't happen often, hut when it does
others lielier watch out Hopefully we can peak at the
NCAAs and win it "
Even when the season is over. Haves doeen't plan
to put away his jclubs. Next year he wants to come back
and help the team while finishing up his economics
degree, and then go on to the pm circuit.
"I feel this is definitely in my reach It's been my
goal to go through college and make it on the tour."
Haves says. "I’m pretty confident that I have u career
ahead of me in golf."
Krieger also thinks the circuit is within in George's
reach. "He has a very sure shot at making the pros. If he
exploits his strengths, he will be OK."
"It’s been great hens at Oregon. I've improved from
my freshman to my senior year, and I accomplished
what I came here to do." Haves says.
If his improvement can earn* over for another
month. George Daves may just accomplish a national
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Sports Shorts
The Oregon women's track
team has signed Stephanie
Wesseil of Coos Bay’s Mar
shfield High School to a
nation al-Ietter-of-intent.
Wesseil was third in the state
3,000-meter race in 1985. and
has the fastest time in the event
so far this year.
The Oregon volleyball team
has announced the signing of
two blue-chip recruits.
Stephanie Snyder and
Michelle Krebsbach, two of the
nation's mos* highly sought
high school volleyball recruits.
Summer Fail Spring
■ WW
Full Academic Yaara In
• Oxford Univaratty
• L.S.E.
• St. Andraws, Scotland
U.S. credits will be transferred
through Hampden-Sydney
College, founded In Virginia by
James Madison In 1776.
Graduate work Is an option.
The Director of Studies for the
Center for Quality Education
Abroad (in Britain) ia the Rt.
Hon. The Lord Beloff, O.LItt.
(Oxon.), Fellow of the British
Academy, Professor Emeritus
of Government and Fellow of
All Souls, Oxford.
Admissions Director CQEA/
W1SC. Rm 53,158 W. 81 St,
NY, NY, 10024.
signed national-letters-of-iutenl
with the llucks recently to
bolster (he first recruiting class
of new coach Gerry Gregory.
Snyder. a Vfoot-9 setter, led
Fountain Valley High School to
the semifinals of the tlalifornia
Interscholastic Federation (GIF)
4-A playoffs last season, earn
ing all OF honors in the
Gregory feels that Snyder is
one of the top prep setters in the
nation this year. Snyder chose
Oregon over national powers
Cal-Poly San l.uis Obispo and
l<ong Beach State University.
Krebsbach is a B-foot-1 out
side blocker-hitter from St.
Joseph's High School in
l^kewood, Clalif. She was rank
ed the fourth best prep
volleyball player in the nation
this year by Spoilers rating
Krebsbach led her team to the
quarterfinals of the GIF 5-A
playoffs this year and was nam
ed to the all-GIF first team, the
third straight year she earned
all-CIF honors.
She was named USVBA
junior Olympic All-American
in 1984 and 1985. She chose
Oregon over San lose State
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