We not only give you the money for college We also give you the tune. If you think the best way to pay for college is to put it off for a few years and join the military, you’re naif right. Because with the New GI Bill, you can join the Army National Guard and earn $18,(XX) for college. But best of all, you serve two days a month and two weeks a year. Which means you can go to school full-time. Right now. On us. So the (juestion you have to ask yourself is not, can you afford college. The question is, can you afford to wait. For more information about the Army Guard and the New GI Bill, fill out the attached coupon and mail it in. Or call 800-638-7600* Mn Hawaii 737 5255, Puerto Rico 721 4550;Guam 477 9957; Virgin Islands (Si ln«*> '73 6438; New Jersey MOO 452 5794 In Alaska cunsult your Usal phuttr directory r L MAIL TO NAMt 1*0 Box 6000, Clifton, NJ 07015 _CIM UK ADDRESS CITV/STATE/ZIH AKKA CODE I'HONK sot |A1 SKI OKI I 1 NUMHKK OCCUSAI ION STUDENT I ! HIGH SCHOOL UCOl.LKCE I'KHIK MII.ITAKY SKKVICK O YES UNO US CITIZEN U YES UNO IlKANlH HANK ASM MOS •>« M tUMM. • <»*• *» MM «UW'•««■> •m, m uni >.»*«. •**'•».<>>.*•• r. *» m » i*. «.,»••> wumm* ■ >* «« IMAM' tUHUIK U« Ml National Guard i j ( latoUMIUItlAltkUOVIHNMtNl AS*»«•»»N1 lino IHt *0*IW* O* Army National Guard ^ Americans At Their Best. A1NCMC21046NF