Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1986, Image 57

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The week we decided
( )nce u|x»n ,i lime, happy
families were .ill alike
lint today even ihe happy
laimly isn i ilk- same. liiday Ihe
I a ii 111 v has Iktoiiic a barometer
\ 01 Hie social, psychological and
sexual upheaval that's shaking .
, up our nation.
I’ruin every family every
where comes the same ques
tion: w hat’s gomj: on here
Which is why Newsweek
started its family section A
special department reporting
on this most ha|tered yet resil
ient institution.
You'll find our family sec
tion is about the new meaning
ol Iamily. I lie married family.
I he unmarried family. The
divorced iamily. I he remarried,
remolded. rehrolhered and re
sistered Iamily.
No newsweekly is better
qualilied to report on the fam
ily? because no newsweekly
tleals with social issues with the
insight ol Newsweek.
Wo have the awards to prove
it More than any other
nous weekly.
(hit probing stories on
What I V Does to kids.
Stolen Children and The
Single parent'were painful but
pertinent. Hard but helping
Newsweek s coverage not
only tells you what's happening
'Tt' ■ 1:
hm often suggests what you can
Jo about what 's happening.
lb your child's education,
lit having a child.Or not. lb
growing up gay lb getting olt*
drugs lb getting on with your
life. To living tix> long.
The family just isn't what it
used to he. But whatever it's
beeome and wherever it s
going, from now on you'll find
out in Newsweek.
Why it happened.What it means.