TYPO TERMINATOR. Introducing the now Smith Corona typewriter with Spell-Right'. Now. if wrds, wrods. worrds or wo ords fail you, this typewriter won’t. The new Smith Girona with Spell-Right dictionary. It has an exclusive electronic correction system that actually detects mistakes before you do. Or better yet, before someone else does. Advanced, yes. But it’s as sim ple as... Beep! You’ve just mis spelled a word. While you type, your spelling is constantly checked against a built-in elec tronic dictionary. You're warned with a beep the instant you misspell or mistype a word. Can you outspell Spell-Right? Unlikely. It’s programmed with 35,000 words, 4 times the average vocabulary. The Find feature zeros in on the mistake anywhere on the line. If you’ve made several mistakes, it finds them, too! WordEraser'" lifts the whole word off. Just touch once for one word. Twice for two. WordEraser correction even lets you type tn the new word w-hile it erases the old. There are more futuris tic features, too. Automatic Relocate, Auto Return. Auto Centering, Express Backspace, and Automatic Underline. Also, Dual Pitch, Pro grammable Margins, Tabs and electronic end-of-page warning. With optional Messenger module, it even becomes a 10 cps letter-quality printer when you hook it up to your computer. There's one more fea ture you’ll like. The price. This advanced portable is incredibly affordable, which makes Spell Right more than just a techno logical breakthrough. It makes Smith Corona the smartest typewriter you can buy. SMITH CORONIV WE We WRITING THE FUTURE For more information on this product, write to Smith Corona, 65 Locust Avenue. New Canaan. CT 06840