people are who are in cahoots with the peo ple in a position to take action " Kate Rand Lloyd, editor-at-large, & Working Woman magazine 0 o 'Always dress for the job you'd like to have next. Don't dress exactly like everyone else, but do dress a little more professionally than your peers '' Barbara Hill, president, Career Resources, Inc. Real Life Planner Installment # 4 MANAGING YOUR MONEY "What were seeing in the young worker group is too much, too soon, too fast, with too little planning With the people who are getting out of college it's been deny deny deny to get through school, and now that they’re in the realm ot the steady paycheck, there's an impatience to catch up.'' Pat Zito, senior financial counselor, Office of Consumer Credit and Counseling, Seattle, Washington "A budget is just a way to keep track of how money is flowing in and flowing out, so that you can have it flow out to the things you really want instead of it disappearing on things you don't care about " Elizabeth Lewm, financial planner, author, Your Personal Financial Fitness Program "Always pay your bills on time, whether it's the phone company the electric company or your car payments 'tbu don't want any bad ticks on your credit report, and you don't want to get into the habit of financial irresponsibility'' Hank Madden, financial planner. IDS Financial Services. Inc Real Life Planner Installment # 5 INVESTING YOUR MONEY "It s important to spread out your money not to invest it all in one place Diversity equals security There's just no guarantee that any one investment choice will be best, or will be even 100 percent secure It's important to diversify" Nancy Dunnan. author, Financial Savvy For Singles "The more business you do with one bank, with one banker, the more leverage you'll have there. The more a bank is invested in you, the more likely they'll come through with the loans you need " Jeffrey A Stern, author. More Sense Than Dollars "Expert advice is expensive I think If you're a young worker and you're a college gradu ate, you re relatively smart I think you can do some reading on your own and you can learn enough to get started in investing Once your portfolio gets larger, and your income gets higher, you reach the point where it's worth spending the money for professional advice" William Droms, professor of finance, School of Business Administration, Georgetown University We’ve introduced you to some recent college graduates, who, as you will do, left their university confines to pursue careers in all areas, and with all manners of suc cess and failure Vod've met James Denn, a 25-year-old San Antonio musician, making a living and a future on an unsteady pay check; Diana Phillips, a 24-year-old Vale graduate, who hopes to trade on her recent experience on the set of Alan Alda's "Sweet Liberty” to build a career behind-the scenes in the movie business; Joan Grabowski, a 26-year-old Notre Dame grad uate who networked her way to a second job. as assistant manager ot the South Bend (Indiana) Symphony. Thomas Aiperm, a 26-year old executive vice president with a real estate development firm, who con vinced a Pittsburgh company that he was the man to open and head the firm s Boston office Through them, and others like them, you’ve seen portraits of yoursell. ol your peers, making way through a world without term papers or dormitory food Hold a mir ror up to their lives and, hopefully, you'll see something ot your own We appreciate the time you've spent with The American Express Real Lite Plan ner. and hope that you take away from the experience a new confidence about what lies ahead, and a sharpened sense of what's important in the work world and what it takes to get your career on track Break a leg RECOMMENDED READING • Mow To Qot into And Finance Graduate And Professional Schools: A Step-By-Step Outdo For Current And Returning Stu dents, by Stephen J WiHiams (Collier Books) • Oroduoto Students' Survival Outdo, by Ann E Csmbra (McFarland SCo) • How To Bom An Advanced De gree Without Going To Graduate School, by James P Duffy (Stem S D.ty) • Fresh Starts! Charting A New Career, by Richard C Dolan (Fkirihjs Press) • The Official MBA Handbook, v Jim Fisk ancf Robert Barron (Simo * Schuster) • Choosing A Career In Suslner by Stephen A Stumpf (Simon & Schur. • Career Veeri Hew To Poeiti< Yourself For A Prosperous Futu - by WiHiam C House (McGraw-Hill) • Career Tracks, by Lester Schw.t and Irv Brechner (Ballantine) • Winning Moveei Career Ac vanoement Strategies For The SO by Thomas A, Chorba and Alex Yo (Anchor Books) The American Express Peel Lite Planner"1 v* written for American Express Travel RelaT Services Co . Inc by Daniel Psisner. TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES Ah A/mcan Exprwts compuny