If you’re carrying cash on vacation, you’re the tourist attraction. Whether your vacation takes you to sceruc turope or sandy beaches, you can be sure there’s a large group of people antic ipating your arrival. Pickpockets can spot you, distract you and take your wallet before you've taken your first picture. And if you’re carrying cash, they can take your entire vacation. That’s why it’s so important to take American Express® Travelers Cheques. They not only help protect your vac ation, they offer a wide variety of emergency services. If your cheques are k>st or stolen, you can arrange for a refund at one of 90,000 locations worldwide, including our 1,200 Travel Service Offices.* They can do everything from rearranging your travel plans to supplying you with temporary identification. So don’t leave for your next vacation without the protection of American Express Travelers Cheques. To purchase cheques in your area, check your bank, or call 1-800-221-7282 for the nearest location. Be a sophis ticated traveler, not a tourist attraction. Cheques v 'niifl nmrili ail r-*l>rr« » I> ■ ■> ' mmii'hiii, im ., II’ mmiKK anu nq>n w iiiiuvn v nmnnin limn IxnilN V Om|*MUY. IIU l'*PO