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The information came from intelligence sources in “friend iy states, including European countries,” I n format ion Minister Mohammed Sharafod din told reporters. He gave no further indication of his sources. Sharafeddin said the attacks would happen “within the next hours." an Arabic phrase that means “in the near future.” p I I I L Coupon Agate Video Presents... Monday - Thursday Special I 2 Movies S/*OS & VCR O oupon I 1495 E. 19th 344-2691 Coupon Expiree 6 13 86 Td CoupwnJI High Quality COPIES Print America 519 E. 13th 485-1940 All Day 6 * Every Day Collating Binding "This information stresses that Mossad (Israeli in telligence). together with American intelligence, want to conduct operations in Europe and they want to put the respon sibility upon the jamahiriya (Libya)," Sharafeddin said. Jn Washington, White Mouse spokesman lairry Speakes said: "The CIA is not causing ter rorist incidents in Europe." The Libyan minister said the alleged plot’s objective* were "to create a lack of confidence in the European public opinion which is sympathetic with the jamahiriya, especially after the barbaric American aggres sion. . .and to create and find a justification for aggression, especially after the failure of the first aggression." "For this mason, we want to make the public opinion aware of this campaign which is stag ed by Mossad und American in I telligence, he said, When asked what sort of at tacks wort? planned. Sharuffed din replied; "Operations similar to the West Berlin nightclub bombing." An American sergeant and a Turkish woman were killed in the bombing April 5 and 2.10 people were injured. «:i of them Americans. The United States says the attack on the la Belle disco, a haunt of American soldiers, was planned bv Libya. Karlier Wednesday evening, the information minister told foreign journalists they must leave the country hv the end of the week About 250 foreigners were ad mitted to the North African country sfter the I! S ,nr raids April 15 on Tripoli arid Benghazi. They wore kept In one hotel, taken on carefully guided tours and shown what hhadafy wanted them to see. 1 S. African government to eliminate ‘pass’ laws JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) — The white government formally announced Wednesday that it will make the most swooping reform in generations of apartheid by scrapping dozens of laws that restrict the movements ot blacks. But it said blacks still will not fa* permitted to live in white areas Anti-apartheid loaders complained that the reforms, while welcome, do not address the demands of South Africa's 24 million voteless blacks for a share of political power. In another action. | test ice Minister Kobie Coot see an nounced Wednesday that the sentences of at least 20.000 prisoners will fa* reduced by six months in a general amnesty to be declared May 31 He said the amnesty, to coincide with the 25lh anniver sary of the establishment of the Republic of South Africa, will not apply to people imprisoned for offenses related to racial unrest, robbery, rape or assault 3 REASONS TO s' YES#3 /• , ’ l * •* -• D 15 YEARS OF INFLATION. • ■ «.° ■■ :v'8; ■ ; ;. r i>V receive the sane $l/atudent/tem that we did In 1971. Due to Inflation, it Is worth 48c. • \';v*", •2) YOUR VOICE ON ISSUES. .'Through OSPIRG students research and lobby on Issues like toxic waste, . . ' Tenters’ rights, local hunger, and utility rates. ;3) EXPANDING UO'S PROGRAM. Additional funding will go towards an expanded internship program, additional UO staff, and more projects. This means more students will be involved. 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