Letters Etiquette quiz Recently, I received two calls harassing me for my letter "Creek lifestyles." (ireekies, must you prove me right? If I would write the first letter about your behavior, why wouldn't I comment on this too? Since you're incapable of do ing It yourselves. I’ll provide you an etiquette quiz. Thus, the proper course of action will be utilized when someone paddles you in print. 1. Dealing with negative letters? a. Ignore the writer, knowing that they're a fucking narrow minded son-of-a-bitch. b. Drink Inter and throw the empties out the broken win dows of your house, c. Call and harass them for the answer. 2. When you decide on answer C. the next step is? u. Call the writer a fucking narrow-minded son-of-a-bitch and threaten to breuk his face. b. Drink beer and throw the empties out the broken win dows of your house. C. ('ail and harass them for the answer. 3. After choosing C again, you? a. Ask for the address bet ween gulps of beer so that you can break the face of the fucking narrow-minded son-of-a-bitch b. Have the guys in your house drink laser and throw the empties into the street. c. Decide that you drank too many beers and call and hnrass the person. I'm sorry if this test was bias ed or too hard to answer Most words were under two syllables. Don't harass people. It's uncool (oh no) and proves the charges I leveled against the Creeks. Blake 1-ouis Sliter Political Science Abhorrence It is appalling that the current administration of this country knows no restraint in promoting a negative international image of the United States; the image of a society of elitist, war mongering malcontents who are willing to provoke and resort to violence anytime it serves even a limited self-interest. Thus far it has graced us with distribution of CIA pamphlets to Nicaraguan “freedom fighters” advising the best methods for abduction and ‘•interrogation" of civilians. It has involved us in air piracy with the forcing down of an unarmed Egyptian airliner in Italy by U.S. fighter planes. It has steadfastly refused to negotiate realistic arms control, despite pleas of willingness by the Soviets, and aluindoned diplomacy entirely by schedul ing nuclear tests in the face of their voluntary unilateral test ban. Now. with the bombing of Libya, we are treated to a direct act of war by the United States against a country which cannot possibly pose any serious direct threat to national security, despite khadafy's ravings. If Congress has any conscience at all. it will immediately relieve Konald Keagan of all presiden tial duties pending the outcome of im|>eachment proceedings for this latest outrage. All my life I have found some points of disagreement with government policy, but not un til the Keagan administration have I been so thoroughly disgusted as to actually feel ashamed to la- an American. Hiawatha Graduate. Music Inexcusable Concerning the Libyan laimhings: Letters Policy The Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing fair comment on topics of interest to the University community. Letters to the editor must be limited to 250 words, typed, signed and the identifica tion of the writer must be verified when the letter is turned in. The Emerald reserves the right to edit any letter for length or style. Letters to the editor should be turned into the Emerald office. Suite 300, EMU. Humphrey cYbgvrt & the GMuffins NOW OPEN with • Frozen Yogurt • Fresh Muffins • Toppings Galore 844 Pearl St. Eugene HOIM Th 7:30-10 Frl to 10 Sat 12:30-0 Sun President Reagan's "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" philosophy will merely gain for us a nation of sightless people who cannot communicate. There are other options which can he exercised; to answer madness with further madness is inexcusable. Christine Wilson Eng!ish/|oumalism Religious myths Some candid reflections on the human condition and death: The conceptual intelligence of human beings has enabled us to apprehend our condition as finitemortal. But we have dif ficulty accepting this limited existence. And so the idea of death — our impulse to deny it — has become a motivational force in human history. In the efforts of the human animal to overcome the ir repressible anxiety regarding death as our final destiny, various mythologies have been devised. For example, there are the religious cosmologies which feature an heroic savior with supernatural powers, who rises from the dead and demonstrates the possibility of our ■'extension into .eternity.” Out of these myths (nurtured by the irrational faith of religious encapsulation), a belief in im mortality is implanted. With this illusory belief, many then manage to avoid facing our ap parent puniness in an am-, biguous. disinterested cosmos. In short, to see the human predicament as it really seems to be. and to grapple with the problem of meaning in the con text of our organism impotence and death, can he psychologically overwhelming Hence, the "leap of faith'belief in Cod stratagem as a taming of the terror of the unknown. But in the interest of honesty and intellectual maturity, do we need to Iks protected from reali ty by these culturally-ingrained fantasies? Humankind can achieve "functional transcendence" by becoming responsibly engaged with constructive endeavors in the secular here and now — while continuing to remain open to fresh scientific evidence relative to the unknown. Ronald |. Kousscve Professor Counseling Psychology PASSOVER SEDER Come join us Thursday, April 24, at 5 pm, at the Koinonia Center (across from PLC). There will be a $4.00 admission fee. 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