Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1986, Page 1, Image 15

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    Matters of Conscience and Consequence
The drive to force American
institutions to rid them
selves of investment ties to
South Africa has become the
broadest, most passionate cru
sade on U .S. campuses since the
movement to end the Vietnam
War. For one thing, apartheid
is easy to comprehend—and ab
hor. For another, the percep
tion that their schools have a
stake in South Africa per
suades many students that
they have a real chance to influ
ence foreign policy With rare
exception, trustees share the
distaste for South Africa's ra
cial policies, but many argue
that divestiture is more com
plex than students believe—
and could severely punish the
country’s blacks
Newsweek On Campus's
cover story provides a forth
right discussion of divestiture,
calling on the worldwide report
ing resources of News week. We
used the same reservoir of tal
ent last fall for a cover story on
the American UniversityofBei
rut and for the first-ever inside
look at Ted Koppel’s "Night
line.” Newbweek On Campus
has also examined the Bcandals
of college athletics and crime on
campus, and the glory of the
performing arts in colleges and
universities. This is our final
issue of 1985-86, a year of nota
ble growth for us, thanks to
your interest. We offer what
Newsweek offers: stories of
consequence for an intelligent,
educated readership. We look
forward eagerly to the autumn.
Page 41
Pag* 51
College Life
Krftssd Affairs: The national drive
against investments in South
Africa S
Face-off over divestiture at
the University of Texas 12
Defying the racial rules at
the University of Cape Town II
Nrtwst: Booking college
concerts 21
a Architecture on the rise—and
changing 22
a Newsweek On Campus Poll:
What, me worry about
jobs? 24
a A convention of young
entrepreneurs 25
a Resumes A legislative aide in
Washington; a peripatetic
restaurateur; a gossipy guide
to big companies 26
a A writing teacher’s tales from
the front 41
a How Ben Franklin did it 45
a Tips on how to improve your
writing 46
Arts &
Saftwan: New computer games
people play 51
TMNtiiis: A zany new sitcom on
an old theme; 'Paper Chase*
graduates 53
leaks: A penetrating look at the
most successful class from
the Harvard Business School;
the little-known exploits
of'Hercules Amongst the
North Americans’ 53
Mule: Neoclassical country
from a transplanted
Kentuckian 54
The University
of Miami's soap opera;
Cory Aquino’s alma mater;
screaming away tension at
Syracuse; mqjoring in the
record industry in Nashville;
Minnesota’s endangered
spring-thaw carnival;
a look at students' heroes
and heroines 37
My Tsui 56
Tbs Hal 6
Cover: Peter Blakely