RATES: 17 cents per won] lot the first day end 14 cents per word to» con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is SI-70 tor the Hrsl inserttor^awd *140 tar con Fox Sale HIDE A BED/COUCH $85 Frances 484Q815828 mi YAMAHA SECA 550 runs great S850/ot1ei Call Rick 3454651 4 29 Buy a Sell THE BUT 8 SELL CENTER 8uy*SeW*Trade Musical instruments, stereo, toots. Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. HFMS184 Services You Will Pass Math Tutoring tor Math 100 level courses call 343 5851 4-24 Typing PROFESSIONAL TYWST/ EDITOR. 16 years expenence Graduate school ap proved New campus Rodin. 344-0758 __- BaOBtlto WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED 5 Mocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 4853883 _____ 4962 MWH Word Processing T yping: 15 plus years experience Papers dissertations, editing, mass mailings Micro casette transcription Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 3983 4938 tin TYPING/E OTTING Call Sara 686 0739 4955MUHF EXCELLENT TYPIST. Graduate school approved 20 years experience Call Oorts 484 1094 4958. UH CAROLYN'S QUALITY TYPING Graduate approved specializing in all typing and word processing needs Call Carolyn Sherrel anytime 344-7231 4979MF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 8 EDITING Resumes Papers, Theses. Disserta tions; Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 4851473 _ 5685 Un DEADLINES ALWAYS MET IBM Electronic Wheelwriter 5 Ruth 3455614 _ _ 4969 UH TYPING & WORD PROCESSING T heses/Ois serial ions papers editing. graphics law papers resumes. 8 mass mailings Grad Sch approved woroatyifs • lyptocripts CINDY 484-54S4 BRANDY 484-6044 4940 tin WORDS “R” US Brandy 4844044 Shaw Nee 8857086 Quality lyping/word processing Grad. School appvd IBM compatible 5710 Un Typtng Resumes-TranscOptions Word Processing Crtsk Storage Sheila. 3454530. evenings ___5970 tfn Weed Procee«tog*Cdiltng*Rsasm«» Fasi*Accurate«Disk storage Close lo U ol 0*Pam.345 7629 ____6349_l!n CAROL'S PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. 3452289 95 pm Evenings and weekends by appt 6109 UWH WORD PROCESSING. Term papers thesis manuscripts resumes cor respondence mail tislsn abets etc Open daily 8 30-6 pm 5atu'day by ap pointment The Floppy Disc. 345-8930 428 Resumes*fyping NEW BUSINESS DISCOUNTS FAST SERVICE WRITE ON Writing & Typing 342 1624 4 25 WordPro Word Processing iBMiMacmtosh specialist 255 E. 18th 343-2081 5-' $9 RESUME 686-0812 2SS East 18th (Dynamic Typing Some*) THE Studant Specialist*/ Busina** Professionals Word ProcasstngrTypmg Complata Ptiotocopy Cantor Disk Editing (many systems) Pickup s Delivery Available Sik Blocks trom Campus WOBO PROCESSING Spell check in eluded JoAnn at JAC INK 747-7158 4 te NEXT DAY SERVICE Term papers, resumes dissertations, disk storage mass mailings RIGHT WRITE 343-2162 4 2? WORD PROCESSNMVTVPING Atlordabte«Eiceltenl Rulhann 344-0438 4-21 PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Editing/Disk Storage Colleen 344 7040 19 pm Ne*t day service 7114 Ifr QUALITY WORD PROCESSING Specialising m term papers Call Ken 342-8347 5« WORD PROCESSING BY KAREN St page/SS resume 683 It17 6441 HFN Sound Systems JIM'S ELECTRONICS STEREO REPAIR 1457 W 6th 343-7883 Monday thru Friday 9 am 6pm Saturday 9am 1pm 3148 HFki Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 40-50% oil Ust prices •TentbooksvClitl Notes*Magasines* USED BOOKS BOUGH* AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 788 East 13th 4973 Itr Bicycles 29" RALEIGH COMPETITION 53 Shrmano 600 new paint excellent con diilon 6200 call 683 7397 * 2' SECOND ■tn NATURE ^ BICYCLES • NisMu Cycle Pro Sefcal Dealer •Fail Line BMX Cruiser Speclatity • Expert Repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups •Frame Repair 343-5362 446 E. 13th BUY»SELL»TRADE Cars a Cycles 1982 HONOA CM2S0. New in 83 Backrest/rack 4000'miles extras 3750 485-9704 Brian 4-2! FA-50 SUZUKI MOPED 1985 good con dition Cat! JaneorMasa 6833028 4 2! VESPA P200E with radio Call Kenny Gregson 7 10 pm 686 5293 _ 4 2! 86 HOMO* BUTE W. 81000 Only 94 mi 4845792 421 <973 SUPER BEETLE Looks and rum great 31200 OBO 6870483 4 2! 79 MG MIDGET CONVERTIBLE. 4-spd AM/FM cassette Low mileage grea condition 32796/ofler 3453537 , 4-2! 85 HONOA ELITE 250 Red Vyr Orgrla max speed 75 MPH plus 1500 miles Must sett Great value at 31149 OBC Sam 683-4862 4 X ttuNtl* fti, Good condition MOO 080 >44 3048 424 1868 BMW tWO. Completely restored Alpine stereo beautiful $3850 996660? 4-25 Bt YAMAHA SCCA 400. Amatlng el MOO New Escort Rader $120 Sherman 465 9746 425 Travel -iiWHIi'M RAtitiMiivI* SEA CAM or OSl $7M roondtnp Must purchase ticket before April 30 Campus Travel Canter EMU 342 3170 6474 ME Opportunities Scholarships Available Sophomores and under tree informs lion NSRS Bo. 866 Eugene OR 97440 Help Wanted GOVERNMENT JOBS $i6.040-$59.230tyr Now hump Call 805-6676000 E»t R 9642 lor current federal list ' _ 513 NEEDED: SUMMER CAMP Counselors' Camp Fire Camp Wiiani June 29 thru Auo 9. call Lisa. 342 6092 mornings evenings 4 29 DESPERATELY SEEKING DATA entry help work study only Pleasant rate, art environment Computer comfort helpful, need folks into details and ac curacy $4 92/hour Neuropsychology Lafc <4966 Mark or Sandy 7162 4 25 EVENING PHONE SALES. Wage vs commission Inquire 99 pm 6632640 ; 4 24 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY PON FroshrSoph science ma*or lo study and work In thophysicat/neuroscience lab Student myst be. bright and dedicated CaH Mark: 6694510 ■ 7008 MH TYPIST NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Tern notary part time tlenble hours to your schedule $4 25. per hour Footnotes Rm 15 EMU No work-study required 7180424 DO YOU ALWAYS GET THE WORM? Ark you always the one digging deeper working harder and following through with protects long after the Others have gone’ It you ere end it you are interested in working with other EArty Birds then we would like you to? apply tor these openings The Oregon Dally Emerald Advert is mg Department currently has open mgs for' apprenticeship positions throughout Spring term These posi lions wdl turn mlo sales positions neat year attar intensive training in sales' marketing and general business procedures The positions require us* of a car (NO MOPEDS/BICYCLESi minimum one .hour a day and of-bourse unlimited enthusiasm and energy' We have to be honest when we led all those interested in' applying tor these jobs that the competition it lough But we always* heed qualified salespeople and now more than ever enpenence’on'lhe 7th largest morn mg paper in Oregon will give you m vaiualbe experience Applic at ions are available in Room 300 EMU 95 pm Closing dare May 2. 1986 ODE is an Equal Opportunity Employer 5 2 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL INC We help you find the RIGHT Roommate Call 687 8213. 6194 tin For Rent QUAINT 1930 s 1 BEDROOM APT $17,0/mo Year around 343 3318 7156 Ifn UO FAMILY HOUSING, (named couple* and single parents, possibility ol im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom $!44rmo. 1 bedroom tt ISfmo Amafon unfurnished 2 bedroom S120fmo Future openings eapected. all areas Contact UO Hous mjiDept 6884277 4042 tin NEWER OUAOt,' Locally owned. V, blocs Irom campus $159fmo utilities in eluded 186* Harris, manager apl 4 342-4261_5643 tin SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIDE MANOR 1610 Harris Furnished quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parsing and laundry lacililies available From S100 Call tor more details Manager 348 2657 Bennett Management Co. 1143 Oak St. 46S6M1 _ 7062 I In 1760 ALOE ft Furnished 2 bedroom apis W blocs to campus laundry covered parking In well managed compie* Resident manager 6870664 or 485 1707 IPM Co. 1111 Pearl_*027tln 2 Bedroom $200 Very large unfurnished apartment Laundry parking No pels or children Available unlit and ol August only 2045 Willamette 345 7987 _ 7103 tin FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY LIVINQ IN THE LUXURY OF THE SOUTH EAST HILLS 10 mlnuta* from UO 2 bedroom 1v» bath 2 private balconies Fully appttenced Sauna A Pool Small pets okay Tanning bed 3300 6 3315 Adult compie* Forest Village Call now 687 1316 61314 25 WOMAN NEEOEO FOR womanisl household 31307month 6885176 Ingrid Salty _______ 4 24 QUIET COUNTRY LIVING in Thi southwest hills Beaulilul t and 2 bedroom epts with view tennis pool, ree room laundry Close to city bus tin* Prospect Park Apia 1710 Nor thview Sivd 464 6553 7153 tin OAKCREEK 2255 Augusta Si Vary nice 3 bedroom ivy bath townhoutaa Fully appliancad. carpeted, on stla laundry Conveniently located lust eaet ot Hendricks Park and 1 mile irom campus Manager Unit 2255 Call 3455963 3425 JENNINGS 8 CO 6832271 7017 UH Close to Campus 334 E r5in 2 bedroom town house Available now 3315 Robert Belknap Realtor 895 Country Club Road 4855212 _• _3t STU0ENTS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION has single and double spaces open Rales are competitive meals and good company ponded Call Campbell Club at 8833777 7170 4 28 1331 HIGH ST Studio apl utilities paid snare kitchen wnn one other private bath Parking available CamputVdowntown loca Hems From 3180 Manager 3456778 BENNETT MANAGEMENT 4858981 7173430 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS Just one block from the library Now ranting lor Winter Term Private retngeretor and vy bath Irom 3169 Bob or Kelly 1544 Alder no 21 Bldg managed by St Clan Properties _ 5662 Ifn UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Alder Street Ouads Furnished quads now available Utilities paid covered parking and laundry lacililies available 3159fmonlh or $149fmonth on spring term lease Contact Tony 1360 Alder St no 65 343 3599 4 25 Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT FOR S4le Call Dartme 344 1606 4 30 Real Estate rO« SALE: 4 BEDROOM 3 ti.tr. tout. ■taeOE 37th Rfd# btkt anywhar* Vl.w Spancart Bull* from back Also shop wlrad lot 220W. and a gtaan housa. S58.900 Call Martha Davis at Cooglll t Mjnsan R.altois 4*4 ?0t t or 6*7*738 212*4-25 Lost it Found TO THE TWEE THAT STOLE MY BACKPACK m tha International lounga on Sat I don t gtva • damn about my monay. I want my ID cards back Ptaaaa ratum It to Campus lost and Round In tha EMU basamam 4 25 Food a Drink TONIGHT 25* Gourmet HOT DOGS t#th t Agata 14*1 H E tBSh El'GF.NE'S FALL CREEK ^BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Hay* Lunch or a Light Maal with us! TODAY S MENU: , • Turk ay * Chaata IHIad croissant • Spinach * Chaasa IHIad croissant Straight from tha ovon 11 00 am MR 7 30* 00 Mt E t3th Saturday *3 4*4 16*; CHRLA Presents Hard Times Lunch Authantlc Latin Home Cooking Bast Oourmat Rood Valua In Town Thurs. 11:30-2 MENU: Bean Soup Tortilla Grande (Fried Flour Tortilla with Avocado, Tomato, sour craam, latluca, cucumbers, ate.) Fresh Juice AH For Only $2.25 Dessert: Flan 75* Eat Wonderful Ethic Food and Support Human Rights 1236 Kincaid 464 5867 Patio Dinning Events NEW OREGON TRAIL Outdoor Program prasants traalanca writat Bill Sullivan k tllda show on his 1360 mil# solo backpacking Irak travar sing 18 wiidamass araas in Oiagon Monday April 28th 7 30 pm 107 Lawrence RREE 7175 4 28 Whitewater! Trip* and Nhoutcm Outdoor Program (MU 7174 4 26 ON TOUR Direct from Chicago A frigtc oomady atllh muate and By t*aiMi ilrOiM Ola.. .TOMin Nnivfln rwywngni SELAELO MAREDI THE SUN WILL SOON RISEcondon Audtlotium Thursday April 24, 1986 6:00 Suggested S3 donations sponsored by: Eugene Free South Africa Move ment, AACE, ASUO, Catalyst Films, CALC, and others 717*4 24 Everest Climbing Expedition fRft pre&matton by aap#dtfu>r laadat Bill Match Ldwranca 177 7n day April 25 7 pm 71*7 4 2* Entertainment Umvaratiy Thaatra ptaaanta TALKING WITH... Enron diffetant woman ahata than funny and touching Ilia alooaa m con nt'Miion witn in* audianca Vou'M moat Big Eight, a iodao atat. A pot a baton twirlaf Anna Maa a bag lady who want* to ttva in a McDonald * Maalaurant and many moia April 25, 26 ROBINSON THEATRE 8 PM TicMla ara SftSO *4 SO and only W SO tor 170 atudanta Call M6 4l«t iof riHnalwn theaantad 0, tpac>a’ anangamani with Samual branch Inc 7020 4 2ft Tha Survival Cantor praaant* Obo Addy & Kukrudu Endangered Species Costume Ball April 25, 1986 WOW Hall 8:30 pm Coatumaa Optional but aneouragad Pn/aa tot boat onaa 7177 4 7* A Play by Eugene O'Neill LAZARUS LAUGHED An adventure with Masks. Apr 24-26. May 1-3 Arena Theatre Villard Hall 8 pm. $2.50 686-4149 _ •_717*4 2ft Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU iOU*BUnOU WHAT ARB D0N7 HAVE THE YOU TALKING 5AME INTIMATE ABOUT7 I'VE tmUNUNCLb OUKEMOST OFMYUFE! . /mm, Birr tMH&SdCONP IN-COMMANP HONEY, THATStT, LORP IT 1 D0N7 TRUST THIS CHICK. SHE'S COTPaWWITY SUHUJRJTTBH ALL OVER HER. FRENCH DIP SANDWICH Au Jus On h'rrth French Bread Served With Potato Salad Only *1.95 Re* *2 M Open Mnn Thur 5 (JO 10 OUpni tin loiter & Perlrlcv come on tip'