C^~lTlijj jj ron. con*'nue^ pa*® says. Currently, the program needs to pair about 50 boys. Volunteers are required to spend about two to five hours a week with their little brother or sister. Coats says. And in order for children to build a sense of familiarity and stability, the program asks volunteers to commit themselves for a year, she says. “Many of these children have been let down before, and now they need someone to be there and be consistent.” says Coats. ‘Tve taken my little sister roller skating, to a movie, out to lunch or just for a walk to see the ducks.” says volunteer Pamela Burnett, who has an 11-year-old little sister. Burnett is a senior majoring in accounting at the University. Marty Salazar, a University pre-law major, has a 10-year-old little brother whom she sees once or twice a week. Salazar says that the relationship helps her as well as her little brother. “1 like the fact that I have someone to be with, to spend time with, someone who isn’t my same age." she says. Because many University students participate through the campus branch of the program, the Springfield program often has difficulty finding volunteers. Coats says. “The need is really groat in Springfield due to the large population of working-class single-parent households.’’ Coats says. “Eugene is a liberal com munity and lends itself well to volunteer work. Springfield has a harder time finding people who can help." The Springfield branch is conducting its annual recruiting drive during April and May. April is Na tional Volunteer Month. The Springfield Big Brother/Big Sister Program operates Monday through Friday, from 8 a m. to 5 p m For more information, contact Diane Coats at 747-*iH32. 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Iannis pool rec room laundry Clo*a lo city but tins Prospect Park Apis 1710 Nor lhview Blvd 484 6553 7133 tin QUAINT 1930* I BEDROOM APT. IlTOfmo Year around 343 3316 7156 tin Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU SIR? DO YOU REMEMBER MG? DEANHONEY? tLLBB /imjat'cl RIGHT TAKE RACK TTEAffY, i REMEMBER unNFYl WCU'SIR* WAl 1 FRIGHTEN HIM' YOURERACKATTHE COL LEGE. YOU'VE BEEN UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A ZOM BIE COMPOUND. WE'RE GO ING TO TRY TO DRY YOU OUT. SO JUST RELAX, OKAY* SKYUGHT REFECTORY REGULAR OR VEGETARIAN SPAGHETTI Onl> *1.115 SpmtH h or tpufthrliuu pu\tu mrtU or \tgir uitnr mttkr doth »»uh (rrsh intfloMe* \rr\vU muh nut to hrrttil Open Mon - Thun 5:00 10:00pm for Coffee A Pastrie* ' COME ON VP!