Contributions by Jbnmy Sumnwra. Greg Ptacafc and Gm Rant* Great, Getting accurate delee from hectic Hoftywood it tough; el re lean deles and tour schedules are subject to change. FILM OPENINGS May 2 * JO JO DANCER, YOI R LIFE LS CALLING -A ho( black comic is forc ed lo re evaluate his life when he is nearly killed by his involvement with drugs Sound familiar'* The star, director, writer and producer is Richard Pryor Now does it register' MAY 2 « BUT C ITY This week's brat pack movie stars Judd Nelson as a rebel lious kid who returns to his hometown and discovers someone has killed his fa ther It's up to Judd and his young sister, played by Ally Sheedy, to find the mur derers / i Marta) arts man Pm Morrta and Ralph Macchto art atvc and luckmg in Kan* Kid!. MAY 9 © COBRA Sylvester Stallone and Brigitte Nielsen the Richard Burton and Eh/abeth Taylor ul the 80s star in this detective thriller about the search for a serial killer MAY 16 © A FINE MESS This film start ed as a laurel and Hardy short called The Music Hux For his new version, director Blake Edwards added stars Ted Danson and Howie Mandel, some manic Ran# sters, lots of slapstick and several dozen complications, and came up with a full length movie If it's half as funny as Stan and OUie’s original, it should prove to he anything but a mess JUNE 6 © BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA Kurt Russell discovers there's a very scary world existing lieneath China town in his John Carpenter adventure comedy that's promising to Include cv cryihing from kung fu lo killer ghosts Jl'NF 13 « BACK TO SCHOOL Rod ney Dangertield is the owner of a chain of Tail and Eat sliops He decides to become even more well rounded by reluming to school 10 continue his education JUNE IH « CLUB PARADISE This comedy about a singles resort stars Robin Williams. IVter O'Toole, Rick Morant*. Eugene levy. Twiggy and Andrea Martin, and was directed by Harold Ramis (Sa ttonal Lampoon's Vitiation) With a group like this, it would lie hard NOT to be funny. JUNE 20 « LEGAL EAGLES Robert Bedford's lust movie since Out of Africa, Debra W inger s hrst movie sinc e Terms of Endearment, director Ivan Redman's hrst movie sinc e (ibosthuslcrs and Daryl Hannah's first since well, since the Clarenc e Clemmons Jackson Brown vid eo It's a murder mystery' comedy set in the New York law and art scenes JUNE 20 o THE KARATE KID. PART II The friendship between the teenage boy (Ralph Macchio) and his wise old ka rate instructor (Pat Monta) continues as the pair travel to Okinawa for more mar tial an.s competition and a chance for the old man to lace his memories JUNE r « LABYRINTH David Bowie is one of the the few humans in this fanta sy adventure from Muppet treater Jim Henson There's no Kermit or Miss Piggy, but Henson and company have c reated a whole new world of other characters (so clear off your toy shelves, store-owners). JUNE 27 o AMERIC AN ANTHEM Olympic gold medalist Much Gaylord re turns to the world of gymnastics, but this time as an actor who plays a young man trying to compete while dealing with peer, coaching and parental pressures Janet Jones plays his girl, and Allx-rt Mag noli who helped Prince film Purple Rain is writer and director ABYRINTH wMt / JOHN BROWN Far Lett Daryl Hannah wl tmg pretty m Ivan Redman's new romantic action comedy, Legal Ea glet. Left George Luca*. David Bowie and Jim Hen ton combine artistic energies in the lantaay adventure. Labyrinth JUNE 27 « RUNNING V AMI D Hilly Crystal and Gregory Mines play «»l all things '^rugged undercover cups" In this action comedy set in the badlands ol Chicago JUNE 27 • RAW l»EAI When will those lead guys ever learn' You fust don't cross Arnold Schwarzenegger Herr he deals with Chicago mobsters Guess who s left standing' JUNE 27 • RITIII.l-.vs niOPU Hette Mailer stars as a kidnap victim no one wants n< *r her millionaire huslratal, not her hapless kidnappers, no one Seems she's a bit hard to get along with (not Hette') Danny DeVito and Judge Kctnhold co star The directors are the loons who created Airplane? /taker, Zuc ker and Abrams JULY • HEARTBURN The intriguing star pairing ol Meryl Streep and Jack Nlch olson would probably make a movie in KMy McGiOu (Witnttt) and n trammf navy fighter pdot Tom Cnaaa combine force* m Top Gun. Al though Crude w in ■ nafcy buunni, ha gad aanout for It** flick (cresting if ii consisted of readings from (he phone hook In this case, however, there's an antral story, and It s an atlapta non of Nora Ephron's (unofficial) auto txographnal comic novel about the breakup ol her marriage to journalist Carl Hernstein JULY « SHORT CIRCUIT haywire wlr mg turns a military robot into an AWOL peace at tlvist Steve CiuUcnherg Is the sc I enlist on the robot s trail and Alb shcedy is the met hanical rebel's new friend JULY l c THE I-TITLE SHOP Ol IIOR HORS first it was a low budget movie Then It was an off liroadway musical Now it's a big budget movie musical It's the story of a nerdy flower shop employ ee anti his people eating plant which eats and eats until it has swallowed most of the cast Kick Moranis stars, and Steve Martin and Hill Murray have c amt-os JULY 1 o PSYCHO III l-ast time we saw Norman Hates, he was giving his