If you think the best way to pay for college is to Kut it off for a few years and join the military, you’re alf right. Because with the New GI Bill, you can join the Army National Guard and earn $18,(XX) for college. But best of all, you serve two days a month and two weeks a year. Which means you can go to sch7, Virgin Islands (St Croix): 77!1 64.18. New Jemey 800 452 5794 In Alaska consult your l • < m .mil/ •>» Ml . <%*'•*. AINH >M -> •* t •!»» *« 1*1 Ml MM Ml ■ l«t< U) ««> «|IWH>< «XJM Ml IS CITIZEN DYES l 1 NO BIRTH DATE National Guard Army National Guard A mericans A t Their Best. iiuv-iar