THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS ■ uni when you thought it was safe to ■ go hack to the greenhouse along I comes The little Shop Of Horn in, 10 with Audrey II. its people eating plant Director frank Oz (oif Mupi^a fame) says cheerful 1.%'."By the time we're finished', the entire rast'js eaten I know a lot pt ill rectors will envy that 1 * >bu.prijhabiy..wr’>uld love Audrey II; if you cduld 'see hie-r bOf. until the movie is released,.she's'bjnng kept under wraps All i can say is she. sings, she dances, she dials the. phone, and she eats people," ; says, Lyle (amway. her designer Those • ■> whb'have seen her say she starts out small • and" sexy, and, fed human beings, grows id trulyh'uge proportions. Audrey II first proved her popularity in the original little Shop, a low/ budget Roger Gorman film made- 2S years ago • • ("Wfc spent 1*40,000 on ours,” says Cor '■ .’ man ruefully ' This erne is 120 million.") , Hour years ago. Little Shop of Horrors was resurrected as an off off Broadway musi « , ■; cal comedy its success encouraged Earner Bros to reprise it on film. "It’s not a big, splashy llollywotxl mu sical." says Henson "The music is an in tegral pan of the story and moves the plot forward We haven't opened up the plot so much as we've enriched it." The action takes place in Mushnick's Flower Shop in a rundown part of town Seymour (Rick Moranis), a nerdv floral assistant, buys a strange little plant and names it for his girlfriend Audrey Having no awe of the Hollywood star system, the plant snacks happily on cast members Steve Guttenberg, Bill Murray, Paul Dooley, Vincent Gardenia, et al though not necessarily in that order Joan Ottodman CLUB PARADISE M M Wk I one of us could wait to get ■IBIduwn on says ■V Twiggy, who stars with I W Robin W'illiams and K-ter O'Toole in Harold Ramis' (Gbastbusters) new film Club Paradise. "I had just come from a him set in Kng land, where it was freezing cold." said the actress and former model who set the style for London's swinging sixties "We all were so glad to be in the sun, we would have played the phone hook As it turned out, it was a very, very funny scri|>«, so we were lucky in all ways ” Club I'aradise is a comic mixture of ro mance, revolution and seedy resorts, written by Ramis "It also includes a smarmy Knglishman, which I play," says Simon Jones (.Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Hrideshead Revisited) "It's a small hut nasty pan. anil I liktil playing ii. especially in Jamaica "Robin Williams plays the good guy He's a fireman from Chicago who wisely decides he's hail enough of cold anil snow anil lighting fires He comes to I’ar adisev where. he not so wisely decides to invest in a rundown reson hotel with Jim my Cliff, who is having trouble with the local corrupt politicos Along the way. Robin manages to attract the cook anil first male of my yacht to his enterprise Since the mate is Twiggy, you can under stand my deep resentment " There's Refer O'Toole’s sun drenched Governor General, who lutes to have his cushy life disturbed And there's his girl friend, a travel writer who wants to report on world events and sees her destiny in an island revolution "In fail, things were so complicated." says Simon Jones, "that Harold was the only one who knew what was going on.” Joan Ooodmtm ALIENS A summer film promising to he a special effects extravaganza is Aliens, sequel to 1979 s monster hit, Alien It brings back Mgoiir ney Weaver as Ellen Ripley, sole survivor (with her cat) of the original It's seventy years after the events of Alien. Ripley is horrified to learn tliat the planet that held the alien derelict and eggs is being colonized No one will be licve Ripley’s story until contact with the planet is mysteriously lost Sent hack with a contingent of tough space marines led by Michael (The Terminator) Biehn, Ripley finds hordes of the toothy terrors and faces down their termite like Queen in a finale that could make Rocky IV \oak like a pattycake contest Michael Mayo It Atom you find out why the Mte of thn sequel to Aten it plural. Sigourney Weaver (center) returns n (he self-reliant Elan Riptey, tote survivor of me first Mm Michael Bwiw (left) co-jtan I AMERICAN ANTHEM Combine a dazzling palette of col orv pulsating nxk rhythyms anil musk: video stylistics, anil the re suit is American Anthem, director Albert Magnoli's follow up to iIk* smash success, l‘urf>lc Hum The arena this time is the s|x>rt of gymnastics, where conflicts between relationships, goals and the competition provide the drama Olympic gold medalist Mitch Gaylord makes his motion picture debut n|tposite Janet Jones, the lithe young actress who Inirst on the movie scene with The Ha mitifpj Kut anil A Chorus l ine Steve Tevere (Gaylord) faces a coming of age conflict (What an original concept for a youth film!) As he is launching his career In gymnastics, his father is laid off and he loses the strength and moral sup port he has known throughout his teen years Fatter Julie (Jones) an attractive, talented gymnast who has left her family and ventured W'esi to challenge herself competitively and emotionally Together ilu*y work toward their g