TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING S EDITING Return*!. Papers, These# Dissert* llont. Gradual* School *pprov*d ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN MS I*'* SSSfrHn WORDS “R” US •randy AM SOM Shaw Naa SSI TOM Quality typlng/word procaaaing Paper*, returnee editing lap* t r an ac r i pt ion t. manuacriptt th**4!/dlaa«ita!iont,.0rad School app vrl IBM compatible STIO Itn Typing Ratumat Trantcriptiona Wont Processing Disk StO'ago Sheila. MS4SS0. evening# . •• ; _ . . . . • ' MftMTn Word Processing.}doing-Resume. . 'FatisAi i nrateepiat storage' CIO** to Got OrPrm.JIS r«» . , _, ..•.'•••'-,'0349 tin WORD PROCESSING Dim that!* manuscripts ' toaurno*,.'Cor re»pond#nc»',-..m*tl ;'Hit»SiftRi~ ~«W] Open dArly H 306 pm 'Saturday rby ap pomtmoht. Th* Floppy Dlae 345 0*30 ■ -• '>■ \\/'arcy Kling/ell Beth Newell _ _ 422 (DAO The Graffiti was great! Love. Tridelta _ 422 r JANE H. Thanks for a wonderful 3 years! I love you! DAVE _ 4-22 KELLY Remember what mom says about signs of alcoholism Happy Birthday LOVE MICHAEL __ 4 22 AA MEETING If you think you might have a drinking problem and want help, please come to the hew campus Alcoholics Anonymous meeting on Tuesday. April 22. from 1 30-2 30 in the Koinonia Center library at 1414 Kincaid 4-22 ThetaLaura It starts as Ms Greek ends as Ms America We wish you the best ot Kick LOVE. THE THETAS 4 22 BUSINESS MAJORS Alpha Kappa Pst rush ts here' General meeting 7 pm Wed Apr 23 in 330 Gil or call Anne 344-7410 for info 4 23 Sigma Chi’s Bob, John, L.J., Mike Looking forward to great week We’re psyched! * Love, the Theta’s _ 7149422 CATHY SEILER: Seven days and you re LEGAL1 You be drinkm mega wine coolers n sh Yeah! ANNE 422 KI We had a great time Sat night. Let's do it again sometime. Love. 4 22 I(DE Friday night was great. You guys were too. It sure was fun flying with , you! Love, AZ 422 I LOSE WEIGHT FAST! fast safe nutritional inexpensive EVEN doctor approved 344*5813 425 CASWELL: Thanks for the beach trip! fou re fun to party with’ HAWTHORNE. 422 Phe Delt Dennis Vhich lake9 Whichever: it will be great Love, A WAITRESS • 4-22 Happy 21er KELLY (Estella) 422 o K*I*M K»A»P*L»E*S We proud you Cheer lead agent you now! CONGRATULATIONS! Fun you Have one-year-future 4 22 Seniors end Graduates Earning degrees in Primary, Secondary, or Special Education Biology Mathematics Chemistry or Community Health & Positions In Peace Corps Are Available NOW. For Moro info Contact: Caroor Planning and Ptacamont 6861235 Burned! Sunny weather it on I ha way! Our clients know that a taw retailing lai ttons in a Wolff system sunbed pro duces a great pre summer tan and helps prevent painful and dangerous sunburn. SumShower 485 2323 874 E. 13th Up the stairs next to Kinko's Desperate IARTHA: I know that you plundered Kir guest while I was out. You’re the yoK. not Virginia. GEORGE_ 1 LANCE: My friends don't have to worry about white space either not ►etween their ears not anywhere ITANLEY 422 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ..—i ........ r 6AP e&vpm Of MY ROPY 6 m mm... only murmno your must oe snue. MORtN. i WHO firmacep m* A MOP OF PRUG awzep BTKFRS ' SCAN PFNN. HZKMV6P OH YOUR MCK. MTU umr'A wuaM>en' MS FOREHEAP