Et al. i I.ECFl )KKS/WOK KSHOPS A videotape of an inlvrvji>w with French, Fnglish and German political leaders oxprimsing ihefr governments' reluctance to join tluf U.S. effort against Col. Momnmar Rhadafy will be shown at J:30 p.m. today in Studio D. IMG. MISGKI.I.ANFXMIS Families for Survival and American Peace Test are sponsor ing a protest against the recent. U.-S. nuclear'testing today at 4 pm, at the Federal HuHditig, Seventh Avenue and Pearl Street A community picnic in honor of Karthweek will lake place Sunday from noon to 4 pm adjai mil to the Willamette Rivet green way and the soccer the Autzen footbridge. The.picnic in-, eludes a kit contest, a three legged race a.iid 8'skateboard contest. The Foreign Student Organization invites faith American and international students tii c ome to the International Coffee Hour to day at 4 to pm in "the International Iziunge.,'FMU.'; The International Studies Association is hosting a spring pot luck in the. Collier House tonight frtini 5 »0 to Hp ni.An infor iual presentation will fa? given by ISA students who attended-the tHHti annual Convention oh ‘‘The U N, Year of Peace.*’. German students and their friends are invited to gon on a hike Saturday on the Fall Creek frail. For more information, contact Helmut Plant. Room 312 Frientllv Hall, or call -4(K>‘i Gymnast (:ontinu,d >mm >>aK,‘tiA Illinois after meeting Hrvm through her previous coach, for this reason. Brvin feels a responsibility to look after her protegee. “When I first got here. I didn't know anybody, so what did 1 do but hang around my coach 24 hours a day," Beetle says. Basile is Brym's highest ranking gymnast and is also the oldest of the 17 others on the team. Brvm. 33. says it is often strange for her to discipline a 19-year-old and adds, with a laugh, that Basile still needs to be told what to do. “You want to la- independent and now somebody's in your life telling you what you have to eat and what you have to lose, and I want you to do this, and I don't want you to do that.* " Brvm says. But they agree that the work comes from a combined effort. “I am Just so lucky to have so meone like Kathy, as good as she is, coaching me." Basile says. “And she realty cares what I do. It is a genuine Interest.” For Brym. coaching is just as demanding as training. During a competition, Brym shares in the agonies and victories of her MAINSTAQE CABARET and JIM ROBERTS —snp& —OTflRTinG— now A Musical Review Lyric* by tUChSNl Halt by Jr Hutlc by David 5*1 fr« DIRECTED BY BOB Ot CAR Come have FUM Wttti cabaret theater at Ita best. euoenes star humlal tufa trr. aaaaam Friday Hr Saturday #ilO p m. Sunday 7iSO p.m. at Seymour'* Restaurant lit Kris *5 In advance % \ Student Kush I hum br/otf i ui lam Available at baikstage Oamawmat Literary Ltom Bookstore any %aymoor a Baaiautaal PHONE: 683-4368 Call u* for more Information students. "I have it really hard time watching." she says, “I think every coach goes through that — you.fust sit there and you're doing the routine with them, tint you can't do anything about it.” Hasilt*. who began gymnastics when site was seven, is no stranger to the pressures of com petition and has lost count of her meet*. “I used to. when I was little, keep track I would say. this is my 20th meet,' but now I have no idea. "Experience. It’s all in the ex perience,” she says with a hopeful smile. Hut Hasile has yet to overcome her nerve* and has been far from calm during the past week. The key, according to Basile. is to make the nervousness work for her. "If 1 wasn't nervous, it would mean I didn't care." she says. "It's that moment out there and what goes through a per son's head that makes you or breaks you." her coach says. Self-confidence was an issue for Hasile and Brym not long ago. but Basile believes she has overcome that now. "I believe now.” Basile says. "I don't ever want that issue to come up again." Sl.OO oF { .scO^Pon *30*"' '.tS « **“ ibefkctwy rf«;tai irant# RESTAURANT' 4740 MAIN ST. tmioorii.D omoom 7477900 rC’i5cck"cvcry"pagc o?The”EmeraTfcT for money-saving coupons. —UOBookstore—. CASH COURSE BOOKS BUY BACK EVERYDAY IN THE BOOK DEPT. LOBBY LAST DAY FOR SPRING TERM 1986 COURSE BOOK RETURNS APRIL 19, 1986 • Receipt required • No receipt, no refund • IO required • 50« restocking fee per book Your store since 1920 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5 30 SAT 10:004:00 Supplies 6004331 Stay in Shape at Honda of Eugene It’s time to shape up your scooter for spring, and Honda of Eugene is ready to help. Scooter owners will be receiving a FREE “Health Check" certificate in the mail from American Honda. If you purchased your scooter in your home town, phone home for the certificate. To receive your FREE “Health Check,” redeem your coupon upon service In addition, you will receive a FREE digital scooter mania watch while supplies last. Honda of Eugene 469 E. 3rd Ave. 485-1203