CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OHtca. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT: Alt ads must be paid lor In advance unless a bitting arrangement Mas been established For billing ar rangements. please call M» MW or slop by the Emerald Classified office. 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word for the first day and 14 cents per word for con secutive days the *d is run without change Ten-word minimum charge le $1.70 lor the Hrst insertion and $1.40 lor coo 9-POINT 12-POINT ($1 Mdtnel 18 POINT ($1 Wynne) 24 POINT ($1 75/line) BOX BORDER S1.2SMay DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: S5.4Mnch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 25« Bulk Disk Special 5tt” SSOD 100*69 5%” DSDD 100*75 Fuji JV> SSOD 10rt23-DSOO 181*25 (Fr»* storage box with 3V» purchase) 20 m. Lmf paper {2500 ihMtl) S22 ImigaiHn ribbon* *5, color 17 LEARNING SERVICES •1 West 8th M3-3S27 Moo-Fri 1(V€ St.10-5 For Sale TWO 1878 IBM Seleetne II typewriters S375 Coll Lomu at 484-7060 V;4 18 TOASTER OVEN. Dhe now S15-S20 Ear ty am pr pm *65-7537__4-18 CANNONOALE BACKPACK. UW now *150 060 345-6822 418 Buy a Sell THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy'SoN'Trad* Musical instruments. stereo tools. Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 Wo 5th. HFM8184 Instruction PRONTO SPANISH CLASSES Still open. All levels. Register now. For into call 461-2825 or 464-5667. 7ti6 4i7 STATISTICS TUTOR BIN 343-8814 423 t Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ EOfTOR. 16 years experience Graduate school ap proved Near campus Robin 3440758. 6208t1n WO SO PROCESSING. GUARANTEED 5 blocks to UO Graduate servo.-ed JENNIFER *80-3883 4962 MWH Word Processing/Typing IS plus years experience Papers, dissertations. editing, mass mailings Micro casette transcription Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 6BB3983 4938 tin TVPtNG/EOITING Call Sara 686-0739 4965 MUHF EXCELLENT TYPIST. 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J 1/page 6831117 6441 tin CAROL'S PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. 3462289 95 pm Evenings and weeSends by appt 810GUWH WORD PROCESSING Term pliers thesis Manuscripts resumaa. cor -espondehce. man nsti/labeiv -ate Open daily 8 306 pm Saturday by ap. pointment The Floppy Dtac..345 6930. v _ 628 ■ WordPro Word Processing IBMJMacmtosh specialist 265 E- 18th 3432051 ,61 S9 RESUME 686-0812 610 NEXT DAY SERVICE Term papers, resumes; dissertations disk storage, maaa mailings ' RIGHT WRITE 343-2162 4 29 WORD PROCESSING/TYPING Ati.4-is NORTH WEST AP A R T MEN T R E F E R R A L We can tind an apartment io m your need* no mailer whair kind ol apart mem you era looking lor with no charge to you * FREE * Save you reel! a headache and call uat 343-8*11 _ ___T011 4 18 1331 HIGH ST. Fumiehed studio with shared kitchen Close -to U ol O Utilities paid SISO/mo Manager • ° ' SOW4 18 SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Herd* Furnished quads with shared or private oath Utililte* paid Covered parking and laundry factinia* available From S100 f -** la, mn,, 4-..,i. 'r™' FePe TTvSPVw wwTRrr* _ Many >344-268/ SenneH M^^nege^nenl Co 1143 Oak SI *81 8881 • _ TOSJ.Itn OUPLEX FOR RENT Three bedroom* *160 each I«24 Emerald Call 14446*8 Nancy 4-is CAMPSELL CLUS he* Iwo double •paces open one male and one lemale Rales are competitive. meals and good company provided Call 683 3463 Ask lor Amy ■ ■ ■ ' . 4*18 1T86 AIDER • Furnished 2 bedroom spit *» block lo campus Laundry covered perking In well managed compie* Resident manager 68708*4 or 486 1707 IPM Co. 1111 Read 602T tin 4 BEDROOM Meek tocamput. 3630/m*i *410 summer 344 8860 Alt 2 Bedroom $200 Vary large unlurmahed sperimeni Laundry: parking No pal* or cluldran Available until end ol August only 2045 Will smell* 346 T087 7105 lln OAKCREEK 22ftS Auouila Si. Very nice 3 bedioom 116 bath townhousei Fully applianced. carpeted, on-site laundry Conveniently located |uei east ol Hendricks Perk end t mile from campus Manager. Unit 2266 Cell 3466083 *426 JENNINGS S CO *83 2271 70I7UH 1 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS *-e -.yu * iaesaee |h a i|A-—,.. •we* one 0MM.I rivvii int iiixsry Near renting lor Winter Term Private relrtgeretoi and 16 belli from *160 Bob or Kelly 1644 Alder no 21 3454400 Bldg managed by Si Clair Properties ____6882 lln UNOER NEW MANAGEMENT Alder Street Ouade Furnished quad* now available Utilities paid, covered parking end laundry lacilllies available (168/monlh or *l4flrmonth on spring term lease Contact Tony 1380 Alder Si no66 343 3600 4 26 OUAOS FOR RENT Mtlyard Quads 1750 Mtlyard 2 block* from campus lurnlshad and privata amk *t44/mo *130 2/mo laasa Call Jay 486*120 from 3 30 T 30 pm 8020 4 21 Dorm Contracts BUT MT CONTRACT! *26 il you do Call Ltaa 3448814 4 1? Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ...AND FROM OURSLEAZB 6MB BA6, MICHAEL DEAVER, WtLUAMJ. CA&Y, MtCHABL £RAU?P. CARMEN, OXFORD,ED6AR IS n FAIR Town*REAP A UST OF NAMES GOLP* ARE YOU GETTING THE UHOLE sum here*mi, in all CANPOR, PROBABLY NOT. 50 REMEMBER, THESE ARE JUST THE GUYS WHO GOTCAU6HT.. Lost a Found FOUND FPINCH LOP Nabbll (wound 13t*i 8 MW, OH 8*3 *371 ,417 LOST PUP8I. Small brocada loalMon day ovaning in woman* fssltoom mny Plahbowl Keys tndd* 4*4. If taolacsabi*! PImm *4lu*ni RCN8C M3 M02 «•** REWARD* LOST SENTIMENTAL GOLD B*ac«i4i Pimm pimm mum Cali 8830841 ; ■ 4.7# LOST OERMAN 8HCPHCR0. '.* months Old. Mack and Ian Missing sines Sun dayApm 13 Waaaaeali344-474*. ,4-17 (Aft 7 Wit* 6U> MMamutaLoat l3lh 8 Patry atM on Apill 14lh around 9 pm Gray and whits colb* about 10 in Chat high REWAAO 4*4 4737 4 23 Food a Drink TONIGHT 25* Gourmet HOT DOGS t»» * A**4*. 1481 Vt «. igth EUGHtrs FALL CREEK BAKERY NCXT TO UO •OONtTOMf Hava Lunch or a Light Maal with ual TODAY’S MENU: • T«rtay t CtMM HIM omiMfii • Spinach • Cheaaa MM OMunl StratgM tram the mn 1140 em M-F T30400 M1 E 13th , [*•"*•«M W Events CLUB SPORTS INTRAMURALS REC CTR ★ * Celebrate * * “National Recreational Sports Week” HIM Wad. April 16th “Sport* Bloopart" "mu narreted by Warren Miller in EMU Lobby Thurs. April 17th Taa Kwon Do Damo EMU Courtyard weather permitting, otherwise in EMU lobby Wad April 16lh Aarobic Sasslons EMY Emi Lawn weather permuting otharwiae EMU Her Clt Lobby 12 16 Fri April 18 Frtsbaa Qolf Starling at EMU Eaat Lawn. 3 30 Pn/ea awarded Sunday April 20th U o< O Baseball »l Pacific at Mowa f laid 100 Tuas-Fri April 15-18th Waterworks Canoe Co on Franklin 3!vd Open House Frae canoerng __nfej FRENCH IMP SANDWICH Au Jus On Fresh French Bread Served With Potato Saltul Only *1.95 Hck *2 JJ Open Mim Thur 5 00 10 OOpni for Coffee A Piutnn COM HON UP!