Specialty Drink of tha Month Cappuccino 75c with coupon Gocd thru April 30, 1986 860 E. 13th 344 7894 Got resume on the mind?? For quality Typesetting - contact Oregon DaMy Emerald Production. EMU Room 300 YAKOV SMIRNOFF FAMOUS RUSSIAN COMEDIAN “I LOVE AMERICA BECAUSE THERE’S PLENTY OF LITE BEER, AND YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A PARTY IN RUSSIA, PART Y ALWAYS FINDS YOU.” THERE'S ONLY ONE LITE BEER. MILLER LITE. V ■ 'iWJ MjJ t»! f-j '■ f/ IA i- :*•••• ,7 ' Band pays homage to diversity Musicologists are generally not fun to be around. But Camper Van Beethoven is. This band of college dropouts and graduates from Santa Cruz. Calif., has unleash ed world music from the gaze of academia and claimed it for its own. Like its name, the five member group seems to get a perverse joy out of juxtaposing contrasting cultures in one song. Camper's commitment to diversity, reflected in the group’s 50-percent ratio of in strumontal songs, has resulted in the group's excommunica tion from Santa Cruz’s college club scene. The "Mafioso ethic" of the club owners re quires bands to play world-beat music exclusively to get book ed, Krummenacher says, While Camper could un doubtedly play this mix of African and Third World rhythms — currently popular in the Bay area — the band has been content to put out two in dependent records and tour up and down the West Coast. The band’s absurd humor is probably most responsible for its strong identity. One song, "Where the Hall is Bill," even earned them a spot on the syn dicated Doctor Demento radio show (heard locally on KRXX, Sunday nights at 10). Probably more than anything else. "Take the Skinheads Bowling" has solidified Camper's standing. The singer's unconnected thoughts such as how everyone's coming home for lunch these days mingles with how last night he found skinheads on his lawn. His solution to all this? Take the skinheads bowling. The in sistent background chorus echoes the load singer's lines no matter how absurd they are. The song has been both a breakthrough and a noose around the band's neck. In places like Columbia. Mo., this is what the band is known for. and audiences will berate the band until they play it. Krum inenachor says. i "Sometimes I get apathetic about that song, but I'm happy that was the song that made it on the radio because it's so abstract, it's really just a nonsense pop song." Krum menacher says, Camper Van Beethoven will bring their mix of bizarre ethnic instrumentals and satirical rock to the WOW Hall tonight at H:30. They will be the second band in a bill including 10.1MM) Maniacs, the Uptones and local band St. Huck. Tickets are $t> in advance. $7 the day of the show. Award-winning country music star to perform "Kicky Skaggs is the brightest thing that has happened to country music and the brightest star on the horizon." says coun try legend Merle Haggard. "I've admired him not only for his singing talents, but he’s a helluva musician as well." Skaggs' star will shine on the horizon of the Silva Concert Hall stage Sunday night at 7 in the Hult Center. Skaggs was selected as the Country Music Association's 1985 Kntertamer of the Year, and his hand was named the CMA’s Instrumental Group of ihe year Monday night, Skaggs ap peared at the 1986 Academy of Country Music awards ceremony as a nominee for entertainer of the year and top male vocalist of 1985. Skaggs’ band recently return ed from a tour of Great Hritain, whose various folk music styles came to America with colonists and immigrants 300 years ago and evolved into modern coun try and Western music. The Britons gave Skaggs and his band rave reviews. The Sunday Times’ Simon Frith wrote that "what mattered wasn’t musical roots or U.S. utopianism, but something more fundamental — the great country band's ability to translate humdrum emotions into moments of power and beauty." Tickets for Kicky Skaggs' Hull Center appearance cost $18.50 and $16.50. and are available at the KMU Main Desk, the Hult Center box office and all Hult Center ticket outlets. For more information, call 687-5000.