NEWER QUADS, Locally owned, v» block from campua 81»»moulllitie*ln cludad 1866 Harris, manager apt * 342-4261 ' , 5M3;lln FOREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY LIVING IN THE LUXURY OF THE SOUTH EAST HILLS 10 mtnutee from UO 2 bedroom •’ -1W bath 2 private balconia* •Fully appllanced, Sauna A Pool Small pata okay Adult corriplei Foreal Village Call now 887 1318 ’• • '■ ■ ■ snii4-is UNFURNISHED 4 BEDROOM house Fireplace. carpellad, drapaa Adulta, no pals *450 484 1047 1722 HilyarU -.■.yi y TOIOlIn NORTHWEST APARTMENT '.R i ,8■ - F i R '. A . A l We Can find an apartment lo III your 'heed* no mallei whalr. kind ,ol apart manT you are', looking lor with no , charge * FREE * Sava youraaii a haaidacha and-cali uai 34MS11 ■ ■ ■ •; v 7011418 1331 MK3H.ST I irrnivtiml-sludto Wlih ; ..shared ,kitchen :poae..1o U -ol O Ultimas - paid ; 8i'80/m,p Manager ' 3448778- • '■ 8026:818 THREE PLUS BEDROOM APT in >a modeled' Victorian "houae Between campua and town 8440 (including uiUitiaa) Raiarencaa required 344 7039. or. 342-6888 - 7046 4 18 SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOOOSIDE MANOR iSIO Harris Furnished quads wtlh shared or private belh Util ilia's paid Covered parking and laundry facilities available From 8100 ■ Call lor more details Manager 344 7867 Bennett Management Co. 1143 Oak SI 4*68*91 ■ • ”' »’ ' '■ ■ "• 70S* 4-11 OUPLEX FOR RENT Three bedroom*. 8140 each 1B24 Emerald Call 344 8888 . NangV •" - ' ■. 4-T6 Campbell club baa. two douWa Spaces open on* male and one tamale Rata* are competitive meal* and good company provided Call 683 3443 Ask lor Amy ", •' •' , ■ • 41S • OAKCREEK 7244 Augusta St Vary mca 3 bedroom ivy bath townhouaas Fully appllanced,. carpeted on alia laundry Convanianlly toe atari luai treat ol Hendrtcka Park and I mile Irom campua Manager Unit 7244 Call 345 4963 $474 JENNINGS S OO. SSS-SSTT. . ■ TDirUH 1740 ALDER Fumiahed 2 bedroom apt* v> Mock to campu* Laundry covered parking In wall managed comple* Resident manager 487 0884 or 484 1707 IPM Co, 111,1 Reft . /, S027lln 4 BEDROOM apt. •; Mock to campua 4430rmo 8410 aummer 344 8869 4 18 2 Bedroom $200 Very large unlurnlahed apartment Laundry, parking No pels or children Available until and ol August only 2044 Willamette 344 7967 7104 tin Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS ■full on* Mock from tha library Now ranting lor Winter Tarm Private refrigerator and vy bain from t!6« Bob or Kelly 1544 Alder no 21 3454480 Bldg managed by Si Clair Progenia* 5882 tin UNOER NEW MANAGEMENT Aider Sir**! Ouada Formatted quad* now available Utililt** paid covered parking and laundry taclllt!** availabla tl59rrnonlh or IIAWmonlh on aprlng tarm laaaa Contact Tony 1)80 Aider SI no as 14)359* 4 25 Dorm Contracts BUY MV CONTRACT1 *25 it you do Call U»* 344-eai4_4 17 DORM CONTRACT FOR **la Era* money Call 343 )014 4 15 Lost & Found FOUND ONE BLACK AND ONE BROWN MEN'S WAUETS in IBO PLC Saturday night Hava baan turned in to Public Safety 4-18 Food & Drink TACO TUESDAY 35* S B pm. j_«ia i. im_-Hfitatumta ElKiEXITS FALL CREEK BAKERY NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or • Light Meal with us! TODAY S MENU: • Turkey 8 Chaaaa tilled crolaaant • Spinach 8 Che*** tilled crol**ant Straight from the oven 11:00 am MF 7 308 00 881 E 13th ,£alurday&3 484 ibfij Events The Council lor Human Might* In Latin America praaonla Hortensia Bussi de Allende International Human Might* and Civil liber ilea Advocate and widow ol alaln Chlaan leader Provident Salvador Allanda •peaking on Debt and Democracy in Latin America Wad April 16, 4 pm 150 Geology Sponvoted by EMU Cultural Forum. ASUO Cental (or Study ol Woman In Scjciaty Women'a Studio* Oapt. Ha tlonal Lawyer* Guild, Student Bar Aeaoolatlon', International ’ Btudiat Dept. Political Science Oapt. amd Inter national BuainoaaProgram /oar 4 18 STAINED GLASS at the EMu'&alt Center' Tltur* April 17 May 29 6 109 30 pm Register newt ground door EMU 686 4361 - . ' 7079 4 IS EL CAPITAN A tree video ol one of the lineal climb mg movie* ever made Shown Aadne* day April 19 at 12 30 pm Outdoor Pro Ram Boom and again 7 30 pm Gilbert all. room 138 Sbonaored by Fern Midge Outdoor Goal and me U of O Out door Program For more information call 686 4363 4 19 RAFTERS! Trip Initiator* Clinic April 22, and .24 Contact Outdoor Program tor more detail* Baa*men! EMU 899 4399 _ 7099421 CLUB SPORTS Intramurals REC CTR * * Celebrate * * “National Recreational Sports Week” 12190 Tues. April 15th Erg-0-Rama Crew Team demon •tram the uH of ergometers in EMU Lobby Wad. April 16th “Sports Bloopers” movie, narrated by Warren Millar In EMU Lobby Thurs. April 17th Taa Kwon Do Demo EMU Courtyard weal her permitting, otherwise in EMU Lobby Tues, Wed, April 15-16th Aerobic Sessions EMV Eaat Lawn, weather permitting, otherwiae EMU Rec Ctr Lobby. 12 15 Frl April 18 Frisbee Golf Starting at EMU Eaat Lawn. 330 Prues awarded Sunday April 20th U ol O Beset,all vi Pacific at Howe Field. 100 Tues-Frl April 15-18th Waterworks Canoe Co on Franklin Blvd Open House Free canoeing 7093« 15 Equipment SWAP An abundance o! outdoor euqlpment will be bought, sold, and traded Tuesday. April IS from 6 30 8 JO In the EMU Olnina Room Ires' Sponsored by the U ofO Outdoor Program Call 886 4305 lor more information 7091415 Entutainmcnt FELT FEET! workshop at the EMU Craft Cental Mika your own warm, soft, and cuddly slippers while learning to make wool felt at the same time Saturdays April 19 & 28. 12 30 3 30 pmAeglster now I ground floor EMU 686 4361 7080 4-15 'miner rooum?1 Hot Fudge 0 IV Sundaes 99$ U.' EVERY TUESDAY 13th 861 Wlllametla Wednesday BEER GARDEN 4:00-7:00 EMU DINING ROOM . with the : , IMPOSTERS opening with PELICAN BOB - . 10 Required Food end Alternative available BEER GARDEN Wednesday 5055 4 18 KEQS TO <20 BIG SCREEN TV Sunday Night Fra* Pool Tueaday Mot Dog Night Thuradey Bmi Nighi Friday Nighi Dart Blind Draw Saturday Oucli Gama Spaciala Plua/llaUan tood available from our eervtce window ol Pina Pala'a Italian Kllchan Black Forest Tavern 2857 WILLAMETTE 344 0816 Personals PROBLEMS? Crlsl* Center Uolo telephone hotline, 24 hour* 7 day* Smelly confidant)*! CaHBBMOB._3144 tin PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS. Frmi pregnancy testing Birthright 687 0651 623 U The Ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi announce their 1986 Spring Rush April 14-18. Sign up Suite S. EMU or call 485-0665 for more information. 7043415 GIVE LIFE... IT’S IN YOUR BLOOD TUES, WED APRIL 15-16 167 EMU _7062 4 15 roB Congratulate* It'* nnmt member* Darllna Balar KIRI Boring Suaan Murphy Marianna Baiter Jan Bronson Ellen Shsaly We love you' Pamela Burite Christina Jansen Dawn Hanavan Mendy Tiger 7084 4 15 THE EMU SION COMPETITION. April 7th-21»t The U ol O student senate is currently sponsoring the EMU Sign Competition in an atlon to obtain a suitable quote lor the entrance lo the EMU Entries may be submitted at the U ot O Bookstore. Klnkoa or at the Stu dent Senate grievance booth in the EMU Submit a quote and leave your mark at the U ot Ol 7100 4-15 Confucius say: If the white lines on your road lo suc cess are Cut from cocaine, you'll pro bably never get to your true destina tion Call Horizon Recovery Center at 345-9506 We can help 70094 15 UNDECLARED STUDENTS. Concerned about an educational direction? Gel the mpet pul bf your education by atten ding a FOCUS Workshop Wednesday. April .16, Forum Rm , EMU Sponsored by .Career Planning and Placeman! Ser vice -:' 7063:4-15 V Feel Good About yourself! GIVE LIFE... It's in your BLOOD TODAY 10 am-4 pm 167 EMU 7101416 IAM Through tunnels ol plastic «ve crawled with you room lo room we had "Just a few" Dancing on tables? We did that too? Always remember We care about you!" Love, AXO _ 7102 4 15 AAA Spring Inflates Beth Lynn Darcy Nicola Becky Have a super meek' Love, your Big Sisters _*15^ FOREIGN STUDENTS! In'search o! a |ob? Enamine How to Find a Job as a Foreign Student , Today. t5 1 15-2 Min the EMU Forum Room Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement Set vice _7103 4 15 INTRIGUED WITH THE FOREIGN JOB MARKET? Satisfy you eurtoustty at the International Career Panel, Today, 3 30-500 In the EMU Forum Room Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement Service 71034-15 JUNIOftS ANO SENIORS! Capture the fob ol your choice! Learn How to Get the Job You Really Want'. Thursday. Apnl 17.1 303 in Hendrick s Halt, Room 12 Sponsored by Career Planning and Placement Service n03 4_t5 S.P.M. For Always and Forever yours. J. _*15 Kim Roth Good luck in Cheerleading Tryouts! J.D. _*15 Congratulations EN A KAO Andy Reynolds & Wendy Fisher on your pinning weirdos _*15 SAE Pooh Box Thanks for a fun year sweetie1 I love you YOUR FAVORITE DORK 4-15 Joanna Banana Merry 20th Thanks for being my very real friend. Love and stuff, SYD _4M5 Beta Theta Pi What a blast1 Gralttti was untorgelabie why did we wall so long? Lei s do II again soon LOVE, KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA_ 4-15 Congrats Fiji Steve Nelson on the Greek Endorsement for ASUO President Good Luck Steve ' PRESS ON ; ’ -• • .Vis =UO Bookstore Law School Commencement Order your caps and gowns from Cot ' legiate Cap; 8 Gown representatives at the UO BooKstore on Tuesday April 15. arid Wednesday April te, 104 Regalia’Rental $17.95 Last day to order, May 2nd 13th 4 Kincaid M-F* 7:30-5:30 685 4331 SAT 10:00^4-00 Vole April 16-17 Steve NELSON ASUO President Caitlin CAMERON ASUO Vice Pres For IFC: Katy Howard Jodie Moony Petra Constante Bob Baldwin Laurie Clark For EMU Board: Joern Wettem Jean-Phil Charles Leticia Coronado For ASPAC: Wendy Williams SPA's candidates are committed to responsible activism Together we can make student government work tor you Nelson-Cameron endorsed by: Amazon-Communtiy Tenants. Graduate Teaching Fellows Federa lion, Interfraternity Coun cil/Panhellic. Student Bar Associa tion. Catalyst Films, and many more Students for A Progressive Agenda A five-year tradition of activism Congrats new KKG Members Jana Arrunda Julie Emery Michelle Gonya Emily Rader Michelle Reese Marcie Stone We love you all! 4-15 WANT TO WEAR SHORTS THIS SPRING? Slop by Sun Shower today and tan your legs, your arms and everything els# within just 5-6 20 minute visits. Super, convenient location and long hours make Sun Shower the campus tavorite! . Open Weekdays 6:30 a m. Weekends 8 a m. SumShower 485-2323 874 E. 13th Up the stairs neit to Kinko't Vote April 16-17 STUDENT SENATE: #3 John Kisling *4 Nur Dostmohammad #5 Joy Lund *6 Dan Thoma #7 Misty Haley #8 Karen Frymoyer 19 Yoosuf Moiz #11 Enk Nilsson #12 Sylvia Shannon #13 Chris Boiiweg #14 Joe Johnson #16 Gil Wright #17 Randy Mac Donald These candidates are committed to extending drop/add publishing stu dent evaluations and more Vote for responsible activists Vote Students for A Progressive Agenda A five-year tradition of activism ASUO CANDIDATES FORUMS Pres./V.P. Tonight, 7 pm Forum Room, EMU BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed c & f SURE mux> myrmmmr mm of 'PmoHfKS'.. I r\ ^fKMmy i M m Pfpf •Otoon BMC a*/ a HUM... NEUWWEK FmwmeK Motny WHON PICTURE5 OP PGCONS PNP&UHEi IN THE PRRK i tmr~. mtf.. XfHTE... senene.... NO CONFfWWTON 1% vow/ 771/5(5 5ffiNPSNN m TYPE has been \ Of a MTTZP JOBt NEARLY. 00 SC '01.