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The ODE’S liability for typographical er rors. incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancellation of charges concerning portion of space reflecting the error Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of (he advertise ment will be adjusted Errors resulting from unclear insertion order or hand writing wilt not be compensated Please note clearly aft instructions on ad form. 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Grad Sen approved WordStvtes 4 Type Scripts • CINDY 444-5454 BRANDY 4W4M4 4940 ttn Word ProcetsingITyping: 15 plus years evparience* ‘Papers, dissertations editing, mass mailings Micro casette ■ transcription Pickup 4938 I In . TYPINO/EDITING Call Sara 686T)739 • ‘ . 4955 MUMF 255 Ear; IBtti (Dynamic Typing Service! TH€ Student Specialists/ . Business Prolessionals. Word ProcessingiT ypmg • Complete Photocopy Center Disk Editing (many systems! Pickup 4 Delivery Available ' Si* Blocks Horn Campus PRO TYPING/EDITINQ Guaranteed Close to UO Graduate school approved JENNIFER 485-3883 4963 UWF EXCELLENT TYPIST. Gradual* school approved. SO year* experience. Call Doris 404-1094 4958 UH DEADLINES ALWAYS MET IBM Elactronlc Wheelvrriler 5 Rulh 345-5814 4969'UW TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING 0 EDITING Resumes. Papers. Theses. Dissert* lions: Graduate School approved ALL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 465-1473 _,_ 56>S;ttn WORDS “R” US Brandy 404 6044 Shaw Nee 665 7096 Quality typing/word processing Papers, resumes, editing, tape I ran script ions, manuscript a.. theses/dissartations.Grad School app vd IBM compatible 57tOtfn Typing-Resumes ■ T ranscrtpUons Word Processing-Dts* Storage Shelia. 3454550. evenings _• ■ • ; ' 5970.tln, Word Processing-Editing-Resumes Fast-Accurale-Drsk storage * - ° Close lo U ot O-Pern.345 7679 •. •_. • . ■•saofttln : WORD PROCESSING..• Term, papers. thesis, manuscripts resumes.' cor respondence. mail ltsts/1 Abels- etc-' Open dally 8 306 pm Saturday .byap pomtrnem The Floppy. Disc. 3456930 • ' . ■ ' ■ • -4 78 WordPro . ssing \ IBMlMacint'osh specialist ■ 755 E 18ih 3453051 . • - • • "ORIGINAL PLUS". . ; • ' T yplng Service Professional., typing vnlh special, stu dent . .rates Memofy typewriter with ■ quality printing. Janet, 344-6707 V A16 $9 RESUME 686 0812 . 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Scholarships Available Sophomore* and under If** inlofm* lion NSRS Boi MA. Eug*n* OR 97440 • ■; , • •' -■ ■■■ M Help Wanted ENVIRONMENTAL POSITIONS OPEN Survival Center, is-hltlng lof spring l*rm .86-stall, position* land* i*gal issue*. • water issues and. of flee coordinator ■ openings ' evfUlabte .M 00 worksludy • cover!idle stipend* pick up (Ob descrip lions and applications m Sun* 1. EMU Affirmative Action/f quai Opportunity .Employer • - . _' 7oro«t7 GOVERNMENT JOBS *16,040 SS9.230/yr Now hiring Coll eovsareooo e«i R96*2 lot custom tedotal H»l: ______ Hi OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, yt round, Europe. S Amor. Australia Asia All I laid* 1900 2000 mo Sightaeelng Free Into Write IJC PO Bor fc-OR 3 Corona Dal Mar CA 92625 * 23 EUQENE LAW FIRM Opening June 1 lor Legal Secretary Buatneaa litigation E« patience required Health 6 dental in surance retiramant plan Salary open Raauma lo PO Bon 11620. 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Registering students through 4/15 in Ml 11 EMU. 686 4351 for detelfg.. wriiiis EASY HOURS Waofcl* i>*v Parmanaol part tuna talaphona taint L ibaral com miMlon and bonu* M A M chimney , Cleaning Call Ron MS 1Mb 4,!? FOOTNOTES ASSISTANT COOA OINATOA. lor SludantV Protect! Inc 30.2* houralwti* IS ITItir • Beeeb. on ea-'. penanced Inquire el. Suite 4: f.MU lot )ob daictionort Application deadline. 8 prri. '4.IMS AA/FOE V. .. ' Stfl14'1S • EXPERIENCED CHILDCARE AIDS Stu dani employee Of coltaga writkeludy M«f 8 1.10. Tu#t 8 30 1p. Thun 112 3b 60S-4384 ’ M04 4 18 HELP! Workstudy Office Worker Needed < 15 JO hira per.wk .Typing dm* antry ■kill* needed Alumni Assoc' Cell Claudia MTMM or Kwen '666.3006 ' ' .-70804-18. Roommates ROOMMATE RIFEARAliiNC We help you Imd the RIOMT.ftcxxnmat# Call 667 8JU-i i : ■ tlfta tln FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to •ham J bedroom house with laundry faciHliet'for 2 term* (tSSrmo M3 1391 ■ ; • y. . •• *18 COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOM 1360 Eaal 2lal lesy walk to campus (200 per month plus ultimas Call Jim 4656331 ■ ; . ..... ■■■-. For Rent UO FAMILY HOUStNO. man red coupla* and single parents, possibility ol im medial* occupancy oi place youisall on waning list Westmoreland lurnished apartment 2 bedroom (144/mo I bedroom (! tVmo Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom StJOrmu Future openings enpected all araaa Contact 1)0 Hous Ing Dept 666427/ 4642 1'n O. . . \ . Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU J 'i&.rrsmeFOfrsuA&ON PARADE"! LET'S STARTUJrm REAGAN APPOINTEES WHO RESIGNED OR WERE HRED FOLLOWING CHARGES OF LEGAL OR ETHICAL MISCONDUCTf Hexene go.'mta ia&ie\. JOSEPH CANim, LOUIS COX PI A. MICHAEL CAFPENAS, VJE&lSi A PLUMMER, MAM ANN GiUEECE, FREPJ. VILr . LEILA, LOWS 0.6HJFFXJPA. " JAMES UATT, MICHAEL CON-1 NOLLY, PO06KTFUNKHOU5EP, PO06KT NIMMO, THOMAS C KEPiAPMANPPemrjem DEL 5MAS! tAfiUXCAMPmi! PETE* BiBKO!' -yO Quality Copies ‘Binding ‘Thesis •Lamination ‘Reduction •Lnlargement ‘Self-Service Copies •Resumes ‘Self-Service Word Processing 344 7894 Tuesday Only! S2.00 OFF Any large or medium pizza BAST MH Chicago Style Pizza, Pasta and Calzonel 652 E. Broadway • 345-4114 For carry-out or DELIVERY ^ TODAY’S Tig SPECIAL SKYLIGHT REFECTORY REGULAR OR VEGETARIAN SPAGHETTI Onl> ‘l.*5 SfnmH b nt ifHixhrtlini (Mixta ntral nr \Tgif utmr tttrnir doth »ith frrxh xrttrlttNrx srnrt! xsuh nut In ktrotl Open Mon - Ilium <00 10:00pm for Coffee It Paatrie* COME ON CPI STOREWIDE SALE Everything in store 50% t o 70% OFF!