Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1986, Page 3, Image 11

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    the needs of el3 members
of the student body.
• T o-fc e;t h,eV.'. we;, the
; ■student£;of the Univer
*'-it'y-,,"of'^re£bn., ipeid
.: - $?.P in.131 i6r \t Inc 1
; der-Ui ft-eo ir• 1S65-8C..
> • T.hft rftr.ey if dir
t ributed. . t o student
' - lop n'p>* • c 3 ubs . & rid
o.rg a h'i ha tions by the
I n c -5;« \k-r t- r i F ©.* C © c -
ii'ittee. Last year over
CO group i- rece i ved funds
frot this coop 3 tt-ee.
Next year I hope to
incpeen*: t he sveiJabil
3 ty of funds to t-ore
student groups by pro
• riding a triple, at and
ett'Szt'f’ retbod* for dis
tribution. S&eJl groups
or r.ey groups should not
be dltccirtged f i oc
requesting funds, for
their activities.
Ha Vi hp, fctrvt-d on t
similar ooma ittee dur irg
t-y undergraduate years,
erd havifcg beer involved
ir irtersiural sports,
the WoP'en’t Lew Fcruo.,
end various other
student organisations at
the U of 0, I can use my
experience to represent
student needs. 1 an. a
first year lev student
and v-ould like to build
e t-ond 3 sc r e t i ora ry
system of student fee
distribution during the
next t vi o years at a
r tuber of IFC.
Endorsed by £PA and SBA.
1 year seats
Hi, p* y n a it e is
Pttrt Cor.otente and I'c.
running for the Inci
dental Fee CoEJL.il tee.
The Incidental Fee Cce
aittee is nede uy cf
t» e v e t. m b u . v h o
tllocfete L'cnits to the
various promt's tee of
associated students at
the University of Orefccn
including the Athletic
Depart r ent and the Ert>
Memorial Ur>:Un.
Ky toc.ls include:
to it.prcve the quality
of lift at the Univer
sity of Oregon, to
listen to all sides of
the issues and use
intellect and reason to
make the best choice for
the whole University# to
he open elrdei end
unbiased In icy dec i
', oio.n.6, t c prct o t e
diverse attitudes and
1 .■ perspectiYeo £t . the Uni
versity of 0re£or,. and
..to encdurate and support
- student involve men t and
I ac, Qualified, for
• this pbe'itior because I
at. :drd-have'ht en.'active
or? can-pur and have
interacted with yet.5bus
groups or. carpus. Sore
of ty ex p eritnc e
1 n cl ud e s: A k. e i s t a rVt
tirector of K.E.CbA.
Hovin-tei'to Ettudiantil
Chiearo de As.tier (the
Chicane Student Union),
Representative on the
Council for Minority
Education (voting tie li
ber), and Secretary for
the Black Student UK-Jin.
As a i.istlt' of ti j
bfcdk&roun C and txpn—
itnee I will epproadb ay
decision:: ci tie <"cr
nittee in a objective,
corbies and open rinded
tanner. I > v con n.itted
to ieru the student
body, to ioptove the
quuI ity oT 3 i fi t t! t
Ui.ivers.itj of Cre^ci ,
and to dedicate the line
and trei'ty required to
carry out ty Job to the
beat of iy ability.
I was born in
Bortlund, OR. and I
graduated fret Silveitm
Union Eifih School in
1S54. Eeint; a ...
(Word Unit exceeded)
This* past j'tci the
Incidentf.l Fees Ccr
Lit lee ©5 located $2.7
rillicr. to the programs
of the ASUO, the EMU,
arid the Athletic Do
pe rt it nt. They lave the
power to effect any and
every student the l
attend t- t be U of 0
through their extensive
rone ter; control.
Election* of rechotr
of tbit ccnnlttee there
fere should not he taker
Ther e ere 7 Lenient
on the couttittee, a
stall rue len when you
consider that they tutt
rej reset! the internets
of apj■noxit ately 17,C0C
students. The best way
to get a good cross
sect ion of university
student on the ooniuittee
is to elect these vith
broad backgrounds and
diverse interests while
beir.t j-espontible and
>iil.l&en'V p!:sn'i»rer-a...
Ivy experience ir:
vat1 Ic v a'dr^ani*' a t lent
(Vice Pres ident, £oc J al
C ha 1 r eva ri; . P h i. Eel t a
Theta)' baa ;£jven>i- e the
basic .V hciWledte in the
areas, of dealing with
I eople, u ak irfc, '<'ecj -
nioneV r-'fenr ir!^ bud- Y
•fiete,. a rid' X; ao. wiling to
1 earn fr on the c oi e 6x
per.i erct O' e er her s of the
IFC and ASUO Executive.
1. feel'- that I can
p i- c v i d e a valuable
inej^ht ir. the jroeess
of decision i-tikint
because of Sy heok£,i>.-i nd.
as a business Lajor and
a c.eo ber of the fcreek
The Lein reason
that I ul runnirii, for
lhe pcs'iticn is that I
ft el l ! at It is irpera
,s Indents
0 s tiv'i
tive that all
at the C of
exactly what the IFC is,
ht tie the toney is
toh^, and Wit it is
aceoinpliahirie. Tc this
if I ai' elected I
v J11 i el? e eu re that
there is alvays a very
open pci icy or. the ...
(Vcid Unit exceeded}
Vhcn you d i& deei
it.'lc i'CUI pCCketS to Ifci
your tuilicn, do you
vorder Vihere your coney
i,ces? You pay CE£ eael
tera for such cevves i ;.
providing parties for
ethnic groups, sobsid
itiri, corporations, and
furdi.rt, lobbies and iav.'
suits that you cay rot
even support.
I support the rifcbt
to be on carpus for ell
student groups, fret
ever, I don’t believe
they car erpect other
students to i ay the
Students have
enough bills" cf their
rwi to pay.
?h o t: a a J e f f e veon
"To conpel a man to
furnish funds for the
propagation of ideas he
disbelieves and abhors
is sinful and tyrann
I aprtt. Let the
special int crest cups,
pay for their our.
{•artier and lobbies, or
et least rake the sup
port for eueh groups
.optional, as do ether
Ycur ' cte will
deter Line tire fate of
your tuition.
If you have nioney
tc burn, arid you don’t
car e boy ouch coney you, "•
pay in tuition or how
it’s spent, you should
net vote for ce. . ■ _
'If you would like
torfe fiscal ieponaihil
"ity fr oi the people who
slloeete cere titan two
Billion dollars cf your
stonert fees, cast your
vc-ie for Duane Dungannon
for 1FC.
The Incidental Fee
Con* nit tee is responsible
for al]ccatier over $2.8
million Jr ireidental
fees to over 70 student
ortaiir/ations, the EI'U
and'lit Athletic
Ee'arttent. Irltrent in
that retpensib3]ity
should be lie ability to
tiieu end determine
tech oi‘L3i>l xp t ion’s
1 ei,it i mat e needs such
that the t.orey is die -
tiituled it el' equitable
aid unbiesed tanner,
h'ith a student popul -
at ion of 16,000 it is
essential that
everyone’s concerns are
Liven due consideration.
At ere of those
16,000 students I have
felt the frustration of
belcn^ira to ciLariv
e t i one whose limited
budget hat i r. turn
limited those orLanit
eticra’ services end
functiers. I an & law
student* a teller of the
Lesbian and Gay Lav
Student Association, end
have been involved ii
the intr&M’r&l basket
ball I UL
end cited fci the IFC
position by the Student
Eat Association an d
Students for a F re -
Liessive Amende. If
elected I intend to
channel ay energy into
obteirin^, tic lc s t
equitable and Just allo
cation of fees possible.
There it sirply no
ret*soi for any student
organisation to be Liver
prejudicial treatment in
the allocation of inci
dental fees.