Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1986, Page 2, Image 10

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It saddens sen in
whose hearts the spirit
of liberty rings true
that a monstrosity known
as Students for a
Progressive Agenda
dominates the politloal
life of a major uni
versity. SPA has turned
this institution into an
My sentiments
toward their wanton ways
are reflected in the
words of the immortal
Hiccolo Macblavelli:
■The barbarian occup
ation stinks in the
nostrils of us all.*
In outlining the
Qualities of tbe Prince, .
Macbiavelll expressed
dismay toward Princes
who carelessly
squandered money,
because be believed tbe *
Prince would be forced .•
■to burden tbe people
with excessive taxes and
do everything possible
to raise funds. This
will begin to aake bin
hateful to b is
This is tbe polit
leal path down which the
present administration,
endorsed by Students for
a Progressive Agenda,
has stumbled.
For too long,
people hungry for power
have allocated your
funds as they have seen
Placing tbe power
of choice back into tbe
hands of those who bear
tbe burden could be the
proverbial finger in the
Students for a Pro
gressive Agenda is once
again asking you to
swallow its familiar
fallacies. The organ
ization has endorsed
several candidates whose
opinions are generally
consistent with SPA.
Only about 12f of
the student body voted
in last year's anealc
election, which SPA
Let us end our
apathy. Let us take
back our campus. Let us
assume an agresslve
agenda that will restore
our university's reput
ation for excellence.
Elect Ramon M. Angeluoci
ASUO President.
Student government
is at a very critical
point. The new ASUO
Executive will be faced
with many Issues of .
great Importance. Such *.
issues include: Control
of the polioles and
thousands of dollars
involved in the ASUO ‘
Insurance and Student
Projects Incorporated;
Service Improvements in
' the areas of Child Care,
Campus Security and the ’•
Computer Use. Center;
Budgeting of the nearly
■ Three Million Dollars in.
Student Fees; Program.
Assistance with'.Sotiv
iti.es- and Student/
Involvement; arid,*;of
critioal importance in a
legislative.year. Lob
bying' for a Tuition
Freeze, Financlal/Ald,
.Higher Education in .
general, and Graduate •
Student. Tax Relief.- '
The complexity and
critical importance of . '
these issues demand that
the= next; ASUO Executive - -
have 'experience. The
• teas of Kevin Lewis and
•Doug White h.as the.
‘Experience required to
Effectively confront
these Important issues.
‘ Kevin Lewis has
been it.be "ASUO Budget .- •
Director, a ..member of '*
the Erb Memorial Union
• Board.of Directors, the
Vice-Chair of the EMU .
Budget Committee .and ■
Chair of the Computer f
Use Center Committee..;.
Currently, Kevin holds a ,
GTF as the Coordinator
of Student;: Involvement
for. the University
Student Affairs Division
aod is a member of the
Graduate Teaching Fellow
Federation. - -
Doug White is the
Tribunal Chairman of the
Inter-fraternity Council
Executive and is a
member of the Student
Conduct Committee. Doug
has also served as Vice
President and President
of Sigma Chi Fraternity.
We offer you an
Experienced Team, Com
mitted to Productive
student government. We
appreciate your support.
Elect Lewie end White
ASUO President end Vioe
Mo statement sub
nit ted
. The ASUO Executive
is the nost powerful
tool- the student body
has, end direotly
Influences neny in
: portent decisions made
".at. the University. As
President end" Vice
President! we will use.
this power to"achieve
- :;our goals on these* end
■ other, Issues. ;
• V Financial Aid is in
serious trouble, end we
‘ ..will utilize our *.
membership in the pro
fessional lobbying
networks, OSL and USSA,
* to fight cuts in the
-V program..
Childcare. is in
' need of expansion and
• upgrading. We will
■ create a.user task force
to insure more parental
input, and continue to
support alternative
; , childcare. ;V -
We are committed to
laproving campus safety
through support of
projects such as the
Saferide Van.
In addition, hand
icapped accessibility is
'an Issue we will
immediately address. We
will also continue
Student input into
o aip u a planning
decisions, provide re
sponsible allocations of
student incidental fees,
and fight for divestment
■of student funds from
South Afrloa.
We are the Boat
experienced ticket
.running, and1 our
experience is both
recent and relevent.
Steve is a Student
Senator, and has served
on the Caepus Planning
Committee and the River
front and Transportation
subooBBlttees, ASPAC,
and several other cob
Blttees including the
Handicapped Accessibil
ity Project.
Caltlln is the ASUO
Finance Coordinator, and
heads the Computerized
Registration Task Force.
She has served on many
oommittaes, including
the Saferide Van Com
mittee, the Counseling
Center Committee, and
Oregon Student Lobby.
He are the SPA
endorsed candidates, and °
are committed to the
goals of the organize- . .
tlon. Tour vote for us
is a vote for respons- ’
lble, effective student
government,V '■
2 year seats
1 am seeking a two year
.position or the iPC
because I fej 1 , it '.is •
■ i ut e.3 y tountie 3 ...
that ifulV support be >
•given -to: • . :
■Affordable chi3d cure
progrdts for ring]* r rid
working parents
■Frofcras fc euc.h as Fr.o
. -'4ect- £ a f e ; E id'e whip'
he! p/at eu.re.. tie esfety
of .students
. ... .
and other progrtoe aired
at the needs of tit
student. body. I alec
.recognise tie need to
support program which
- provide educational
tfrvicee for students
and wl 3cl pi r i ots the
ability of the s.tudcnt
body to directly 3rpact
on the political fystec
of wlioh we are nr
integral part . Ther e*
fore, X-fully support:
f The L lc.Mil ft
. placed on ihe bellct ty
•The OSSA funding
ft’ well hr funding for'
all other can pus organi
zations and prograr.®
which futher the ejtpr ee
rier of <he diversity of
3-fe styles end philo
sophies which rake ui
t;ur Univere Jty.
Ir. 11 if effort, I
thready have the support
* Students for t Pro
gressive Agenda (SPA)
* The University Ders>o
8rid I lope that you too
will support r e and the
rest of l he SPA tear ’r*
our effort to respond to