=UO Bookstore— Books This Week Upstairs in the GENERAL BOOK DEPT 9 Cash register sale only • No further discounts apply • Limited to stock on hand 13th & Klnc«k> M-F 7 30-5:30 SAT 1)70134 00 Supplies MS-4331 —UO Bookstore— Electronics Fair April 14 - 19 Special this week • • Great deals on • SA300 • -JBtMSC' SA200 Check it out! \ —MBD£HE~' 8.2 “Stereo Everywhere” Loudspeaker System List $049 ^s750™ —&OS£r ' Speakers: LIST SALE $348 pr S199 PR $298 pr S159 PR 13th & Klncatd M F 7 30-5 30 SAT 1000-4 00 Supplier 660-4331 Candidates claim strength lies in their recent work experience By Kim Kaady Of Hw Kmvrald Preserving financial aid. im proving childcare facilities and expanding campus safety pro grams are among the main ob jectives of Steve Nelson and Caitlin Cameron, candidates for 1086-87 ASIJO Executive presi dent/vice president. '86^ ASUO Elections *C**&*<**£r*&n • The candidates said their greatest strength lies in their ex perience," which • they said is both "recent, tfnd relevant." Both haVe Worked.with student „ V. programs ijn» ,A.S( JO. President Lynn Pinckney's administration "and'are in toiic.K with.the needs ; .of.each group, (Jameron said. ■ ° ■ Nelson and . -Cameron said they~plan-to fight cuts in fihan .* cial aid’by continuing to lobby ; at "bGtftith’e/state and national level's. -IJnder. |heir- administra ’ tion, .the University would con tinue tp utilize its membership in the Oregon- Student Lobby and the United.States Student Association. Both groups can set up meetings with senators and other legislators in Oregon .arid Washington. D.C.,.they said. . The candidates’ plans to im prove childcare facilities in* elude the formation of a task force to ensure more parental input and to continue support of alternative childcare pro grams. Cameron said. Five such facilities currently serve the needs of University students, but expansion is needed to meet the demand, she said. Increasing campus safety is also a high priority for Nelson ,and Cameron. Cameron, who serves on the Project Side Ride committee, said she would like to see more publicity about the University's five escort services,. in addition, both candidates said there is a need for improv ed lighting around campus, and they recommend installing more cal I boxes and telephones. Nelson said handicapped ac cessjbijity is also an important •issue; and his administration ■plans to help increase ac cessibility in several buildings, particularly the Main Library and fieri finger Lounge, he adds ■ " Student input into campus planning, decisions also would be stressed in the administm tion. Nelson said. He said his involvement with handling stu dent grievances on the Student Administration Hoard has in creased his awareness of stu dent concerns, which he said include the continued fight to divest student funds from South Africa* Nelson also said he would solicit student input on the Riverfront Research Park and keep working toward obtaining a ban on classified research at the park. Another project on Nelson's and Cameron's agenda is the creation of a low-cost cooperative food store to be located in the lower portion of the EMU. formerly occupied by Anderson’s Sporting Goods Store. The store would sell groceries at reduced prices and offer bulk foods at . a discount to student living organizations. Cameron said “We've been extremely forward-looking in our plans for ' Self Service Copies Happy Hour 3$ &'/2 X11 3C BMt x 14 5pm - closing Mon.-Fri. All Day Sunday 860 E. 13th kinko's* 344-7894 what to do next year.” Cameron Maid, "The safe ride van and the food store are projects we can be extremely proud of. There aren't many universities across the country who would go this far out of their way to do things for their students and take care of their needs." Concerning, the allocation of student fees. Cameron said the administration would strive for "responsible allocation of In cidental Fee Committee funds." Allocation would In’ tied directly to the benefits students receive from the program, she said. Nelson is a junior history ina J L. Jl./ Caitlin Cameron |or who ha* served on the (jim pus Planning Committee and the riverfront park and transpor tatmn subcommittees. He also is a Student Senator. Cameron, who serves as ASIJO finance coordinator, is a senior majoring in manage ment decision sciences. In ad dition to heading the Com putertzed Registration Task Force, her past experience also includes serving on various committees Nelson and Cameron have been endorsed by Students for a Progressive Agenda, the Creek Endorsement Committee, the Amazon Community Tenants and the Student It a r Association. Dim Sum lunch *2.25 And Try Us Fur Dinner CHINA BLUE ReMuuranl 879 E. 13th. 343*2832 \\\m A BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR ONLY 25*? Th« ODE and area businesses think you’re worth it. The Birthday Heat — ODE Classified section. .male n