Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 14, 1986, Page 7, Image 7

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    World news
Libya plans possible defense
against U.S military retaliation
TRIPOLI, Libya (APJ — Col.
Moammar Khadafy’s govern-;
meut claimed Sunday it had..
mover) foreign workers'.'’in-'.’
. eluding U.S.. citizens,, .tiff... oil
fields in the desert andiarmy';'
base* purportedly targeted. for/^
attack by American forces.
Hut u Western diplomat ..told.
The Associated Press he:-,had-t-,
spoken tO- several represen
tatives of his country in T.il»ya;:..
and "none of them reported "any
such.incident. " He spoke on
. condition he n’6t be identified
Ttlrther.-' . •
Tripoli has remained quiet for
days! and there were no signs
Sunday of any military
• preparations.,
; 'The U S . tith Fleet, mean
while, was poised in the
Mediterranean off Libya,
. awaiting President Reagan’s
decision bn a possible strike in
retaliation for Khadafy’s
reputed support of.international
Reagan and Chancellor
Helmut Kohl of West Germany
have said. Libya, is a prime
suspect in the April 5 bombing
of a West Berlin discotheque
that was a gathering place for
U.S. troops stationed in West
; A U.S Army sergeant and a
Turkish woman died in the
blast, and 230 people were in
jtired, including 63 Americans.
Reagan said he would consider
retaliatory.' strike if evidence
proved Khadafy was.lathihd the
pbijjitjtng.■ v . 1 .
AVstatern'ent released by ■» Lh
; byan^lnfbrmatibn Department
official .' wild refused to be.ideri
stifled,» said. ''Foreign, workers
liayitjlannuforced to live in (oil
„ fields], iaking into.account that
the majoriiy .are Americans.”
Diplomats and business peo
ple estimate 800 Americans still
live in Libya, including ex
ecutives, oil field workers and
about J00 American women
married to Libyans.
Reagan ordered all Americans
out under risk of a 10-year
prison sentence and cut all U.S.
economic ties with Libya after
terrorists attacked the Rome and
Vienna airports l)ec. 27. killing
20 people, including five
The United States blamed
Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal,
whose real name is Sabry al
Banna, of carrying out the at
tacks and accused Khadafv of
harboring him.
Other Westerners in Libya in
clude Europeans with an
estimated British community of
Hundreds of foreign workers
already live in the desert oil
fields, often on rotating one
Mental patient escapes
state hospital Sunday
SAI.KM (AP) — A 23-year-old man described as
dangerous escaped from I ha Oregon State I lospital early Sun
day morning by unbolting a screen ami sawing through a bar
in the window of his room, the hospital superintendent said
Shawn McGinnis apparently lowered himself to the
ground using knotted sheets. crawled over barbed wire and
jumped a fence after he escaped from his room, according to
Superintendent Moh Denning.
McGinnis was being held for observation in the
hospital's forensic program. His room was checked every
half-hour. Denning said.
His escape was discovered during the 7 a m. check, the
superintendent said.
McGinnis had been ordered to the hospital to determine
if he was mentally competent to assist in his own defense on
several Multnomah County charges. Denning said.
McGinnis had been charged with l>eing an ex-convict in
possession of a firearm, find-degree theft and two counts of
possession of a controlled substance, Denning said.
He apparently smuggled a wrench and a hacksaw blade
into his room to remove the tightly bolted window screen and
saw through one of the steel window bars. Denning said.
McGinnis was described as fi feet. 180 pounds, with blue
eyes, shoulder-length brown hair and a fuzzy l>eard. He was
wearing blue or brown pants, a black T-shirt, a brown
sweater, white socks and white tennis shoos.
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month shifts,
Qtt is Libya’s largest single
source of income, although
Western analysts say revenues
plunged from $22 billion in
1984 to about $8 billion in 1985.
The Western diplomat told
the AP only five-major docks are
used to;load oil on tankers, so
there.would be no need for U.S.
warplanes to hit the widely
scattered oil fields.
Khadafy told a news con
ference Wednesday that he and
his top commanders had made
military plans in the event of an
American strike against this
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But his newest book’, "you’re Only Old Once," is something a bit
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APRIL 19, 1986
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