Student Bar council members endorse Nelson and Cameron The Student Her Association executive coun cil endorsed Steve Nelson and Caitlin Cameron last week for the 1HB6-87 ASUO Executive’s president/vice president ticket. Nelson; a junior history major, is a Student Senator as well as a member of University Presi dent Paul Olum's advisory council. Nelson is on the ASUO Student Activities Board and has serv ed on several ASUO committees. Cameron, a senior management and decision science double major, is the ASUO finance coor dinator and head of the computer registration task force Cameron is president of the Golden Key Honor Society and active in ASUO programs,. / The endorsement states that while the Nelson/Cameron and the Kevin Urwis/Doug - White presidential tickets represent extensive student'Involvement, Nelson and Cameron best reflect the needs and positions of the law community. The bar association endorsed Nelson and Cameron because of their participation in Univer sity projects, opposition to discrimination and "unequivocal commitment to the divestiture of student funds from South Africa," according to the SBA endorsement. SBA also endorsed two-year incidental Fee Committee candidate i^urie Clark, a law student; one-year IFC candidate Katy Howard, a graduate law student; and one-year IFC candidate Jodie Mooney, a law student,* For Student - Senate* seats, SBA endorsed Daniel Thoma. a sophomore pre-journalism ma jor; Kandy MacDonald, . an undeclared Sophomore; and'Gil Wright, a graduate industrial management major. • . - V. Amazon Community members endorse Nelson for president Representatives of the Amazon Community Tenants endorsed Steve .Nelson and Caitlin ' Cameron for , the UtHH-87 ASUC) Executive/ . president/vice president ficket last week; ’•* . ’ . ; • V’' Nelson and' (Cameron ..were chosen ' on the basis.7of ex-‘. perience . and representative: skills and because t hey. wr i I {be “more open, to the ne*yis'.,a)uT concerns of t htThont fad iti one 1 * student.said Judith Barker, co-director of''the. Amazon1 (immunity Tenants;' " The fivdmember reprosen tiitivo group also endorsed all 0 Students for a Progressive Agenda candidates. Marker said. This includes two-year Incidental Fee Committee call ed Bob Baldwin, a junior political science major, and ..i12.95 Includes Shampoo, Conditioning and Precision Cut Mondays fit Thursdays only *10.95 look for us at Showcase 86 In Carson on April 25th AH hair styling and mahe-up will be done by Hair Today 561 C. 15,th (*tov> from rw i) 485-4422 r poppi/ CREEK TAVERNA Real Greek Food Deliciously Prepared Imported Beers, Greek Wines and Daily Specials Sunday/Monday Special Kalamarakia (fried squid appetizer) • $4.25 675 East 13th Eugene , n,!-*a«v, 343-0846 I I I ■ c o u p 0 N ■ 1 I ■ COUPON I PHOTO SPECIALS! GLOSSY PAPER ★ NO LIMIT 35mm 126 110 Develop and Print C-41 ★ 8 x 12 COLOR * PRINTS $2.79 35mm neg or slide only 24 Exp. Prints..$4.95 36 Exp. Prints..$6.75 REPRINTS ...5 FOR $ 1 Coupon must b« presented when film is brought in. . ‘ Offer expires 4-21-86 OREGON PHOTO LAB On Campus -C ■ South Willamette 1231 Alder • 683-2500 2805 Willamette • 344-1224 1 I I ■ c o u p o N I I ■■ Hi MB MB coupon Hi H Hi H —UO Bookstore— Electronics Fair April 14-19 Special this week: TEAC 20% OFF SALE. TEAC R-555 Stereo Cassette Dolby B & C NR. 2 Heads: Permalloy, Ferrite. 3DC Motor Transport System w/Servo Capstan. 1C Logic List $360.00 20% Clearance Price OURS $199.50 off $1 59.20 TEAC EQA-10 MKII Equalizer Stereo 10-Band Graphic EQ. 10-Band Audio Fre quency Spectrum Display. Source & Tape Input. EQ In/Out Switch. Pre/Post EQ Switch. EQ Boost/Cut Controls. Available in Silver & Black. List $199.00 OURS $129.95 2qo/o Clearance Price »«° S103.96 ★ No Interest Payment Plan Applies it • Limited to stock on hand 13th t Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:004:00 Supplies SM4331