Coffee Bean of the Month Zimbabwe s640 ib. s330 KINKO’S 860 E. 13th • 344 7894 >/%lb. SPRING BARGAINS SPRING CLEARANCE SALE APRIL «, 5, 6 2.00 TH SMUTS AM IMKUimrS so so NYLON SO »W.| —no* Sill no. REtCf SWfATPMfTS 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.95 RUSSELL HEAVY WEIGHT FLEECE SWEATS HOOOS 15.95- CREWS 12.95-PANTS 12.95 17.95 Moo Thur. I JM » . Solwdsy 0:004 30 I Broadway • Eugene, Oregon « 343-1299 Downtown Mall DO Bookstore Electronics Fair April 14-19 Special this week etch ✓—Videocassettes & Head Cleaner-^ • • Scotch EG 1120 VHS List $7.95 SIt*® S5.95 Scotch EXG T120 VHS List $10.95 S8.95 Scotch EXG HiFi T120 VHS List $12.95 9^ *10.95 • Scotch EG VHS Series are rated the best tape tested of the popular standard grade VHS videocassettes. Scotch Head Cleaner • Safe, easy, sure >- from the peo ple who invented videotape. • Patented pre-recorded message appears on TV screen to tell you when heads are clean - no overcleaning! • One cassette is good for over 240 uses, equal to one cleaning per month for 20 years. *14.95 , List $19.99 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-5 30 SAT 1000400 Supplies 856-4331 Letters Absurd attack Yes, rape is an act of violence, Darrel Kothauge. and yes, women are capable of violence. These two facts don't add up nearly as neatly as your letter of April 7 would have us believe. If you check out the statistics on rape, you’ll find that women raping women is not the problem. Your point about whether or not the shuttle-van should bo available to both men and women could have been a valid contribution to the debate. In stead you turned it into an at tack on the gay community, refering to gays as "queers” and feeding the homophobic: fear that lesbians and gay men are forever on the prowl for sweet young things; (to paraphrase your words). You express a concern for the safety of “s.weet little girl(s)" and /''innocent women." casting heterosexual women in the role of passive victims Of lesbian lust; Your assertions that these '"innocents”, are in danger from lesbian women borders on the absurd — many of these women have worked tirelessly over the years to end the very crime that you accuse them of. .... As.women,, lesbians face the .fear and threat of rape the same as heterosexual women. The shuttle-van service is but one example of women actively • seeking solutions to protect, themselves from a violent crime. Don’t-thfow stones! . Pat Dixon Student Drug abuse We have a significant pro blem with drugs in,our homes, schools, city and workplaces.’ Our community is beset with legalized drug, dealers on almost every corner, in every r grocery store. A drug Is defined by Webster's Dictionary as: a substance used in dyeing or chemical operations. We blindly accept »hai the chemical producers have our best interests in mind as they produce wide assortments of chemicals for personal and in dustrial consumption. There are pesticides, cleaners, detergents, paints, dyes etc., which are made of a wide variety of drugs. Where do these chemicals end up when they are washed down our drains? Out of sight, out of mind? What are the these compounds combined, in our environment? One In three peo ple in the United States' will' have some form of cancer dur- ■ ing their lifetime! Why? ' We are a drug- addict society If you don't feel well, take an aspirin. Whatever the symptom,^ there's a drug to. mask i.t! Isn't it • about time'We- started'-dealing • with the problems rather than, the symptoms?,» > .• Thanks tfugene 'School Board for. your recent vote reaffirming your stand MgainSd, the continue-' • lion of.«en. old “habit; .It Vis especially hard’to"deal honestly with the alternatives to dru'g ad diction... no - matter ^what .the editors of the Register-Guard > think is tho-‘/easy "Way out ' Richard Gold • ; Eugene-; * •• Greek lifestyle Yes. it pays to be in the Greek system. This university is so , fortunate to have the wonderful .Greek system; For me the Greek system has. always been a positive experience They support the community in several ways. t. They throw beer bottles, t ans and cups in the street every weekend Thus, people are V/ W. w V-/ v/ w V-/ V7 University Neighborhood Dentist Gentle care for students for 14 years Student Discount Available J. Scott Baxter* d.m.d.p.c. 680 E. 18th Ave., Eugene (corner of 18th & Hilyard) 344-637 OO 1 employed by the city to clean up their mess. 2. They join .others in court battles. This gives our judicial system, and all they employ, continued support. The Greek system also benefits our university. I They haze their pledges' This has three benefits. First, it allows the pledges to be humiliated and feel subhuman like the other Neanderthals that art».already in the Greek system. Second., it jiivas the an thropologisl on campus another . life form to research that can possibly, lead to the missing link. Finally, it provides a • former student of the University - an extra $325.000 and focuses me«Ua^a11ent ion dn fhe charitable functions of the Greek system. . .2. The frats support equality, •Thijy invite all tvonwii to their parties because they just hap peri"4q have the, desired anatomical parts. The .Greek system which benefits this community would W^sdrtily missed if it. ceased to exist. They always make sum the University knows how i h.iritable thpy are! .This (dll • has^ a charitable idea for the Greekies. If you would, donate a single term's "drink and puke money” to a charitable organization. you might cum cancer. But don't forget to litter the streets.. . We LOVE you Greekies Stay forever! Blake l.ouis Sliter Political Science Correction The last sentence of Koscoe Caron's letter "Thanks. Bill" In Fri day's Fmerald contained an extra word in advertently added by thn Fmerald. The sentence, referring to Vice Chancellor W.T. Fern man. should have read: "I think of the Fmerald (someday) throwing the spotlight on this guy. and of the student body visiting his office and tell ing him what we think of him." Recreation Center IT'S TOURNAMENT TIME! APRIL 14-21 • 3-6 PM At Your Recreation Center 8-BALL pfUZE^'. 1st: FREE POOL CUE & $17.50 FREE POOL TIME 2nd: $17.50 FREE POOL TIME 3rd: $10.00 FREE POOL TIME $2.SO for entire tournament Best 2 out of 3 games SHUFFLEBOAR Prizes'. 1st: $10.00 PREE 5HUP PLEBOARD TIME 2nd: $6 PREE 5MUPPLEBOARD TIME 3rd: $4 PREE SHUPPLEBOARD TIME %2 00 for entire tournament 2 out of 3 qame elimination one person teams • highest winning percentage (minimum 5 matches) 4^ join in THE Fun at Any timci Sa CMU Creation Center Downstair, In the CMU C-H 686-37 H for more tnformetion AV Don't Miss This Chance To Test Your Shills And have A Great Time! ^