Commentary SPA-controlled government is addressing student needs I havB been concerned for some tim« that the Oregon Daily Emerald lacked information about the ASUO. The recent editorial endorsing Kevin Lewis for ASUO president is evidence of the pro blem. ASUO relations with the ODE deteriorated when we criticized its ad policies last fall and got worse from there, l am writing now to tell what we have done and why the editorial was in error. Student involvement Is not down; it is up. : Our anti-apartheid rallies were among jhe largest in the nation. Many ASUO programs received budget increases because;of high activity levels. More students are becoming involved through the Creek, system and haye worked this year on- the SafeRide van. fo«»d distribution and the suc cessful OXFAM drive to end world hunger. If the ODE\s candidate.believes student in volvement .is down, perhaps it is because students are not involved in his projects When I