FOOTNOTES COORDINATOR. Student Project* Inc 40 houttWwk. nine mon Ihn/yT leSWhf attending upon •< parlance lni»tn«l candidate* applying Job description available Application* due Spm 408/86 in Suit* 4 EMU AA/EOE ____ 6IW4J5 WORKSTUDY POSITIONS Work with in* Muitum ot Art*'navel mg exhibit program. training provid **»ibl* noura. apro*. I2hbur*/w**k pr*t*r aiutMtnta In art relaied Halo* who can arork through th* *umm*r And return n**t year CARPENTER to'build rvooden. (hipping cralaa and omar dull** mutt b*>«o*ri«nc*d with ■ poarer »hop tool.* EXHIBIT CLERK ■ to mat and tram*.art work*, to ehpclr In coming and out going (hoare. and other .dull** ’ . * VISUAL ARTS RESOURCES 686 3029 Cat) lor information anil appointment : .- ■ .. FOSTAia EXCELLENT INCOME FOR part .urn* horn* *»**mbty work ' For. mlo call 6046416003 Ext MW x it HELPING PARENTS SUCCEED Facilitator n**d tor • **n help group Training provided Call 68SWS0 Spon (0160 01'P'JC- .' 4-tS HELP! Workstudy Office Worker Needed •1V20 hr*-par arti Typing data unity (kill* n*ad*d Alumni Aaaoc Can Claudia 6S6S686 or Karan 686 3006 TOSO 4 16 Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAE. INC VU* help you lind th* RIGHT Roommate Call 66T4BTS ;. St>4 tin FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to there J bedroom houe* with laundry lacllltlaa tor 2 term* It Mr mo 063 1381 . ’ • • For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING. married couples and single parent* poMltxlily erf im mediate occupancy ot place yoursett on welting uai Westmoreland furnished apartment. 2 bedroom H44«no - i bedroom *1 IMmo Amaron unfurnished 2 bedroom *l2Qrmo Future openings expected an ataaa Contact U0 Moue "'g Dept , 6664377 ■ • 4943 tin NEWER QUADS,- locally- owned V*, block trom campus *t5»mo utilities in Ciudad ISM Mann manager apt 4 342-4361 __ - 6643tin FOREST VltlAQk APARTMENTS ENJOY UVtNO IN THE LUXURY OF TMt SOUTH CAST MILLS 10 mtnutaa Iron* IIO •3 bedroom TV* bath -3 privets batcomat -Fully appbanced Sauna 6 Pool Small pat* ofcay Adult complex Foreel Viii aoa Call now MT 1318 SHIAH tty SLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Fumianad atudioa Onsite laundty facuttiee flSSSno 3444116, STSStln UNFURNISHCO 4 BEDROOM IVMiaai t-nepiece, carpattad. dtapaa pata *450 4S4 1067 IT33 Milyatd ' TOtOttn NORTHWISf APARTMINT REFERRAL Rta can lind an apart mant to tit yout needs no manat when kind o' apart men! you are tootling tor with no charge to you * FREE * Sava youraelt a headache and call ual 3434611 7011 4 16 H31 HIGH ST. Furnished studio with shared kitchen Close to U ot O Utilities paid ttSOtmo Manager 3466778 6035 4 16 THREE PLUS BEOROOM APT in ra modeled Victorian house Between campus and town SS60 (including utilities) Reterencea inquired 344 7038. or 3436855 7055 4 16 HAYWARD HOUSE 1380 E 16th Ave Excellent 3 bedroom, ivy bath turniah ad townhouse across trom Hayward Field New carpeting, appliances, on site laundry Underground garage park Ing Cell 344 3713 *545 Also taking aulrmiet reservation SuffitTyvi file *385 Jennings » Co 663 7771 7016WIM SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIDE MANOR 1610 Hants Furnished quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry lacllltlas available From *100 Call lor more details Manager 344 26*7 Bennett Management Co. 1141 Oak SI 46*6881 7062 * 11 DUPLEX FOR RENT three tiedrooms *150 each 1824 Emerald Call 344 8868 Nancy ' ■ 4-16 CAMPBELL CLUB ties two double spaces open one male and one tamale Rates are competitive meals and good company provided Call 683-34*3 Ask lor Amy 4-18 Quads UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Alder Street Quads Furnished quads now available Utilities paid, covered parking and laundry tacmties available *158rmonth or St48tmonth on spring term lease Contact Tony 1360 Alder St no 65 343 3599 4 25 CAMPUS COURT QUADS Juil on* Modi trod th* library Now renting lor Winter T*rm **oa,n ,r°m *’®» Bob or Kelly, 1544 Alder no.2t 345-4400 Bldfl 01*0*0*0 by St Clblr Propertie* 5862 tfn' Dorm Contracts PSCE CASS OF BEER lor. buying my dorm contract Call 3423156 414 BUY MY CONTRACT! 125 il you do Call UM 344-6814 4 t7 DORM CONTRACT FOR Ml* FrM • money Cdl 3433014 4-19 Lost a Found LOST BLUE NYLON WALLET Ce»6 Reward 3421168.. V4-14 Food a Drink ; Monday Sandwich Special Sub & Suds $3 (Altar 6) Over 21 . ' = 1461 WE tfth iat6 6 Agele EIXiEXFS ‘ Tall creek BAKERY UVWtfWWWWWUWW NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE Have Lunch or a Light Maal with Ual TODAY S MENU: • Hem 6 Che*** lilted cranuM » Poppy Seed crotsaent with Alcona Herb Chee** • Broccoli 6 Feu Chee** croliaanl Straight tone the oven 11 00 am M F 7104 00 861 E 1316 1 m ■___ m 1M NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE NEW HOURS CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST $1 7 10-1000 FEATURING CroUMM or cream chee** pantry, and coll** or lea MONOAYFRIDAY Et'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY M F 7 304 00 881 E 1316 Aalurday 6-3 _ 484 1662 Events STAINED GLASS •I lit* t MU Ca3\ Center Thun Aprtl 17 May 29 8 30930 pm Register newt ground door EMU 688 4361 ___ TO 794-16 CLUB SPORTS INTRAMURALS RECREATION CENTER Calabrata “National Racraation Sports Waak" 12-1:00 MONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 16th Aerobic Mellon* (EMU Feel lien, weather permuting, other wlM In EMU Lobbyl 7093 4 14 It’s not too late to take the SEARCH workshop TaiChi Course begins Monday April 14th at 3:30 pm in Esslinger East Gym (47). There is a $25 fee. Wear loose comfortable clothes. ___7076:4 14 I Equipment SWAP An abundance ot outdoor auqlpment will be bought, told, and traded Tuesday. April 16 from 8:30-8:30 In the EMU Dining Room. Free! Sponsored by the U ofO Outdoor Program Call 686 4366 lor more Inform* lion 7091 4 15 The Council lor Human Right* In Latin America presents Hortensia Bussi de Allende Intamallonal Human Rights and Civil Rights Advocate and widow ol slain Chiesn leader President Salvador Allende ' ■ . speaking on Debt and Democracy in Latin America ■ Wed April 16, 4 pm 150 Geology > * >. : jroeb w td, Entertainment University Theatre prevents . TALKING WITH... ■ Eleven dilterenl women share their tunny and touching life stories in con versation with the audience You'll meet Big.Eight, a rodeo star. April; a baton twirier. Anna Mae. i bag lady • who wants to live, in a McDonald s - Restaurant, and many more ' APRIL 11,12 17-19, 25, 26 ROBINSON THEATRE 8 PM Tickets erg $5 50. S4 50. and only S3 50 lor HO students Call M64191 lor reservations Presented by special arrangement with Samuel French. Inc:- 7030:4-14 flQfyWfQfraH ltyWfyWTtTgHrml «. t_ . .. * *>oct. Shi « c.mpo. ttwsxM. mio i) n FRFF POPCORN TUESOAY Must End Thurs April 17 ACADEMY AWARD BERT FOREIGN FILM NOMA ALEANMO m LUS PVENZO S The Official Story Sun Thui* *30 *9 00 REMARKABLE! FUNNY, ENTERTAINING. WARM AND RIVETING...To see a movie like this makes you re-evaluate everybody you know and what you think about them...WE LOVED it:1 A Ebert AT THE MOVIES DIRECTED BY MICHAEL APTED Eugene Premiers Limited Engagement Shews Frl S Sal 7 10 « # 40 Sun thru Thure *:4S A >:10 Sun Bargain Mallnee 4:00pm And All Shews Mon *3 00 Always student discount wl 10 FELT FEET! workshop at th* EMU Craft Cantar Make your own warm, soft and cuddly slippers while tearing to make wool felt at the same time Saturday* April 19 A 26. 12 30 3:30 pmReglster now' ground floor EMU 686 4361 7080 4 15 Personals PROBLEMS? Cnyls Canter. U of O telephone hotline. 24-hour* 7 days. Strictly confidential Call666-44M 144 ifn FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy . leslmg ai Birthright 687 8651 3162 M WANTED Quality women'* and men s clothing Make extra money FAST at SECOND THOUGHTS 720 Yt E. 13th For appointment call 143-1312 114 Mon-Sat 3744 M Learn to Sky Dive Weekly Instruction at Discount Prices Call 484 9668 HFMtfn NEED A LOCKER? FROM $21 TERM EMURECCTRX3711 . -- 6196:4-14 WOMEN'S SYMPOSIUM I* May 1-4. Anyone mlerastad in helping with the Symposium please contact ASUO Women * Task Force 686-3724 Suite 4 EMU » 7047:4-14 DO YOU HAVE GRAPHIC TALENTS? Do- you Ilk* organizing posters7 In terested in working with the Women s Symposium Creativity Please contact ASUO Woman's Task Force 886 3724 Suite 4 EMU 70*7:4-14 TH* TidTii oT ATpfia Omicron Pi announce their 1986 Spring Rush April 14*18. Sign up Suite S. EMU or call 485*0685 for more information. Toeasis r NWCOb IN HMU /. cap..