Et al. MEETINGS An organizational meeting to initiate a herpes support group will take place tonight at 8 p.m. at the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital conference room 1-YVest. For more information, call 343-7319. The ASUO Constitution Court will hear Rowell v. ASUO Executive tonight at 6 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. The ASUO will sponsor an open forum for the Incidental Fee Committee candidates to day at 4 p.m. in Room 101 EMU. LECTURES/WORKSHOPS “Religion, Constitution and the Founding Fathers" is the topic of a lecture tonight at 8 p.m. in Room 177 Lawrence Hall by Edwin Gaustad. a history professor at the Univer sity of California. Riverside. MISCELLANEOUS The Latin American Support Committee will hold a rally in the EMU Courtyard today at 2 p.m. to demonstrate opposition to the Reagan administration's plan to renew aid for the Contra forces in Nicaragua. Nutrition counseling is available free of charge at the Student Health Center. Call 666-4441 for an appointment. If you are interested in gain ing practical experience in a health education setting, the Lifestyle Planning Program is looking for a few students for spring term. Call 686-4441 for more information. INTERVIEWS Submit bids for campus inter views on Monday through Wednesday in Room 244 Hen dricks Hall for the following recruiters: April 28: Peace Corps seminar. “Teachers Mooting the Needs of Developing Nations." 11:30 a.m., Room 108 EMU; Peace Corps seminar. “25 Years of Peace Corps — Is it Work ing?" 7:30 pm.. Room 101 EMU; Skyline Business Systems (sales/acct or project mgmt soft ware/const ruction industry). April 29: Peace Corps movie. "A hook at Sierra Leone, West Africa," 3:30 p.m., EMU Forum Room; Bon Marche (exec trainee); Price Waterhouse A Co (acct internship for winter term 1987; acct CPA 3.2}; Sears Roebuck A Co, Columbia River Credit Central (credit mgmt trainee) group meeting: Tries* day. 7 p.m., Room 110 EMU. April 20-30: First Investors Gorp (mgmt trainee). April 30: Silverton Elemen tary School District, Silverton, Ore., (grades 3-6; chapter I read t-3; resource room. (7-8) wOlL cert). . . . ' . . - May 1: State of Hawaii. Dept, of Education {K -12 spec ■ • ed/counselors/speecb. path/civil service/7-12 math. sCioiH'.e. lti- •; dus arts) group meeting: 12:30 p.m., Roonv i2 Hendricks Hill. CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main desk PAYMENT. Alt ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing arrangement has been established For billing ar rangements please call MS-4343 or stop by the Emerald Classified office. 300 EMU RATES: 17 cents per word for the first day and t4 cents per word for con secutive days the ad is run without change Ten-word minimum charge is $1.70 lor the first insertion and *140 tor con secutive insertions 9-POINT (31/line) 12-POINT ($1.2Smne) 18 POINT (St.SOfhne) 24 POINT <*1 TSrtine) BOX BORDER *1 2S/day DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE: SS.SOAnch BIRTHDAY BEAT: 2S< DEADLINES UNE AOS: 12 noon the day before pubticalion. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AOS: 12 noon two days before publication The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September June) and Tuesday and Thursday dunng summer session (June-August) ERRORS: The Oregon Daily Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion The OOE's liability for typographical er rors. incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising published shall be limned solely lo the cancellation of charges concerning portion of space reflecting the error Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertise^ mem will be adtusted Errors resulting • from unclear insertion order or hand writing wilt not be compensated Please note dearly all instructions on ad form If your ad appears incorrectly, call MS4M3 before 12 noon tor correction in the ne»t day's issue It is the adver User's responsibility to check an ad for errors on the day it is scheduled to appear There is no cash rotund lor ad cancella tions A credit will be issued tor future advertising For Sale SALE: Sims snoboard $279. OS luion and tram* $199. Fischer tunebon $79 skateboard $69 Sorel Cariboos $55 663-4461 or 3*5-1449 _414 *5 HONDA VFSOOF Interceptor. Bose 301 speakers Best otter 6879684 4-14 DUNLOP BLACKMAX $55 Prince I her mobag $15 Andy 683-7331 otter 415 TWO 1*76 IBM Seleclnc II typewriters $375 Call Loretta at 484 7060 V418 BALLEN BIKE HELMET. Never used $20 Call Jett 667-0425 4-14 QUEEN SIZE FUTON Mattress for sale $70 Contact Christine at 344-5836 tor more information 416 ' Buy & Sell THE BUY 4 SELL CENTER Buy'Sail‘Trade Musical instruments, stereo, tools. . Photographic and Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. HFM8184 Instruction BIKEREPAIR at the EMU Craft Canter at the April 1Pam.l46-7020 __ 6348 ttn Typing- Resumes Transcriptions Word Processing Disk Storage ew.ii. lie -1 SBOeWSO*, w^B^PT^e^BsmsP: 5870'ttn TYPING & WORD PROCESSING Theeesrdisserlationt, papers, editing. " graphics lew papers, resumes. A mass mailings. Grad Sen approved WordStylea A Typescripts CiNOY 4A4-S4S4 BRANDY 484-6044 4940 tin WORD PROCESSING GUARANTEED S Mocks to UO Graduate approved JENNIFER 48$ 3683 <962 MWM Word ProcsssingTTyping U plus years experience Papers dissertations., editing mass mailings Micro casstte - transcription Pickup and delivery Cali Carole at 6886S78 4S36:ttn • TYPlNGrEOITING ' 7 Call Sara.686-0739 . 4965MUHF TYPE-RIGHT WORD PROCESSING A EDITING Resumes. Papers. Theses. Disserts lions. Graduate School'approved AIL WORK GUARANTEED SUSAN 46$ 1473 -_ seaa'ttn ■ GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using . IBM Seiecirrc III Call Mina between 9 am and, 10p m al 726-9624 49S6 MW WORDS “R” US Brandy 464 6044 Shew Nee $63 Toes • Quality typlng/word prbces%mQ Papers, resumes, editing tepe 'transcriptions, manuscripts. • ttweaeWtsaertationa Grad School app Yd IBM compatible 5710 Itn, TVs East 181ft . (Dynamic Typing Seme*) THE Student Specialists! Busina** Profession*!* . Word PrbcetsinglT yping Complete Photocopy Cantar Disk Editing (many systamsi - ~ . . Pickup » Oalivary Available * Sin Block* from Campu* QUALITY typing Cairo ly'Ti's GSpecialtieS • Spacikiuing in dissertation*, Ihasas. term papars. resuma*..*«*f t SVX'l 344-7231 “ORIGINAL PLUS” Typing Sanies Professional typing with special stu dent ■ rale* Memory typewrite! with quality printing Janet, 3444802 V 4-18 .. $1 TYPING 686-0612 . 4-14 * WORO PROCESSING BY KAREN. Free draft. *Upage «aa-tti7 « 1 t>44 • m. >.< WORO PROCESSING farm paper*, thesis manuscripts. resume*. cor respondents mall lists/labels ate Opan dally 8 30-6 pm Saturday by *p pointmanl The Floppy Otacl 345 6930 4 78 WordPro WortlProceSsing .. • iBMiMacmtoali specialist„ ■ 255 E tan 343 2051 . - Sound Systems JIM'S ELECTRONICS ■ STEREO REPAIR . 1457 W 6th 343 7663 Monday Itiru Friday.9 am 6pm Saturday 9'am 1 pm' . • ■ ■■ -3t4*MFM USED STEREOS Bought and sold • . New speaker kits and raw driver's New discounted cartridges and stytl Stereo repair seryte* ' THE SOUND WELL 1425 OAK ST ' 342 7071 . ■' 70064 16 OPTONICA Linear tracking.turn table gram shape 1125. otter 345.7S4SS John 4 17 Books ■ - „ 100.000 BOOKS IN STOCK .. AH Batting 40-S06* otl Hat price* •Te«tboo*i»CM< Not*s«M»g arm#** . USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE •TBS Earn Uth 4873 tin Bicycles SCHWINN LE TOUR 24 Bicycle* New lira* landau, include* *145 746 331# altar 5. ■ __. ‘_. 4-JS AUST ROO AIMLER, Campagnolo Reynolds 501. 21 India* vary fast . 3444674 o 414 Cars a Cycles HONDA SPREE 1985 , Naw condition *300 Call avanmg* 345-7020 , -1 , , «-1s YAMAHA XT2S0 400 mile* *600 with . 4QQQ**QYtdO 342-2210 altar 10pm4-14 19*4 HONDA 12* Sc dot at Looks and ■ mn» y*M 'Ml. 8*60 4669060 ■ 415 ‘SB KEUOEOT 4 door sedan Bermuda bio* Good body, good angina Mud «#al *800 344-7203 ■■ 4 14 76 TFM, Encellani, condition, hard-top ■ Ion lor dimmer *3986 of otter ‘73 YW BUG, Good ‘condition, hard-lop. -canary yellow, dependable *1495 or ol ler Call 3459441 afternoon* and even *"9« 4-14 76 RABBITf ac*ll*nt cm. "tuna gt*al' Only 12600 Call 34? 21IW 4 14 EOR SALE S3 Sui *kx~mop*d MOO 344 2964 Aancty 434 1963 SUZUKI MOPED «imn a'«*i 8 >00 MPG 1275 n.Qot .at*. Sl.v. 6660026 6666106. . 4-14 1676 MILAN! MOPED E«c*M*nl OOntf lion, low mil**: Mu* 1300 , 346-9021 ■ • •, • • 4-1S ■ l» II Ini* you c*n buy -|*H*pn i™ 344 ' through lb* US .go**mm*m? 0*1 tn* I*cl* today! Call 1 312 742 1142. E*t •663*.- ' . M HONDA PASSPORT low mii««9* f >t*tl*nt condition 3375 344 5160' 4 16 Travel DISCOVER ASIA ’86 l ivaiworkotudy China PRC. ROC. Japan Thailand 6 wk* *11 aip Mart 11296 P*l« WHId*n UT (601) 376 9863 3*ltRoc»C*(7l4)734 M03 Await Work Study 7279 Calico Cnei* Corona Ca 91716. • ' .. . 4-tS SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Round trip to Tokyo 1640 Pile** On* to ria* man* • r*t*rv*Hon* now Call Fupko <206) 6969740 ° 4 f4' Wanted GET BUMPED? Turn those airline compensation voucher* Into cash Call 7260814 V 4-17 Opportunities Scholarships Available Sophomores and undar tree inform* non NSRS Bo* *68 f ugana OB 97440 5-6 Help Wanted APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE For in* portion of 198687 Oragon Dai ly E mar aw aditor Applicani* anould ham know lad0* of newspaper |our nNiam and in* Unlyaraity of Oragon Training and salary bagm May 1, 1988 farm of dfflc* is June IS. 1988 tnrougn June 15. 1967 . ; . Editor musl be enrolled for al laasl si* cradds during thraa of four farms a) Ih* ° University of Oregon while in office Position requires work Sunday through Friday and minimum of 35-40 hours par Application* are available in the Oragon Daily Emerald office* and must be returned to tha ODE Board of Directors 300 EMU. PO Bo* 3159. Eugene OB 97403 before 5 pm April 15 Tha Emerald Is an Equal OpportunltyiAtfir mat hr* Action Employer that operate* under Ih* team management concept woman, minorities and Ih* handicap pad are encouraged to apply 4 15 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR Fresh/Soph science mafor to' study and btophysicaifnauroscience lab Student musl be bright and dedicated Call Mark 886 46 to 7008 4 14 PROJECT ^SAFERIDE' NEEDS YOU ' Volunlaar drears nwiM oy April 13lh . Van iufit savan day* • «Mk. 2 to 4 hour shills. #lo 12 pmMF.I t'o t Sol .Mora , into Suita A EMU or call 3/24 ?00» 4 11 a.o v h »=k.i».i * 61 4- • StStMO-SM.ft&yr Now Wring Call. • aOStta/.-MOO’E>t R6S42 lor CUrrant tadarMBtr v " ‘ H3 OVERSEAS JOSS. Summar, yr round Europe S Amn Australia Apia All liaWa MOO 2000 mo Sightseeing Tree Into Write IJC PO Bon 52-OR 3 Corona Dal M» CA 92626_ ’ 4j» . CtiUENE LAW FIRM Opening June i to< LagallSfcielary Butmans litigation E> penance inquired Maalin 4 denial lo auranca retirement plan Salary opan Raauma to PO Boa 11620 Eugane OR :97440 eoc . : Ats • LEARN ABOUT PUBLISHING trom'1'he ground up Begin building your raauma ■ tor a career In toumsHam. graphic Nation or word prrxaasmg University Publications needs a work aludy atu *. dam lo* clerical and ' photography assistance 1420 hrvwk M lllhr jot Cnapman XS396 • «M«U environmental positions open Survival Carrtar la Wring lor spring I arm m Stall potmont land* legal issues watar Itauat and office coordinator openings available WOO work study covartlMa alipanda pick up tot) dattnp lions and appi leal ions (n Sulla I. EMU Alltrmaliva ActtorVEqual Opportunity Employ#! /0/0,4-tr Earn upper division credit! Volunteer in community service agencies through the ESCAPE Program. Get precticum credit for worti st agencies like Pearl Buck, Whiteblrd, Teen Parent Proarams, homes for the elderly, recreation programs, childcare, youth, and many more. Registering students through 4/15 in Mill EMU 686 4351 for 7071:416 EASY HOURS. WasHy pay Parmananl par! lima lalapttona talas Ltbaial com mlttlon sna bonus MAM cMmnay Oaamnfl Cel Ron SSH863 4-17 FOOTNOTES ASSISTANT COOR DINA I OR, loi Studanlt Pioiacls. Inc 20-25 noortlws 15-STmi Baaad on as panancad Inquire al Sulla 4, EMU lor lob daacnpllon Application deadline 5 pm, 4 1886 AA/EOE 51914-15 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MERE BACA, CAMPERS. MY PRO DUCER JANE AND 1 R/ERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THE LATEST i ADMINISTRATION SCANDAL, THIS 1 ONE INVOLVING CIVIL RIGHTS . CHIEF CLARENCE PENDLETON. rr REMINDS? MB THAT ITS ABOUT TIME FOR AN UPDATE OF OUR RUNNING TALLY OF REAGAN APPONT EES CHARGED Rjm LEGAL OR ETHICAL MISCONDUCT. soHEfzms, Thece Firnm usr of bacx SCRAKH&S. TlUrDlPP&S, ANDGONsaeNce amBfis, ■ THB UNA8RJP66P1986 *$l£A2B ON PAPADt"! LETS MAPS IN SWM UP TO OUR. ARM PITS, SHALL UB’ *gCW? SKYIJCHT REFECTORY Regular Or Vegetarian l.asagna only $1.95 Fresh Pasta, Mozuirella. Swiss, Collage A Parmesan Cheeses, Served with garht bread Open Mon Thurs 4:30-I0:30p.m. for Coffee & PaMrle<« COMB ON VP!