Oregon women netters prepare to play in NorPac By James Man or the Emerald The Oregon rain seemed to follow the women’s tennis team all the way to California last weekend as the Duck’s were rained out of two matches with Cal State-Havward and Santa Clara University. As luck would have it. tht two schools were the teams which coach Sue Jacobson felt were "definitely beatable," and would have offered the Ducks challenging competition, and possibly provided the squad with a mark in the win column. The netters were left to tangle with the tough University of California, ranked fourth in the nation according to a pre-season poll, and San lose State Univer sity. Both teams proved to t»e more than adaquete competi tion as the Ducks were denied wins in every match save one against Cal. The lone win for Oregon came from junior Jackie Comenu who came from behind to win 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 over Herkely's sixth-singles player. Comeau. a third-year varsity performer for the Ducks, is hack for Jacobson after undergoing extensive rehabilitation on her ic SONY ©ALPHASQNIK- **£ KENWOOD •sA'xvo (@,h|tach, JENSEN BLAUPUNKT OCIarion KEF CvO RIONCEIEn 0ShcrwKKi fV,Iipsr, JVC harman/kardon AIWA Hone, $ ca* STtft£o V/06O. w4u.'fo wAu.! ^rHOMe sTegeo amps-, *cau S7az&> amps *vipeo k&oild&rs, teaive&s,rutwTAVL£S cassette decks , ' tv£.poeta8ievcr.s CASSETTE PEcKS, SysTtMS SPAPHiC 6QS, jj CAMERAS SYSTEMS, SP6AKKS CASSETTE PECKS, sysTtMS COMPACT pi sc PtAYEPS, EQUALIZERS, SPEAEE&S Moe6 AUDIO PACKS 4 M0g£ tu6t*t mjM SOUND !i3«k' *^P0PTABlfS,rAPE5 headphone s£ hope! \A/EMurrcui5e ooc. poods j foe^fcp- SY 9fM MOMPAW ■ I 276o utH ave. euoENE knee and promises to be a solid addition to this year's team. Ac-. . Cording to Jacobson, Comeau will probably not see a lot of doubles action this year, yet, her compotiveness a net desire to help the team nearly ensure her a place on the squad. The good news Waiting for , ' Jacobson at home came in the form of "three promising recruits" for next .year's team oj VI On | he first' day, for. h igh‘ school. ; athletes to’ sign, lotter-qf-intent cohunittfnmtS, Jacohsoii learned :ihat.her !9flt)-H7-squad wl 1I d it* .cludethefa'lerits of. Kelly. Stuart, •jennifeK. Mead, and ", Amber, • Gdheeiv ' ' .•'iStoart aud Mead. should:both figure to. be: .eomj>etipg . for the nufnpei^oncCspd.t. tin! the .|irftiup - next^ciar.^ll thrive women will undoubtedly play ' important,V roles onJbe squadwhleb will' Itise‘only seirfor c'aptaiii'Sarah ; Kim niitiry£/j op- notch players ' 'oht ;of,silnny'(^iiUiM»la or from 1 lie. :bai kyard cjtthr' lJniverkity 'oflWasnimdoiyiBno easy tusk". • and jacobsoiTad in it ss he iii not exactly overwhelmed with of fers of scholarship money from the;AthletIc Utqmil mertt. As a result, fh'e played .which Jacobsorfcan interest i n playing for Oregon generally come hero for other reasons besides simply a full-ri. They have their second, and last home match of the season against Seattle University on April 19. Give Life. Give Plasma. Your blood plasma is a vital ingredient in the fight against injury and disease Become a paid plasma donor and save lives. It Pays To Help Hyland Plasma Center 40 E. 10th St., Eugene 683-3953 W Olwifif Come* ft mm The Heart