DATSUN 2802 1978 Bristol cond $5000 3450443 attar 5 pm. _4-11 HONDA SPREE 1985 New condition $300 Call evenings 345-7820A15 1977 HONDA ACCORD, Good gas mileage $2300 O B 484-9040. late even mgs 4-11 CASH FOR MAZDA QLC Preferably 2 dr. 5-spd. 747-1003 evesA-jM 78 RENAULT LeCAR. New clutch, sunroof, runs great Must sell $650 or offer Cat! 683SS18 or 3430963 4-J1 85 HONDA ELITE 250 5 months old. runs great Originally $1700. now $1295 OBO Sarr. 683-4862 or leave massage 485-9454 Ail HONDA SCOOTER 1984, $400 OBO 342 7902 4-11 86 HONDA ELITE 150 Great condition $950 746-6842 12-5 pm_4 11 YAMAHA XT2S0 400 miles $800 with accessories 342-2210 after 10 pm 4-14 1984 HONDA 125 Scooter Cooks and runs great, red. $650 485-9080 4-15 r A50 SUZUK11985 Moped Good condi tion Call Lucy 683-3028 _ 4-11 *88 PEUGEOT 4 door aadwi Bermuda blue Good body good engine Must see' $800 344 7203• 4 14 78 TRt, EncaWont condition. hard top, fun for summer $3995 or offer 73 VW BUG, Good condition, hard-top. canary yellow, dependable $1495 or of ter Can 345-9441 afternoons and even toga. _.4-14 79 RABBITEiceltenl car, runs great!. Only $2500 Call 342-21894_U FOR SALE: S3 Suz 50cc moped $500 344 2964 Wendy • . . Ai4 1983 SUZUKI MOPED Runs great 6too MPG $275. negotiable Steve 6860026 or leave message _4-14 1 9 7 9 O IS M O B I L E CUTLASS WAGON Well used but well cared tor New transmission new brakes great running order $1400 683Q3S7All 1878 MILA Ml MOPED Excellent condi lion, low miles, blue $300. 345-9021 415 Travel SUMMER IN SCANDINAVIA SEA CPH or OSL Must purchase ticket before April 30 Campus Travel Center EMU 342 3170 •- 6474 HE ' DISCOVER ASIA ’86 Live/work/study China PRC ROC, Japan Thailand. 8 teks-all e«p start 11296 Pete Willden UT (801) 3769663 Jeff Rock Ca (714) 734-7103 Asian Work Study 7779 Calico Circle Corona Ca 91719 4-15 Wanted GET BUMPED? Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash CaM 7264614 V 4-17 Opportunities ARTIST NEEDED lo make a targe cloth banner lor the ASUO TheASUO will pay for labor and materials CNI the ASUO. Suite 4 EMU at 686-3724 Ask for Denise ASUO is an Atfir mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer_6480 4 11 Scholarships Available Sophomores and under free informa tion NSRS Bor 868 Eugene OR 97440 '_ 66 SURVIVAL CENTER W offering an vironmentat internships in the areas ot federal and stale land use issues water issues, wildlife energy, lojric waste, solid waste and recycling, and per sicide issues 400 level credit available through ESCAPE Pick up position description in Suite 1 EMU end register with ESCAPE Please hurry at legist ra Hons is due today 70694-11 Help Wanted OVERSEAS JOBS Summer yr round Europe S Amer Australia. Asia Ail fields 6900-2000 mo Sightseeing Free info Wot* IJC PO Bon 52OR 3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 4-23 APPLICATIONS APE NOW AVAILABLE For the position ol 1986 8? Oregon Oar ly Emerald editor Applicants should have knowledge ol newspaper jour nalism and the University ol Oregon Training and salary begin May 1. 1986 term ol otfice is June 15. 1986 through June 15. 198? Editor must be enrolled lor at least sin credits during three ol lout terms at the University ol Oregon while In olllce Position requires work Sunday through Friday and minimum ol 35-40 hours per Applications are available in the Oregon Dally Emerald ottices and must be returned to the ODE Board ol Directors 300 EMU PO Box 3159. Eugene OR 97403 before 5pm April 15 The. Emerald is an Equal Opporlunity/Altlr mature Action Employer that Operates under the team management concept women, minorities, and the handicap ped are encouraged to ipply 4-15 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FrestWSoph science major to study and work in biophysicai/neuroscience lab Student must be bright and dedicated Call Mark 686 4510 • . '7008 A 14 PROJECT SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU , Volunteer drivers needed by April 43th Van runs seven days a week. 2 to 4 hour shins. 8 to 12 pm M F. 8 to T Sat More into Suite A EMU or cNI 3724 7006:4 11 GOVE R~N VE N T J O B $16.040'$59.230ryr Now hiring tall. 8056876000 Ext. R 9642 lor current federal list .• . ° 513-' ENJOY THE A.M. SUN! Must be available from 8-9 am and - 4-5 pm dally Must be prompt ’ and reliable, must have access to a car Ap ply today Rm 300 EMU* Oregon Daily' Emerald Call 686-3712 Applications close April 15 Work study preferred' The Emerald ‘ is an Equal 'Opportum . ty/Allirmative Action Employer’ • 4-14 Workstudy General • Office Worker Needed > MWF 1 30 UH 12 30 10-15 hours per ■reek Typing skills preferred Cell Sherri al the American English In strtule 686 3945_7043 4 11 LEARN ABOUT PUBLISHING from the (pound up Begin building your resume for a career in (Ournalism. graphic design, or word processing University Publications needs .a work study stu dent lor clerical and photography assistance 15 20 hrVwk.(4.12/hr 101 Chapman X538670S8A17 ENVIRONMENTAL POSITIONS OPEN Survival Center is hiring lor spring term 86 Staff positions lands, legal issues water issues, and office coordinator openings available 5000 workstudy coventble stipends pick up rob descrip, lions and applications m Suite 1, EMU Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer__7070:4-17 Earn upper division credit! Volunteer in community service agencies through the ESCAPE Program. Get practicum credit lor work at agencies like Pearl Buck, Whitebird. Teen Parent Progras, homes for the elderly, recreation programs, childcare, youth, and many more. Registering students through 4/15 in M111 EMU. 686-4351 for details. 7071 a is EAST HOURS, Weekly pay Permanent pari lime telephone sates Liberal com mission and bonus M & M chimney Cleaning Celt Bon 6861553 4 17 EUGENE LAW FIRM Opening June 1 lor legal Secretary Business litigation Ex petienc# required Health « dental in surance retirement plan Salary open Resume to; PO Bos 11830 Eugene OR 97440 EOE 4 IS Roommates ROOMMATE REFERRAL. INC We help you tind the RIGHT Roommate Call 887-6313. 8194 tin SHARE A TOWNHOUSE 3 Nocks from campus 8183 monthly Female prefer red SMrline _3*jV7910 or 343-47314-11 OLD MALE QRAO and two cats have house oft River Road to share with adult *150 plus to utilities Home 889-0838. Message 4031 Jim Hetnrtch " • ■ ' 4-11 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to' •share 3 bedroom youse Facilities lor 3 term laundry facilities for 3 terms SIS&mo 683-1391- ' 4-14 For Rent UO FAMILY HOUSING; married couples and single parents possibility ol im , mediate occupancy or place yoursell o’n. waiting' list Westmorejand furnished apartment. 2 bedroom it*4/mo. .t ' . bedroom *t 15lmb Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom 3120fmo Future evenings . evperfted all areas • Contact UO Hous " Ing Oept ..866-4277 • « 4942 tin ‘ NEWER QUADS. Locally owned • V» ' block from campus 3159rmo utilitius'in • -efuded 1866 Hams', manage*! apt 4V 342 4261_* 5843 tin ' PUREST VILLAGE APARTMENTS ENJOY LIVING IN THE LUXURY . OF THE SOUTH EAST HILLS • ' 10 minutes' from UO •• .2 bedroom •»V> bath •'' • • • *. ;2 private, balconies Fully applianced ' ‘ .• ■Sauna 6 Pool • — Small pels okay •Adultcomple* «. Forest Village . : Call now 687 1318 ; __• _ ^ 6131 4 18 . in BLOCKS FROM CAMPUft Furnished studios On-aile laundry facilities 3195/mo 344 5185 6186 ttn UNFURNISHED 4 BEDROOM house Fireplace, car petted drapes Adults, no pets 3450. 464 1067 1722 Hltyard ' - ■ ■ , , 7010 t i n NO RTHWEST A PAAT ME NT R E-F E R R A L We can find an apartment tp lit your needs no mettei whair kind ot apart ment you are looking lor with no charge to you * FREE * . Save yoursell a headache and can us! 343-aeit •; toii «• is 4 BEDROOM FURNISHEO apt \i Mock to campys 3530fmo 344-8869 4 11 1331 HIGH STs Furnished studio with , shared kitchen Close to U ot O. Utilities paid 1180/mo Manager' 3466778 ' • ' • • 6025 4 18 THREE PLUS BEDROOM APT in re ‘ modeled Viptonan house Between campus and town 3550 (including utilities) References required 344 7039 or 3426966 7066416 HAYWARD HOUSE 1290 E. 18th Ave Excellent 3 bedroom tvs bain furnish ed townhouse across Irom Hayward Field New carpeting appliances on site laundry Underground garage park ing Call 344 3713 3645 Also taking summer reservation Summer rale 3395 JehrUnge 6 Co 893-2271 7018 WFM SUMMER RATES NOW AVAILABLE WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Hards Furnished quads with shared or private bath Utilities paid Covered parking and laundry facilities available From 3100 Call lor more details Manager 3442657 Bennett Management Co. 1143 Oak St 4866891 7062:4-11 Quads UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Alder Slreel Quads Furnished quads now available Utilities paid, covered parking and laundry facilities available S159fmonth or 3149fmonlh on spring term lease Contact Tony 1360 Alder St no 65 343-3599. 4 25 CAMPUS COURT QUADS Just on* block Irom lit* library Now renting lor Wlntoi Torm Private retrtgerator and vy bath Irom S18S Bob or Kelly, 1544 Alder no 21 345^4490 litdg managed by St Ctair Properties satettn Dorm Contracts DORM CONTRACT Dari me 344 1606 FOR sale Call 4-11 FREE CASE OF BEER lor buying my dorm contract Call .34? 1156 ' 4 14 BUY MY CONTRACT!.*?!! .1 you do Call UM 3444814 . . 4 17. DORM CONTRACT FOR sale money Call 343-3014 . Free .415 ■ Lost & Found Lost: OOlOPtN WITH red'rubtei torm mg. ao"■A.'. Loal Tuesday on.'campou REWARD Call Laura at 342.3023 * -4 .n LOST BLUE NYLON WAtlft Cash Reward : 3421168 ' “ V444 Food a Drink EI’C»E3iE*S : fAixcrefk • NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE i HaveLunchora ° Light Meal with Us! . TODAY’S MENU: • Mam 6‘Cheese lilted croissant . * Poppy Seed croissant with Ricotta Herb Cheese • Broccoli 6 Feta Chooea croissant Straight torm the oven 11:00 am M F 7 304) 00 . Saturday 83 881 E 13th 484 1662 Now wa hav* Marco I ' GELAjO o*i m ctM*** pa*_« ot taming • Italiana'c'«am'sn - Manta ratreahmg (rut nut‘4 chocottM IttvOft EUGENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY 484 1862 M f 8 6 Sal 61 • Eugen* 88) EaM 13H nail lo UO Book More Events SKATEBOARDERS! Coma lo lha lat Annual Skateboard Straatatyla avant .Saa lha baal Proa In lha world akata at 2121 Franklin Blvd Black Angua Inn Tomorrow. Saturday, April 121h Sponaorad by lha Willamette Sports Center PARTY! 1330 Oak TONIGHT BENEFIT SHOWING ol The Official Story Academy Award. Baal Foreign Film tor The Council for Human Rights in Latin America Sat April 12 Bijou 4 PM $3 Tho,Council tar. Human Mlghta In Latin V ; \ Amarlca . . . preaanla ’ Hortensia Bussi de Allende Iniarnalional Human AtaMa and CIvtl Atahta Advoca'ta and widow1 ol a lain * an ftaajlai Ptoaii4nnl C ■Inmat, , Vritiaan leaoar rraiioani oaivlOOi ■' .. .V \ Altanda • ••'. .• apaaklng on Debt and • v Democracy in Latin America Wad April 16, 4 pm 150 Geology’. ' '■ ' roeoAta . ■; Fr»« lecture , tonight it 7:30 pm in 138 Gilbert .The Soviet . Viewpoint on US-USSR Relations with guest speakers Vladimir Golubkov of the Consul of the USSR and Andrei Nazaroff the Vice Consul of the USSR Sponsored by the SEARCH class “War in the Nuclear Age” (Mon Wed Fri 1:30-2:30 in 116 Esslinger, 3 credits P/NP) 7074 4 11 it’s not too late to take the SEARCH workshop Tai-Chi Course begins Monday April 14th at 3:30 pm in Esslinger East Gym (47). There is a $25 fee. Wear loose comfortable clothes. 70/8 4 14 Entertainment Unlyy.lly Thuttt pitiinli TALKING WITH... Ela«an ilinerant woman that* I hall ' funnyand louchingjity atonaa m eon varaat.ion with Jha aodlanca vdu It may! Big Eight,'* rodao alar: April.-a talon twirlar. Ann*. Mm a bag lady 'who .want*, to liva m.a'McOonald a Raataurant’ and many moi« APRIL 11,12 1M9, 25, 26: ROBINSON THEATRE ■i.-.Bpm;..-v * Tic Itala ,ara SS-50 U SO . and ..only S3 50 for UO aludanla Call MB 4J«I tor laaarvallonf TVaadnlad-by. apac iai arrangymyni with Samuai'-franc h Inc. ■■' • A 70204 14 S'. TALKING WITH... Show an. boy pt Ihy tollowaing llama ■at tha Boa Qtflca; and .'raeaiim a -aubatanlial dta-ouru on you utkytaio ' TAUtINGWITH- . A cowboy hat, a rubber snaka. a Holy Bible, a picture ot a lamp, a mar ble, or a tattoo, real or cosmetic. Thia ollai good 'lor- par formant a on April 11 A 12 ONI r Uniilot two dia couniad itckyla parpyraon Oiacount prlcaa ara only «4 TV S3 TV aridS3 UO' aludanla ‘ TOM 4'it mmarOCKiiitt Euphoria fv*N Ultra-Choc. Sundaes $1.25 EVERY FRIDAY S Ulh M1 Willamette TONIGHT it tha~ BEER GARDEN LOST FALCONS tixyr-oo EMU Dining Room Food and Ailarnatlva Bavataga (*> Raqutaad TONIGHT Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU AND THOSE-ARE. DU&S HEALTH CER- GOOD Hr‘CATES. I HAP THINKING, i THEM POUCHED OVER jmug FROM FRANCE. /*’ _/ / ?' ITS NORMAL FOR 20 OV£R A ZOMO£. THEY'RE 30 IS PRETTY MELLOW. GOOD? AHA! HIS CENTAL SKN I K.Ml KHMIOKN FREE SPECIALTY COFFEE Your i holt e of Frcm h Hi him Cosiu Ru tin, brtwrtl tic t of. or him t tea tilth the /tun hose of ton entree Refills half price with the sales slip Open Mon. - Thur. 4:30 - 10:30p.m. for Coffee St Pastries I m olrrt 4 «loori nr Iwn aln»»r the I-Ml Mum lH-vk