Sports_______ Oregon spikers take on the best in Washington State By Allan Lazo (M the hmrrald ■' V • Qfdwtmrild *i;'- -..Vy ‘ ‘ •:-To/h'o11v'»ylihJ-»HVing-tb«’.lMi4jl.''.fMr- Iwtf.y.'. '-cv't ' • The Dragbn,meri-Vtrack and field togm will,be.fat:-' •' ■[Urr Wliiviiiui' /fiiii I iiftlin 'uoiiuiin whmi I 111 ■ with '• woman's avniitH/K'lnn s nvnnts wilfbagin at l'i.Jtl pm. wiin tin* hammei throw rr^^r^l^e^Sl^HiwdlcfiacH;john.Gha(iUm thb^qufoar# '•l'have^iSv5^ra1ghl‘iruat moots; inti lurling a string of r k> . • «»• .£f»»’'i «y- ,'*i i yVi ♦* 1»••• j'* iz'" '1 five-straight over the Ducks. I-ast season, the Ducks finished with a 4-3 dual meet record and lost to Washington State. 1()4-!Y{i. 2. , . Although Oregon may haye jts, best chatfce in years to laud the Oougars, WStUis returning with some very strong performers. In the first event of the day. a long brewing battle in the hammer;throw w;ill kick,-the day off with a bang,. • ' . / • Oregon senior Ken/-Flax/; and WSU's .Tore (fijsfafsson wilt; meet forjl^JbdrthVtjide; Saturday ■ In last year's d ua l meet i n _'Pu 11 mart :1 Wash' r'GiisMssori beat Flax's 240-3 w ith' a t h row'of 243-4. Flax t hen beat Gustafsson at the Pacific-10 Conference championships before Gustafsson won the NCAA title with Flax in third place. \ \ •' junior Uchenna Agu, who flew to a personal best, and NCAA-qualifying. 26-.*/*■■ in the long jump during last week’s Texas, Relays, vvill be tested by Washington State's- Demetrios Arauzos. Arauzos has a best of 25:8Vi:: ‘’ . - ’. On the track, the (Cougars lost longdistance ace Richard juwei to graduation but retain Olympic gold meclajfst'juiius Korir, who could run anything from the flVtjOO-meter steeplechase to the 1.500 meters. .cr vr* •'•' •' • ..*•? * * CLASSIFIED AOS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Olllc*. 300 EMU UO Books tor# SUmp Counter EMU Main da.k PAYMENT All’ada rnu«i ba.panl ’ odvartcaVunlaaa; • 'blllfncuarranpernen i ha»'1>aan,e»tabli»l)ati;: For■'btHino ar ranyomaniy plan**' t'alt 6M 4343 or •loci’, Ry.*tho; £ ma'ald' Claaki'lted • dltlca; 300TMU saxes 17 eenta par word tot .lira ti'*i day'and 14 cent*'par word lor con •rrculivn days Iha ad m run wilhoul i hanfl# Tan word minimum charaa la 1170 lor Iha flrol Inaartlon and 11.40 lor con aocullrra maaniona 9-POINT 12-POINT (Si 25Htn«> 18 POINT ill SOAtnai : 24 POINT (ll-XWinai BOX BORDER S1.25/ :$t'200'Cair'484 9809 : « n Atari 520SJ Computer.: monochrome Irk# new with program* $825 GBO 883 0689 344,«6T‘.i;;,f’ i 4;tV •S HONDA VI soot .101 speakers: Ham otlar 687 8884 4 14 Buy & Sell THE BUT 6 SELL CENTER BuySatl* trade Musical instruments. stereo tools Photographic end Backpacking Equipment 361 W. 5th. 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