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Foreign & ■ Domestic Cars I: II m Specializing in Volvo and Volkswagen • Major & Minor Repairs • ASE Certified Technicians 1905 Agate St. • 344-0869 Just a few blocks from campus gJUO Bookstore —WEEKEND RATES— • Friday to Monday SQ95 VCR 2 Movies Z7 Saturday to Monday VCR 1 Movie XSML Store Since 1920 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplia# MO-4331 Greek Endorsement Committee backs ASUO candidates Nelson/Cameron The Greek Endorsement Committee, an eight-member group of students representing the Greek community,, endorsed candidates Steve Nelson and Caitlin Cameron for the 1986-87 ASUO president/vice president ticket. The committee made its decision late Thursday night after two days of interviews. Nelson, a junior studying history and rhetoric, is a Student Senate member as well as a member of University President Paul Plum's advisory council. Nelson is on theASUOStu*... dent Activities Hoard and has served on several ASUO committees. Cameron, a senior business administra tion and management decision major, is the ASUO finance coordinator1 and is' active in ASUO programs) She .is also president of (he Golden Key -Honor Society -and head, of the . computer registration taskforce, ; • . i • ,/ "We feel confident and. comfortable with our choice. It was evident throughout the .discussions/' said.Stacy James, a committee member. lamps described Nelson and Cameron as .a moderate ticket, one that would not swing greatly in one direction or another. She added, t hat having a inale 'female. Greek/independent ticket will give a broad spectrum of student representation. ' ; ■ ; : First-hand experience and the demonstrated ability of Nelson .and Cameron were also considerations, said Ray Veil lei. another endorsement committee member ■The committee also endorsed- one-year In cidental Fee Cb'mmittee candidates David McDonald, a junior.pre-busjhess major: katy Howard, a first-year law student;, and Duane ' (hingannon. a sophomore journal is ill major .. Also receiving bndorsemehta for the KMD - Hoard of■" Directors were. C.ji key, u senior *• business major; .tarry' Johnson, a sophomore' pre-business .major: and loom Wettern, a "graduate-political science major... The committee endorsed Wendy Williams for Olum'a,advisory council: Skateboarders to compete Saturday Fifteen of the top free-style skateboarding professionals will be coining to Eugene on Saturday to compete in the first annual Oregon Pro-Am Street-style competition being spon sored by the Willamette Sports Center, a local shop that sells skateboarding and biking equipment. Along with the pros, there will be about SO amateurs in the event. The competition is scheduled to begin at 10 a m in the parking lot of the Black Angus restaurant. 2133 Franklin Blvd. Korey Pollard, of Willamette Sports, says the amateurs will probably compete in the morning. “Basically, the competitors will be going through routines on different ramps. There will be a take-off ramp, a quarter-pipe and a roll-over or wave ramp,” Pollard aays. He adds they will also be judged on “how well they can launch over my car” Pollard says his "obnoxious" I960 Plymouth will be part of the course, and the competitors will be lumping over and onto the car. The routines will be limited to a minute and a half each, and a group of the best local skateboarders will judge the professional com petition while the pros will judge the amateur competition The pros attending the competition are part of six different touring professional teams that are sponsored by various skateboard manufacturers. The six teams coming will be from Vision. Madrid. Powell. Alva. Blockhead and Santa Crua. Poliard says although the competition is in its first year and may not measure up to the standards of many other competitions, the organisers are doing their best, and the pros he has talked to are "realty pumped” about coming. Police beat The following is a list of University-area crimes reported to the hugene Police Department since April 1: The University Bookstore received a bomb threat April 1 at 10 a m. Police .evacuated the building and conducted a search, but no bomb was found. A duffle bag and contents valued at $220 were stolen from a vehicle parked near Hender son dormitory April 1. The items were taken while a student was moving into the building. Two oxygen tanks and an acetylene tank were stolen from the fine arts department bet ween April 1 and 2. The tanks, which contain materials used in welding classes, were valued at $585. A wallet and contents valued at $150 were stolen from a vehicle parked on 18th Avenue and Onyx Street April 2 between 2:30 and .1 p m. A wallet and contents and clothing were stolen from a men's locker room In Ksslinger Hall April 2 between 5 and ti pin The wallet and con tents went vulued at $t7t» and the clothing was valued at $145. |o««ph Demetrius Deligiorgis, age 20. 444 K. 14th Ave., was arrested and charged with Burglary II April 3 at 7 p in. alter he was found in the EMU Ballroom after closing hours. No items were reported missing, but police said an on scene investigation revealed that Deligiorgis in tended to burglarize the property A female student riding her bicycle near the Main Library Saturday was accosted by two male suspet Is at 4:50 p in. One suspect grabbed het bicycle while the other yelled obscenities and told her to get off the bicycle. Two other students intervened, and the suspects fled on foot They are described as transient in appearance Compiled by Kim Kaady ACTION SURPLUS Lane County’* Surplus and Outdoor Store SPRING CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES Sweats.83.99 2- person Dome Tent.s28.99 3- person Dome Tent.s49.99 Military Shorts Camouflage Center 4251 Franklin Blvd. on the Glenwood strip just before the Springfield Bridge 746-1301 Mon Sat 9 30 6 00 Layaways 3 BMBM © Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs & Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hour*: Downstairs M Th 11 00 7 00. F Sa I I 00 4 3C Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4 30 10 00 F Sa 5 00 10 30 1273 Alder Street • 683 8886