C A L E N D A R For the Week of April 11-April 17 HIM trtdat. 411 ' MASH IWtf-K* 7and>( U»pm t’imi . il ,'ul. L : : AllThai la//' 7 and<4 IS P in. S2_and Vr Jmlhouw Rivk lSO i/. '■ • '.Cmein«;7 ."2*tip" 7 - Ml and v 4S p m V4 genctal : VI Ml diidehiv ."Ravhoinoii IKOpl.C 7 and V p m 5? and ■ $('7..; . ."V. ,'ited* I Mi ( ! pm. i; and SI ( Theitia 7 (S»C I mint * liMmgi SiiihUi ill ' "THe Shop Aniund the ('inner IKOPIC N > m >1 SO' . •'Red* (See Saturday _* Itdingi • Cinema 7 2H lip 4 Ml p m SI 7 and '»iudctti« Cinema ? .’K l!p 7 and V IS p m |J lur*dai.4l< Cinema 7‘ iK l)p" 7 and .0:15 p m S4 grncial VI SO *iudenlt VS rdnr«dni, 4 It Nonnei Vidro Ouuknn Program 13 Ml p in flee Call NMi 4 MiS lor lutlhrt min >1 ( apitan Video pfrwntulion on Ihe . liiiiHing ol (hi* peak in Yn*emne HI (iilhrH 7 VI p m Hire ( inema 7 (See Tuesday I* lidingl I hursdai. 4-1? Cinema 7 (See Tucuday » toting I mi sic trldai. 4 11 lot* Paj{«• Community C enter tor the Pcrlor nung Arts Wh Ave and I imoln Si Ihaus t^irn «it K p m 50 advance 3h M) day of sh«m Call Mt7 ?74n for fufthrf info Taylor % law Nations 1pm 32 Guido ’s Top 40 mum with KPNW dm gtskey Steve Hills 10 pm SI Hill*mi 1 he Utt M % 5 Min p m lame Mar RMS Mil’oMell M p m Cover Saturday .4li Hallroom Dame will the Slaughters l-ML Dining Room H p tti S' singles. 35 souples admission oh luilcs free lesstms, refreshments, him ling and p»h»I ('all f*K6 4173 h*r further info Saturday Market Otar Man Hand Tom Mk better af 10 Ml a m Avalon at 12 Vlpm New Shim hy the Radar Angels Song and Dance Otvntp at 2:30 p m Tree No Nukes Hall, featuring musu hy James T anil The lough Live and tart Live, Sweetgrass. and a visit hy actor Stoney Hurke. plus loud films and information ( tminiunih ( enter lor the fYrUwimng Arts Kih Ave and t imoln M Ihatfs open at 7 p m $'35 sliding si ale Childcare available if notified in ad vame Call 34' 8548 f«*» further info Oregon Mo/art flayers Soeetig Theatre Mult Center K W) p m $9 17 and V* ( all f*M7 5000 lor reservations ami further info Contra ami Square Dance sailed hy tarry Bommantn from Seattle matot hy Jerry Berger Spence Hollmger Sait) lone* and Chico Silmail Kelly Middle School. 850 Howard K p in Cover Taylor s (See Friday s listing) (iuwlo s fSee Friday '* listmgi lame Star (See Frtdav s listmgi Sumla v .413 Molly Stern violin and Janies Cook keyboard ( 'ongiegaiional Church. 23rd Ave and Harris M 4pm Donations accepted Taylor s Curtis Salgadn ami In Yo Face 9 pm $3 Butte Tavern Blues Jam 9 p m 50 cents Monday. 414 I be Violent Femmes FMU Dining Room n M) p m 37 students ami $8 general in ad viiiKc. 31 50 more on day of show Advance tickets available al TML Main Desk. l-arth River Records. Face the Music, and Fvcryhody ** RectmJs Taylor’s (See Sunday s listing) lame Star Incognito 0 p ni Cover lorsdav, 4-15 Orcg«»n Wind Lrisenihlc Beall Concert Mall H p in Free Lugene Symphony Benefit Miha Pogavnik. violin. ami Dtedrr Irons, piano Sorcng t heatre. Mull ('enter 7 M) p m 310. $8 and V» (JSAF BAnd. Airmen of N*»te Silva Hall, Mull ('enter 8 p m Free Taylor s Blues Jam 9 p m. 31 lame Star (See Mondays listing) Wednesday. 4- lb Staff Editor's Note: The Friday Edition is the Emerald's weekly entertainment supple ment published each Friday except during finals week and vacations. Editor..Sheila l.andry Copy Editor. .... Mike Sims Production Angela Muni/ Pholo Tech Ross Martin Faculty Rental Daval Case. classical jtutlartsl HealTConeeri Hail H p in 1-tee Taylor,hi 'Nine Day. Wonder. » p m I .'tn Star (Six Monday . li.linr i Iturrvday. 4 17 Tuye’ne Symphony Classical VI with leonard IVnnatio piano Silva Mafi. Huh ('(Met K p m S7S22 ( all hH7 Sum lot reset.alums and further info laylot V Boy» Club >1 p m SI tame Star (See Miinday s listing) IHKAIKR Talking With Robinson Theatre. Vlllard Hall M p in April II 12. 17 IV ?A ami 2h Call ratti 4 tu 1 tot reservation. amJ lunher info la/atus Laughed hy Tugcnc O'Neill Arena Ihraltr. Vtllard Hall April 17 IV .’4 2h ami Mav I * K p m S? VI ( all bKh 4IVI lor rescrvalnms and lurther into The Skin ol Our leeth hy Thornton Wilder Spiinylield Theatre. SprinjiUTd High Sehiail Auditorium April II and 12 7 VI pm SI V) undent v V? adult. Call 726 »V)K lot lunhet tnlo Comedian lay Lmh and The Oregon Com cdy lam Silva Mall. Mult Centet Friday only h p III SIT. SI2. ami SV Call MI7 V*»l lot reservations and lurthet into Tueipts from l.CCS produetion rtf The Taming ol the Shrew Hull Center laihby Thursday only 12 I'pm Free Ote Tactory Springfield Stand up Comedy on Monday ', at It VI p m S' Amaleui Open latent Night on Tuesday. It VI p in SI film Festival on Wedm-sdjys 7 VI p m Tree pip corn Pctlerted sealing lor all ol the above »ith dinner revere alums Call 747 ’UIKI (or lurther into DANCE OiiKt» From Within dame work* by University Master s sandtdates Dougherty !>4Ihc theatre ($4 (icr linger Anne* April 11 and 12 H p ni Free ('all Wi6 \ IK6 l»*r fur ther info MISCELLANEOUS Saturday 4 12 llandspinmng Workshop with Hurham I. if sc hut/ t Ml ( raft ("enter 10 10 am 12 M) pm $14 members $16 non members Saturday MurUf Hth Avc and Oak St 10 a m 4 p m Fond, crafts, am) entertainment Monday. 4-14 f olk 1X41* Workshop with (iwen Hurlhcrl I MU ("raft C enter 6 M) 9 JO p m $9 I undii. 4-15 Hands olormg Hl.uk and White Prints Workshop with Marianne ( laiK) I MU ( raft Center 6 9 p ni $15 members. $IK non members Porcelain Masks Workshop with Mary Holland F.MU Craft Center b 9 p m $15 Bike IkHlor Workshop with Tim Kai*er I-MU Craft Center b V) 9: H) p m $2 Outdoor I equipment Swap KMU Dining Kimhii 6 H) M TO p m Free w i dm sda>, 416 Talk by Linda Stork. member of the Na t tonal Association for Adult Children of Alcoholic*. on |er«>wm|S up in an alcoholic home irC Board Room. 21b Administration Building Noon I 50 p m Ihursdav 4-17 Pedal Pushers bike tout Meet at Outdoor Program 4 p m Call hHb 4 tb5 for further info AKT, ON KXHIRIT Aperture Gallery Phtaographs by Tina Owitrakowski Through April Photography at Oregon Gallery Blac k and while work* by Massac husetts pb*Hc»grjpher Karl Baden Through April 15 Museum of An Work* by sculptor Paul Buc kner and painter R»m Graff Through May 4 lame C»immunity College Work* by Dermis A ( m hi Id Lhrough April 24 New /one Ciallery inside Tracks. Outside Trace*** day work* by Tina Dworakowski. Doifg Kaiglcr B«>b Wenger, and Patricia' Wessman- Through April 24 Keystone Cafe Visums in My Mind mu; cd media, exhibit 'by Jean. Marie' Aurhaguc Dc Spain ThnHJgh April U '-’Transitory Figures" pitMel* by Stephen B***wcll April i: May 12 Jacobs Community Room. Hu.lt Center "Nuclear Disarmament and World Peace An Pxhibition by Calligraphic Artists Through April 19 Maude Kerns Art Center "Separate Realities' a two-day exhibition ol Native American art and culture, including lectures and music April 11 and 12 7 H p hi $5 both nights S t per night Call 345-1571 lor lurlber into. Willamette Science and Technology Center: VaruHis hands t»n exhibits plus planetarium shows on Saturday and Sunday Spring Skies at I pm and Fire in the Sks a multi media show on Halley's comet, at } pm UniycrKtty Musc*um of Natural History Native N*»nhwest l*bot»»graphs by Dave Curtis ihrough June 14 Indian B.iskctrs <>! the Oregon C»mntry.' "Cimlinuity of Culture Indian and Metis Bcadwork ol the Northern Woodlands and Plain*. "Gcofogic Hisf»»ry ot OregiHt. and 'Stone- anti Bone Sculpture Ihhii the* Columbia River' Through June- 14 ’ Thomas Condon. Father »d Oregi*n C»cx4ogy t hrough June Compiled bv Bob Webb 686-INFO Tape 651 Ping-Pong paddles & balls At your Bookstore r Zoueh of Class Clothing Now paying more for clothes. Quality Resale for women and children. IL Mon-Fri. 10:00-5:30 Sat 10:00-5:00 21.50 Willamette • 541-000 A EMU Food Service and the Cultural Forum Present The Beer Garden □TODAY□ Good Music & Cold Beer 4 - 7 pm In the EMU Fountain Court GUARANTEED GREAT MUSIC!! Buy Any Of These Great CBS Albums Or Cassettes, And If You Don't Like It, Return It Within 30 Days With Your ReceiptFor A Complete Refund!!! Including: Tuff Enuff r Including: No Easy Way Out LP or Tape Available on CBS Records A Tapes Available on CBS Records & Tapes Valley River Center 683-8330 Mon, - Frl. 10-9 Sat. 10-6 a hum Sunday 11-5 Cent,, Outlet Records and Tapes “An Oregon Tradition” Fifth and Willamette 687-0761 Mon. - Thur. 10-9 Fri. - Sat. 10-10 Sunday 11-6