OREGON HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES YOUR FORMER HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELORS WILL BE ON CAMPUS MONDAY, APRIL 14TH They want to talk with you. They want to find out how things are going. THEY'LL MEET YOU IN THE EMU FROM 1:15 TO 3:00 P.M. NEXT MONDAY Look for the room assignments on the EMU Bulletin Boards. . - There will also be an ad in Monday's Emerald showing the schools and room assignments. ■H M Ktim i miM W ■■■■■■■■Hi Till ORIGINAL. I M IT, I IM HEVEB MASTHIPIIXF. iminaij sitiifriami SAILVKEUKKNAN liARVBliGlOPr HOKFKT IMYAII FI.IJOT liOIIB KIIH'OHT MtlKMI T ALTMAN'S FRIDAY, APRIL II 7:00*9:30 PM IHOPLC IHMISMO V S2.IHI IIM l l<) II .IIMKItK I ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥*¥** ^ New Rage Sports Clothing with Barely Legal, Jimmy’Z, Quick-Silver, Lite’s a Beach and 96° ✓ Full service skateboard shop dealing in all major brands. Quality Reconditioned Bicycles, New Bicycles and Repair. Willamette Sports Center Presents: The 1st Annual Oregon State-Wide Street-Style Competition Saturday APRIL 12th • 10am to 4pm Behind the Black Angus Inn, 2121 Franklin Blvd., Eugene Worlds’s Best Pro Skaters representing major skateboard manufacturers will be skating for a $1500.00 purse. We Rent Roller Skate* 2705 Willamette 345-5945 Serving South Eugene Mon-Sat. 10:00 ■ 6:00 Sunday 12:00 ■ 5.00 #*******¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ CINEMA BBC feature records lives of young Britons 1n 1964. y 6 u n g Gran ada T e I e v. i si o n researcher M i c h a e 1 Apted chose 14 seven-year-old children to be the subject of a BBC ddcurnen tary "7 Up. ” The project was;so successful that Apted tiattie back every.seven years, to see how the -youngsters were do)hg. and created a new -feature ;to. show'for it .; „ • • ”28 Up” is more-than a, si ice .* pf life at 28. It's a thread of,fife.. Apted has sifted through the four diffe.fen} ‘periods;and .put . together a * fiI'm ' that-..• doesn't merely -peek , in at one-stage Of - develop" m »Vn t b u t •.. f olio w s; - . through and compares ^ w here , these prjople. were as children with whent they are now as adiilts' ;Vv~'.. :•j..,.,--' : V28 Up.'Vis also: the study of .an environment.! — ‘the British school \vstom and class,based society. As the: chiIdren grow * up. Ilieir surrouridingiiViVay'e ah . effect oh ihthr adult lives.V , • • ;■ ’ .. • *..