Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1986, THE Friday EDITION, Page 3B, Image 11

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    ’Femmes: Timeless, open
Dear Mom.
You had boon gone for.a few months when I
first heard Violent Femmes in late 1983.. From
.that first odd duckling, riff of "Blist’er in thoSini,"^.-.
Ik new t hey were my. hand. They seemed,.to en
compass everything good and; warm hearted you
were: This was a band. stripped down 't;ov the
essentials with ai sponTaneiids; nerva'.exposed.
* -i,- 1 hhy 8taripd playing^on strent\ corners^;In
.Milwaukee, -W.is^j^lj^.-invttr-^Jianjjiin^-.'nanrliirH;- like
•the Ruthlesi A^ustits-. dJufim^tHe'yTe’bigjtime
rocording'artlst#..They even pj;rty.ed.( larnegie Ilall
•;.1 iti .New York City, three <Weeks- ago^ The st.une
. ; s(>uiKis like "t h«; .JtiVat les; ’y()u th()Vigiit I hey were a
fad wheh l)ad bft>ught- thtrkidsJcrshe ' * I lard I lay's
'One hundred^kicisf riished, the stage, going
'Jbfierk'. and kissed-Ciiirdthj.Ciand.- the femmes'
^.singer. Brian Ritchie; the bassist, ant! Victor lie
L/Oreh^a’ the dru.rnmef. Hriah stiysTt was pretty
exciting to play .a place that had. people like
earns have become more universal and all-age
encompassing since “Add It Up/'/asongon their
first record about teenage lust and frustration- .
It would be kind of ridiculous for a 40-yeair
•old man to be saying "Why can't I get just one
fu(:k?' i tl)ink he should've been fucked by the
time he was 40“' Hrjan says.
V: , '; (ioiid6i>'s nevy;lyrii:s recall nothing less than
john JUmiion's stark first..solo record with the
i’lastic.Ono Hand. “Faith." a song Which could
e.isilv l»' he^dfarTaylot's. is .1 direct 1 op of
Lennon's "God." I.lk.e';linnoh. Gordon details
everything he doesn't believe in like General
Motors, the president and tile I Mgu.n of Women
Voters hut ends up by saying he believes there's a
spirit for everyune. Gordon’s spirituality is
sometimes seen as being insincere on songs like
“Jesus Walking on the Water” but I think he just
shows a more freewheeling open-minded ap
proach to religion.
Qn "No Killing." Gordon spins out a series
ur*l hiium
The Violent Fejrimes piny the EMU liining Room Monday night at 8:30. Advance tickets are $7
for students. $8 for the public, anti are available at the EMI? Main Ih-sk. Prices rise $1.50 the day
of the show.
Pholo < ourtoftY KMIJ (!)
Tc haikovsky, "a pretty decent guy." I think you
would have been impressed.
With their new record "The Itlind heading
the Naked." I can see the Violent Femmes lasting
another thirty years. They've developed their
teenage angst and dance sound into a timeless
sound featuring an open format that allows them
to include guests on some songs like Jerry Har
rison of the Talking Heads on organ. Steve Scales
on percussion and Fred Frith on weird
Brian says his personal goal, whether the
Femmes stay together or not. is to remain
musically valid until a ripe old age It's good to
see that the good things in life can stick around
and not he damaged irreparably. He usees 70-year
old Sun Ka. a Philadelphia jazz musician, as a
role model Brian says the biggest maturing in the
Femmes has been in the lyrics; the Femmes' con
of mantras likt! “We don't want no killing l.ord. I
don't want to see my brother die." The cynical
might say the message is too basic hut it hits an
emotional chord, especially if you hear it the
same day the Senate votes to fund the Gonlras.
There’s not much time* left. Gordon seems to
say. so why speak with “poetic” artifice grafted
Oil top of it? Before showing us who the nuked
are. he gives us a rundown of who the blind
leaders are. Mom. “Old Mother Reagan" is a half
minute punkuhiliy romp that hopes “she go far
Violent Femmes should slay awhile. When
the second record came out I really thought I had
lost something I loved and believed in. With this
new record, a friend has reappeared after a long
Story by Paul Sturt/
Tenth No Nukes Ball slated
One of Kugene's favorite bands, lames T.
And The Tough. and one of tint area's newer
musical entities. Liv and I art l.ive, will provide
dance music for the tenth annual No Nukes Hall
Saturday night at the WOW Mali.
The two trends will he joined by the a capella
women's group Sweetgrass and legendary street
film theater actor Stoney Burke of Berkeley. Calif.
For the past decade, the No Nukes halls have
been held to raise money for anti-nuclear con
cerns. as well as to provide information about
ongoing anti-nuclear projects. Past balls
celebrated passage of initiatives banning nuclear
plant construction and radioactive-waste storage
in Oregon, and urging a nuclear freeze with the
Soviet Union.
Information about drives to designate Uine
County and Oregon as nuclear-free zones will lx;
provided at this year's event.
The ball begins at 7:00 with food and free
films. Sliding-scale admission based on ability to
pay will be from $:t to $5. The WOW Hall is
wheelchair-accessible, and free child care can be
reserved by culling Citizen Action for lasting
Security at 343-8548.
The WOW Hall is located at West Kighth
Avenue and Lincoln Street.
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Case offers recital
University guitar instructor David Caae. one of Eugene's
premier classical guitar soloists, will perform a free faculty
recital Wednesday night at 8.00 in Beall Hail.
Appearing on the program with Caae will be harpsichor
dist John Hamilton and tenor Eric Benedict.
The program will include sonatas by Domenico Scariatti,
Spanish pieces by Isaac Albeniz and a guitar-harpsichord ar
rangement of Boccherini’s introduction and Fandango" by
(ulian Bream. The works of English composers )ohn Dowland
and Benjamin Britten will be featured as well.
Case is an instructor of Performance Studies. Guitar
Ensemble and Guitar Performance. He teaches courses for
beginning guitarists through the University's Continuation
Center as well. Case is also a co-founder and board member of
the Eugene Guitar Association.
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