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J U'ty em0W~i~r*l ^ ■ f| Reg. *23.00 NOW ■ W TAP CHARACTER 2 nr* »*n* •*** «r», |*o» ORner and urn* -*■* Reg *30 WOW $2400 JAZZ SNEAKER 5-“* C arvaitop fUBftr* H*r •**<' ft*** Reg. *27.00 women NOW Reg. *28.00 men WOW ^22^ $2iw LOW HEEL TAP Se9.*t».»!*«««*•“_ JJCOO SOFT SOLE JAZZ >*»r< «««• «*« «w, Reg. *35.00 women WOW Reg. *37.00 men WOW ^29^ *28°° Reg. *32.00 women NOW Reg. 34.00 men WOW 12720 CAPEZIO POINTE Sawn. P** ___ Reg. '31.00 WOW $25°° Rip Stop pants S tops y,;'y-^l795-,1300 Selected Tights up to 60% o«f LA GEAR AEROBIC SHOES | Lateae FMNan 8 Cotor*l HfTop LoTop •42.95 '34** •39.95 *33** Rite of spring: Market opens Sunshine welcomed the opening of a new season for one of Eugene’s traditional signs of spring. The Saturday Market, a local attraction featuring handmade arts and crafts, food and music, began its 17th year Saturday with the usual cross-section of local residents and visitors, who have supported the the market's develop ment through the years. • A block-party atmosphere prevails at the market, which draws everyone from families and students to street musicians and artists to the Park Blocks near East Eighth Avenue'and Oak Streets. Claire Feighan, Saturday Market manager, says-the.weekond event has become a so}id part of the community. : ’’The fact that it’s a place where you can go .down and buy your food and your arts and crafts from people who actually'made them makes it popular.'* she says. The market also provides artists and craft . speople an opportunity to start a business with .Very little overhead, she adds. / • • More than. 125 booths, selling pottery, '.jewelry, wood carvings, clothing, food, furniture, •'toys end-assorted gifts, wen? present for the Open ing; Feighan says she. expects this nnrriber to ru . -main fbr most of the season, which runs through ■ :• December.' '. ••• •. V ' *'••••. • Wave got Yuppies, grandmothers, single moms* and dads, nuclear families, extended families, part-time and full-time artists, students, people who sell at the market for fun. people who make the majority of-their living here, people from all over the,world, and incredibly, native Oregonians,” she, says. • ; .. Thanks to Saturday Market exposure, a number of artisans and epicures have taken.their wares .to bigger markets. .They include Monster , • Cookies," Toby's Tofu Products. Fibergraphics.' . jody Coyote Jewelry and. Anita’s'Empanddas. Leilani Horsfall, a Eugene resident,' has sold • her brightly colored windsocks at the market for about five years. She has a separate shop at the Fifth Street Public. Market where she sells her designs year-round. . . Hut 'Horsfall, along with many .other booth operators, still enjoys.the' relaxed.and friendly at mosphere present in the Park Blocks.'. : ' Janari Dean, also a resident, has beep a part of the market' for 10 years."selling her pottery work She began by sharing a booth with another woman,.but is now ori her ow.n and says'she. feels : good about being able to build her. oyrn'business, "I; enjoy being my own boss and selling directly to the people." . ■ ' For others, the market serves:as a single stop oh a planned sales circuit. V " lames, who declined to give his last name, says he always comes to the Saturday Market's first show to sell his wooden boxes: He attends craft shows and festivals all over the western United States, hut says he has returned to Eugene for the past it) years. Beth Warriner also takes her products op the road, but says she sets up a stand at the Saturduy . .. „ # „ •. V rn^BiHiiwpnim. Kids of all axes and sixth* look to’the ofwniny of the Saturday Market as a true sign that spring ' has arrived in Eugene., : :t'.: /; ••• • Market whim she is home in Kugene. and it’s not raining.' •" ■ ' / l. • . • . Warriner has sold her natural stone jewelry at the market for alnhit a year'and hail become one of its many advocates. ' » " •* . ■ r7 "You get to see and meet lots of different people." she .says.’ ‘.it’s great. And if yon can make money at it, It's even better..",' The Saturday Market grow out of the Christmas EPK/ sales - the Eugene-Peace infor mation Center . which wereorganized bv Lotte Streisingerin the early 1‘JhOs, Pnighuu says. By . 19W9. people were lining up outside the door of the sale and it became obvious that a more fre quent event would be supported by the community The market, vyhlch has produced many ini itators around the country, was originally located under the downtown Overpark It was then mov ed to the Lane'County.Courthouse parking lot on Oak Street la-fore find pig its current, permanent home iri the Park Blocks Story by Julie Freeman INTERNATIONAL NIGHT An evening of exotic and cultural performances from all around the globe SUNDAY, APRIL 13 5:00 - 8:00pm • Mac Court Tickets available at the EMU Main Desk STUDENTS $5.00 in advance/$6.00 at the door GENERAL $6.00 in advance/$7.00 at the door Sponsored by the Foreign Students Organization