Sports_ Swimmers head for Pac-10 championships Hy Jeff Lut/.ky CM lb* Kmaralri The men'# swimming team will be trying to gut themselves out of the cellur when they hood to the Pacific-10 Conference swimming championships at East Los Angeles Community College today through Saturday. "We want to beat the Univer sity of Washington, and if all goes well, we can." says assis tant coach )amie lietzel. "The only problem is that it has been about five years since I've been involved in a meet where everything wont right. We're probably still a year away from beating them." But anything more than beating the Huskies fs something the Ducks won't be considering — even in their wildest dreams, The meet . features defending1 NCAA champion Stanford University ;■ along with many of the other top teams in the country . " According to Hetzol, Stanford should-be able to defehd.their ti tle, although they'll get a strong battle from the University ol • California. -• . University, of ^Southern Califor nia sKould lwItle fpt third and • fouilfi'plac